Over the course of the last week, we’ve experienced a series of oppositions between the Sun in Cancer and Jupiter, Pluto and finally, yesterday a new moon in Cancer in opposition in the sky to Saturn in Capricorn. As you read last week, this is one of the most important transits of July because it’s all happening 2 times across the Capricorn, Cancer axis this month. Capricorn and Cancer are what we call cardinal signs and so our actions and responses are put under the spot light as the energy of this new moon approaches. It’s about positively meshing or bringing together different elements to form something that helps all sides. This is a very important new moon as it raises awareness of choice. The choice to collaborate and grow together or divide and separate. It’s about recognizing traditional responses and where there’s the need for change. The most positive response of course is to, set aside old ways, ego driven responses and to allow yourself to be humbled, allowing another or new point of view. Cancer brings about a sensitivity and need to nurture and help something or someone to grow with care. Saturn in Capricorn brings up a realization of the seriousness of what’s real and shows those who are determined to be in charge just for the sheer need to control whether kind or not! Capricorn energy also brings up our individual judgements and status driven desires. Whenever the Sun connects with a planet, it shines light on the energy of that planet. The best response to an opposing force is for each side to recognize the differences and then to acknowledge where the ego has stepped in. The Sun represents on one side the essense of life and spirit and on the other side the ego. Saturns energy reminds us of our responsibilitities. It’s the teacher and it shows where there’s work to be done. This new moon may be difficult because it wants to teach us something and it will come through some outside person or experience. It carries an energy that may ask each of us to look at our faults, our judgements, rigid or harsh behaviors, where we are fearful, where we maybe defensive because we refuse to realize something true or real about ourselves or others. The energy of Saturn tends to protect, it can show where fear lies, but it’s also about gaining wisdom through experience. The Sun in Cancer shines a light that reaches out in a motherly way to gently care for and nurture. As it is opposite Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn it is likely many old patterns will be recognized and be put under a spotlight. So often oppositions separate people because one side or both sides refuse to collaborate or to accept the truth. The most positive response is for the truth to be accepted. Both sides agree to disagree or agree that what has been brought up is correct, and then both sides work together toward a peaceful understanding. The capricorn, cancer opposition can also bring up an awareness that we’re mean’t to look at something we’ve always done one way. It’s like looking up at the same sky every night and then one night the sky looks very different and we have a choice to stay and accept this new view or we can run away because of fear. I took a look at the Sabian symbol for this new moon. Sabian symbols provide a further explanation of an energy influence, and here is what it said. This is from Linda Hills sabian symbols. In your mind picture seeing a daughter of the american revolution. This symbol shows the ability or the need to stand up for an ideal or a situation that demands your involvement. This could be about political or social revolution, or fighting to change the status quo. Relying on old traditions that were, in their day, radical and transforming, may no longer work. The difficulty is that these traditions are more predictable, conservative values that may no longer seem relevant to today’s needs and aspirations. Despite your inner feelings of modern freedom, you may come up against those that are more conservative and unmoving. Being bound by social conditioning. Leading the charge to break down the barriers of tradition. Sacrificing oneself for the larger picture. Wanting change. Fighting the norm. The Caution: Supporting battles that have already been won. False feelings of superiority. Narrow-minded conservatism. Glorifying the past. Having to be ‘in the club’ to be accepted. This is the first new moon since the solar eclipse in June and the experiences you have may be ones of opposition. From my experience in working with Astrology, opposing energies can also bring people closer together. If we can allow a different perception from outside, this energy can connect us and deepen our relationships. Perhaps this new moon is about opening our hearts to realize something we’ve refused to see! Perhaps it shows us an area where we’ve refused to grow. Wherever this new moon is in your chart is where there is a need to deal with whatever situations come up. This is about recognizing our personal needs. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto continue to be retrograde into September and October, so this is a great time for self reflection. All 3 planets are in Capricorn, so this is the time for examining the truth about our fears and our responsibilities. It’s a great time for reflecting on what our individual limitations have been and considering how we can change them. Jupiters energy encourages us to be optimistic. Saturns energy represents time and Pluto’s energy represents clearing away the old so that regeneration can occur. During these retrogrades and especially at this highly emotional new moon, it is very important we look within ourselves and what it is we we need to overcome. I hope that this has given you some clarity, as you look at your own path. As always, I greatly appreciate your support and hope at least some part of this information has helped and resonates for you. If you’ve found it helpful, please share with others in your social networks. As always you can find out more about the personal Readings I offer, savings with yearly subscriptions and “The Language of Astrology Classes“, I teach. Classes are discounted at 50% at this time. Click on the link above to find out more. This includes dates new classes are beginning. Here’s a link to my website. I look forward to staying in touch. P.S. Just thought I’d share a couple testimonials that were just sent to me in the last 2 weeks. I’m so grateful for all of you! image source planetfacts 07/10/20 Hi Andrea, I watched last week’s class, last night and I have to say, it was great. I wish I had been there. The formula you use to translate aspects, it really clicked for me. I used the formula for a few aspects in my own birth chart after watching the video and it’s pretty powerful stuff. I know I have said this before but I am really enjoying class and I will miss you all when this is over. Last week’s class had such great participation and feedback from the ladies. It was fantastic. Thanks Andrea and talk soon, Sarah Freeman 07/08/20 Hi Andrea, Just wanted to thank you again for the Horary reading. I found my car keys!! Almost all astrologers know about Horary, but not many actually take the time to study and understand it. I’m so glad you did. You said, the keys were inside a container that was higher up and on the NW side of the house. A very unusual place that I would never suspect. You said a friend was involved, and that it would take some work on my part to discover where they were, but I would find them. You were right about everything. It did take two days of re-looking everywhere, but I found them in the bottom of a drawer of fabric. I had put away the fabric, a friend had given me that day, and the room is upstairs on the NW side of the house. The keys had fallen inside and were hidden in the bottom of the drawer. I had looked there before, but never looked under the fabric. You know, your ability really helped us! Not only do we have the two sets of car keys back, but had we had to replace them, we would have had to spend over $700. Thank You!! Not only are you smart and intuitive, you are also a very nice person. Thank you Andrea. Loren Tabor Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body, Andrea Klim Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there TURN TO THE STARS 603-490-6253 |