Eclipse Portal, Cosmic Key & More

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
Above is a picture I took of the Total Lunar Eclipse while it was in the process of occurring. It was taken at approximately 12:40 a.m. in Mount Dora, FL. A Leo Lunar Eclipse signifying a “change of heart, a change of how you express yourself, a change in how you are recognized” and that there is a new fulfilling direction in areas of family, home, security and nurturance. Lunar eclipses shine a light onto relationships indicating something is about to shift. A signal that it’s time to let go of the old patterns in relationships and to open our hearts to a new direction.
An Eclipse Portal is normally a month where there is a set of eclipses occurring, that is both a Solar and a Lunar Eclipse. During a Solar Eclipse the Sun and Moon are side by side telling us something about who we are, how we feel, what is complete and that’s there’s something new on the horizon. The zodiac sign it’s in tells us how these new influences will act and the house the Eclipse is in tells us what area of our life is being influenced. The planets the Eclipse connects with or is communicating with by aspect tells the story. Everyone is different and has a different chart, so the details will be different for each of us. So in essence at the time of the Solar Eclipse a huge, new seed of experience is planted and begins to grow in our awareness daily. Two and 1/2 weeks later at the time of the Lunar Eclipse, the seed has popped it’s head out into the world and we can see these themes of change in our life much clearer. The time between the Lunar Eclipse and the next New Moon is a period of growth for these news seeds of change. The next New Moon indicates where we’re going next. Something is growing and the next 5 New Moon’s to follow the eclipses brings these themes alive. Essentially the theme and promise of change delivered by an Eclipse Portal is now realized and becomes the focus of the next 5 months. Each month builds on the theme and brings in a new knowing, understanding and provides us with further information about this theme of change. I often think of Eclipses as major markers indicating that we are about to have a shift in our consciousness.
The Capricorn Solar Eclipse that occurred January 5th set a new foundation and the Aquarius New Moon lights a spark. Aquarius inspires and wants a strategy, a plan to be put together toward a end goal that is good for all. This New Moon will be on February 4th at 15 degrees in Aquarius with Mercury right beside it. Something is forming and coming together and is ready to break out and break free. I’ll be writing more about this next week. Remember this article is written from a universal chart and perspective. Meaning what I’ve described above is, in general, affecting everyone. Can you see how helpful it is to have this knowledge and resonance with our solar system. I call this knowledge “A Cosmic Key” because Eclipse Portals reveal a key of knowledge about the influences of change and the future.
If you were born around the beginning or the 20th of any month, this is a very important time in your life. I can help by mapping out and explain your personal “Cosmic Key” future map in detail. Here is a link to a Discount Coupon for $20 off an hr or more reading. Expires February 4. Option: Purchase now and schedule right away or purchase now and schedule later.
Purchase a Reading Using Eclipse DIscount Coupon
Do you have a birthday in January or February? If so I’m offering $30 off a 1 hr or more Reading.
Purchase a Birthday Reading Using This Coupon
Please mark you calendar to join us this Saturday January 26, 2019 from 9 – 5 p.m. I will be at Goddess Productions, 208 W. Main St., Leesburg, FL 34748 offering Astrology & Spiritually Insightful Readings at their 1st mini fair of 2019. The fair offers Readers, Astrology, Vendors, Lectures, Sales, Raffles, Free Gift, Refreshments & More. Reserve your space and time by booking your appointment ahead by clicking on one of the links below. Please indicate what time you’d like your Reading. Your birth time is required. I look forward to seeing you there! P.S. Readings are discounted for the fair.
Click Here To Register For A 15 Minute Reading
Click Here To Register For A 30 Minute
Please Note: Once you’ve made your purchase I will contact you to get your birth information and to set an appointment for your Reading on Saturday at the fair or privately by phone or in person.
Wishing you peace during this time of incredible change,
Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars
Phone: 603-490-6253

Introduction to Astrology 101 Overview This Saturday Jan. 19

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
Above is a picture taken from the front view of our solar system. One of the first things I teach is the physical location of the planets as they transit around our Sun. Having this knowledge is an important foundation toward successful interpretation.

Click here to view a video I created of our solar system

In my newsletter last week I included information about a series of Astrology 101 Classes that I’m going to be overviewing for all who attend and is interested in learning step by step how to interpret the language of Astrology. Astrology 101 has 20 classes and I designed them to provide you with the knowledge and formulas required to be successful at interpreting a birthchart.

