Last evening was Turn to the Stars 3rd week of hosting an Interactive Meetup where universal Astrology Insight is bringing people together. It’s been very successful in bringing knowledge, support and is a growing platform for clients I’ve provided Readings for and taught the language of Astrology to for many years. Everyone’s response is inspiring! Astrology is a tremendous tool offering knowledge for timing with details for how we can all proceed. Along time ago I heard this and have passed this message on. “Astrology isn’t something to believe in. It’s something you learn about which becomes an incredible tool we can use to understand our lifes path“! I never forgot this because it’s so true. People have looked to the stars/planets surrounding us here on Earth for thousands of years. It provides us with a map for navigating life. Today everyone uses a GPS navigational app and Astrology is exactly that. Navigation for the roads of your souls journey. It is now more crucial and critical then ever to understand areas of relief and challenges both universally and personally. On last nights meeting I provided the week aheads overall planetary influences and long range influences along with charts from history showing similar influences as we are currently experiencing. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE RECORDING We have major planetary shifts not to far ahead of us. The northnode is about to shift from Cancer to Gemini so any method for sharing knowledge, new ideas for learning, safe methods of communication, networking, gathering information, learning through smart based networks will be far reaching and overall beneficial. Please tune in. I received e-mails today requesting the recording. So please mark your calendar for next Tuesday evening to participate and please share with anyone who’s looking for farther reaching Astrology insight then is available. In the last couple days and last evening many people expressed their interest to learn how to interpret Astrology by Zoom classes. Many of you have taken my classes in the past and so I hope to offer you some news on that by next week.For a personal Reading, please contact me to schedule a time. Click on the special blue link below to use the coupon. I’m doing all I can to assist and be supportive of you as a whole and personally during this time by providing very important insight via Zoom. I’m very grateful to be able to provide this knowledge to you. Also I want to encourage everyone to be supportive of those you can! We’re all realizing how important we are to each other as we all experience social distancing. Next Tuesday starting at 7 p.m. I’ll be hosting the 4th week of a Interactive Meetup providing universal Astrology Insight into the next week. Please stay well! I look forward to seeing, sharing and talking with you. Below is a link to my Zoom room. We’ll be using the same one each week. I also have the link posted to the front page of my website. I hope this makes it easier for everyone to join in. Please share it so others can join in. If I can be of service to you with more personal astrology insight … I am available. Join the interactive meetup next week April 22 May you be well spirit, soul, mind & body,Andrea Klim |