WITH MARS AT its closest to Earth in 15 years, and an extra-long lunar eclipse, and a dazzling meteor shower, July is shaping up to be a busy time for planetary activity and for sky-watchers. We haven’t felt an eclipse that lasted this long in 120 years. Mars in Aquarius will be right next to the southnode stirring up memories of past actions amongst friends, communities, groups and next to the full moon eclipsed, emotions will be ballooned. Mars is retrograde and so it could feel like we’re being turned inside out emotionally. Aquarius gives us a great tool of talking out those experiences from the past that seem to be bubbling up. Exploring the root cause of emotions, fears, anger and don’t forget … also the stories that brought smiles to your face, will be topics of deep discussion. The total lunar eclipse will occur on Friday July 27….. this one will stir up humanities awareness of what’s humane and what is not. I’ll be back with more information soon…. have a great weekend everyone! And don’t forget to Turn To The Stars and you will find answers there