Please join me this Saturday January 19, 2019 from 1 – 3 p.m. I will be at Goddess Productions, 208 W. Main St., Leesburg, FL 34748. The cost to register for Saturday is $10.00. I encourage you to bring a friend. This Introduction is mean’t to inform you of what’s included in these 20 classes. The classes are mean’t to be fun as well as educational.

Click Here To Register

Don’t forget we are in the midst of an eclipse portal. We’re all experiencing changes in some part of our life. I’d love to help you to map it out! Here is a link to a Discount Coupon for $20 off an hr or more reading. Expires February 4. Option: Purchase now and schedule right away or purchase now and schedule later.

Click Here To Purchase a Reading Using Discount Coupon…

When is your Birth Day? Click here to save $30 off a BIrthday Reading…

Once you’ve made your purchase I will contact you to get your birth information and to set an appointment for your Reading.

Wishing you peace during this time of incredible change,

Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars
Phone: 603-490-6253

Leo Total Lunar Eclipse – Pushing reset – Jan. 21, 2019

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
Please scroll to the end of this article for information about the Astrology 101 courses I’ll be offering. Please note January 19 willl be an overview of what you can expect to learn from these classes. I hope to see you there!
As we begin 2019, change is already on our path as a whole New Year begins but also this month we have 2 eclipses. The first was a partial solar eclipse on Jan. 5, 2019 and the next in line is a lunar eclipse on Jan. 21, 2019. Eclipses are considered “wild cards” in our horoscopes. because they are some of the most powerful influences coming from our surrounding solar system that grabs our attention to areas where change is about to take place. Prior to the eclipse we are on the dark side of the eclipse until new light comes from a New Moon (Solar Eclipse) or a Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse). Sometimes they slow us down with good reason and other times they give us an open door through which relief is promised over the course of the next 6 months. They uproot us, surprise us, and get us moving. They tend to give us a reality check and show us what’s most important and where the most of our attention will be at the time by the position of the eclipse so that we can move from one level of maturity to another. Eclipses teach us about change and where it must happen. Please see my article below on the lunar eclipse.
Eclipse Season Coupon & Birthday Coupons: Eclipse Season has begun with the first partial Solar Eclipse occurring in Capricorn on Jan. 5, 2019. Capricorns symbol is of the water goat and signifies evolution. We can see and feel this all around us as the structure of most everything is changing. The next eclipse is a total lunar eclipse and will be on Mon. Jan. 21, 2019. From now until Feb. 4, 2019 I am offering $20 off a 1 hr or more reading (normal cost $125). Save $10 off 30 min reading (normally $65) and save $5 off 15 minutes normally $35. This can be applied to Gift Certificates or gifts to yourself. Click on the link below to take advantage of this offer for yourself or a loved one. Click here to purchase and I will contact you for get your birth information and to set up your appointment.
There will be 5 eclipses in 2019 and 6 in 2020. I can help you by explaining the influences, discussing the themes and important dates to be aware of presently and in the future. I will help you to understand and plan offering ideas and strategies for the best management of the changes. Astrology is a tool that brings understanding, awareness and a method to plan et.
Your birth day signifies that you are about to welcome a whole new year of life. The Sun by transit is about to return to the place it was when you were born. A renewal of spirit, of light and vitality. Birth Days are special times and approaching the lunar eclipse at 0 degrees Leo it inspires recognition into how we are special. I will be offering Birth Day coupons for $30 off an hour reading. These can be purchased for yourself or for a special person who’s celebrating a birthday. To purchase click on any of the links above and I will contact you to set up your appt. and to gather your birth information for your reading. After all Leo loves a party and a celebration and we all need to be recognized on our special days. There’s a song I just recalled entitled “Shine Bright Like A Diamond”. I can help you to map out your year ahead and to identify key times. Treat yourself special on your birthday! Please read on for the universal Lunar Eclipse article.
Universal Astrology Chart of the Lunar Eclipse
