Mercury in Aries turn retrograde on March 22 at 2:21 p.m. here on the east coast. Re Tro Grade …. means time to review all those personal ideas for forward movement…. research, review, reflect ….. Mercury is in Aries…. Mercury’s energy influences our thoughts, ability to reason and think clearly and when its retrograde it’s not operating at full capacity… time for a respit….. March 22-April 14 and during this period of time right around March 31 ….. we realize the reason(s) for this review, this respit…. this is when the Sun in Aries and Mercury in Aries stand side by side and the Sun lights up our minds …. Aries brings areas of ourselves to the forefront and there will be much self review. Be very careful driving my friends. Logic is lessened. People are not thinking clearly. If you have to make a decision, know that you will be revisiting it. This is a great time to learn how to calm the animal within…. Aries is ruled by Mars. How do we calm our anger? How do we find peace with anger that fills our minds? What action can be taken that won’t harm other but will sooth angst and frustration? Has anger popped up and you are finally realizing where it’s coming from and what spiritual tool can you find that soothes that hot air? Aries energy is fire and so the impulse to act will be strong. I learned years ago that the most evolved or esoteric side of Aries is the one who has discovered the way to avoid banging their head into the wall by engaging their mind and spirit before acting….. Wishing you all a wonderful day