As you’ve read today’s article is about the upcoming, total lunar eclipse, super blood moon and wolf moon. This is the 2nd of 5 eclipses to occur in 2019. Please refer to the chart above. It occurs here in Florida at 12:56 a.m. It is at 0 degrees of Leo with the Northnode of the Moon in Cancer at 26 degrees conjunct it or beside it. This is our last eclipse in Leo for about 8 or 9 years. It is also a sign that the full moons will soon be changing by zodiac sign. We are calling this a “reset button” as it signifies the end of the fixed eclipses and at 0 degrees the beginning of a new phase of full moons entering into new territory. By the full moon on April 19 a shift will occur to 29 degrees Libra. So, if you are a Leo, Sagittarius, or Aries born around the 21st of the month you will have experiences of harmonious change unfold at this time with promises of new and beneficial directions. It signifies a return to your heart. A return to who you are. Because eclipses by degree travel backwards, like the nodes this signifies a return to what we thought was what we wanted over the last couple of years and ushers in a change of heart. Since 2017 things have been being removed from your heart. Perhaps what you thought was important to you then has changed and now it’s not. This Eclipse is showing you who you truly are and what you truly like. This Eclipse activates your solar plexus reminding us that we have the power to be who we are. Because it occurs on a full moon where the Leo full moon is opposite the Sun in Aquarius it reminds us that we are connected to humanity, there’s this string of connectedness. It helps us to understand whole heartedly how we are not alone. Since The North Node is in Cancer right beside this Lunar Eclipse. It’s message “listen to your heart in matters around family and relationships”.
This super moon eclipse can be viewed from North and South America, Greenland, Iceland, Europe, northern and western Africa plus the Arctic region of the globe.
Lunar eclipses cause what we call soul stirrings. Through the reflections of the Sun (spirit) onto the Moon, our Soul speaks about where it needs to go to feel fulfilled, i.e. what will be good for us or beneficial. Lunar eclipses influence changes in relationships. This is because of the opposite signs the Sun and Moon are in. It brings great awareness of others. Helps us to gain clarity around our surroundings and exterior influences albeit emotions are expanded. Basically this shows us where our soul needs to go in order to find fulfillment. Just a reminder a super moon is when a full moon is closest to Earth. It’s influences are stronger then a normal full moon. A blood moon is when the moon passes into the Earth’s shadow refracting the light of the Sun through space particles giving it a red appearance. And the “wolf moon” is a traditional name for the first full moon of the year in January.
If you look at the chart above, you will see my red pen is pointing to the total lunar eclipse in Leo.
Here is some insight into Leo from both a positive and a difficult perspective. Leo likes to be seen and heard. It’s strong, stable, courageous, positive, funny, big hearted, creative, loyal, fun loving,confident, loves games and is typically at the front leading. Albeit when it is stressed it can be dramatic, overzealous, stubborn and long suffering because of its inability to let go of control. It is ruled by the Sun so naturally wants to be recognized wherever it goes. It is one of the fixed signs of the zodiac and so it can be very stubborn and not willing to change. Leo also holds a signature of being from royal blood in another lifetime and so there’s a sense of needing to be special or heard in some way. From an emotional standpoint a new direction is indicated in whatever area of your chart this occurs. Remember, this is important because it shows what your new direction will be and how this new cycle will unfold over the next 6 month.
This article is written looking at the universal chart you see above. This means that this energy is influencing everyone in some way. To schedule a personal reading using the Eclipse Coupon simply respond to this e-mail. Let me help you to map out your New Year. Astrology is a tool we can use to plan et. It uncovers mysteries and opens a door to understanding our individual divine plan. It is written in the stars and the study of astrology is what we use to decode it.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend! As always take care that you be well and please remember to Turn To The Stars & You’ll Find Answers There! Thank You for your continued support.
Kindest Regards,
Andrea Klim
P.S. Please see my flier below for up and coming Astrology 101 Classes. Sat. Jan. 19 will be an overview of what you will learn during these classes. I’ll be talking about what you’ll learn throughout this series of classes and other details. Please call ahead to reserve your attendance as space is limited. Thank You!

Solar Eclipse Sat. Jan. 5 & Eclipse Discount

Eclipse Season Coupon: Eclipse Season is about to begin with the first partial Solar Eclipse occurring in Capricorn the sign of the water goat signifying evolution. From now until Feb. 4, 2019 I am offering $20 off a 1 hr or more reading (normal cost $125). Save $10 off 30 min reading (normally $65) and save $5 off 15 minutes normally $35. This can be applied to Gift Certificates or gifts to yourself. Click on the link below to take advantage of this offer for yourself or a loved one. Click here to purchase and I will contact you to get details. There will be 5 eclipses in 2019 and 6 in 2020. Discuss and understand the themes of change about to unfold in your life. Astrology is a tool that brings understanding, awareness and a method to
plan et.

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy and abundant 2019! I want to thank you for all your support through 2018 and I look forward to being your Astrological guide in this new year.

Today’s article is about the upcoming, partial solar eclipse occurring on Saturday January 5, 2019 at 9:40 p.m. EST. As the Moon passes in front of the Sun, it causes this phenomenon. Some of the light of the Sun will be blocked for a period of time. This is the 1st of 6 eclipses in 2019, and occurs 2 weeks before the “Super Blood Wolf Moon”, a total lunar eclipse on January 20th. A super moon is when a full moon is closest to Earth. A blood moon is when the moon passes into the Earth’s shadow refracting the light of the Sun giving it a red appearance. And the “wolf moon” is a traditional name for the full moon in January. The partial solar eclipse can be viewed from all of North and South America and Western Europe. Be sure to wear protective eclipse eye wear when viewing.

If you look at the chart above, you will see a red arrow pointing to the partial solar eclipse at 15 degrees of Capricorn. The symbol for Capricorn is of the water goat climbing up and out of the depths as it works to climb the mountain ahead. When I think about Capricorn I think about work, business, corporations, structures, time, discipline, organization, responsibility, control and what we hold ourselves accountable for. Capricorn is the teaching sign. So there will be lots to learn. If you look closely at the chart you can see Saturn on one side of the eclipse and Pluto on the otherside next to the South Node. Saturn signifies a redesign or restructuring of these areas and Pluto changes or transforms what’s been on the surface never to be seen again. The South Node tells us that there will be areas from our past that reveal themselves over the course of the next 6 months. These areas are coming up to be realistically realized and addressed. It’s a process of methodical, step by step evolution. This eclipse is great for growing your business, anything you’ve been creatively building or working hard at. The eclipse occurs in the 5th house of this chart which highlights changes and a new outlook for planning and creating from our hearts. It wants us to remember our past and what we’ve created so that we can flow with the changes taking place in our careers, out in the world, and in our businesses.

The eclipse is forming a harmonious aspect with the part of fortune in Virgo which promises relief, success, and indicates that what you create, design or build on this earth will bring good fortune in some manner. The eclipse is also forming another harmonious aspect to Neptune in Pisces which promises relief, resolve, opportunities for clarity in relationships of all types. This is supportive of dreams and visions to be realized, understood and for it easier to take action in productive ways.

There is a grand trine visible between the North node in Cancer in the 11th house, Chiron in Pisces in the 7th house and Venus in Scorpio in the 3rd house. A grand trine shows 3 positions in the chart where there is harmony. This suggests that the areas below are where there is a great sensitivity present being felt in families and communities. We realize that happiness comes by sticking together and we are strongest when we are united. Chiron in Pisces in the 7th house shows that there is a key available for us to feel better and to resolve pain felt through personal and business relationships. Venus in Scorpio in the third house shares the story of what has transformed and the story we are about to put behind us. Venus is at a critical degrees as it prepares to change into Sagittarius on January 7th signifying this is a very important time. We can look forward to progress as this will inspire optimism where there had been aconcentration around painful experiences and healing.

The North Node in Cancer in the 11th house is also at a critical degrees in Cancer. Indicating we should be careful about the actions we decide to take. The North Node is also in a square to Uranus in Aries which tells us to take our time in making decisions on what action to take especially when the future seems so unpredictable.

This article is written looking at the universal chart you see above of this solar eclipse. This means that this energy is influencing everyone in some way. To schedule a personal reading using the Eclipse Coupon simply respond to this e-mail. Let me help you to map out your New Year. Astrology is a tool we can use to plan et. It uncovers mysteries and opens a door to understanding our individual divine plan. It is written in the stars and the study of astrology is what we use to decode it.

Please note: I will be at The Spiral Circle, 750 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL this Saturday Jan. 5th from 2 til 6 offering Astrology & Spiritually Insightful Readings. I will be offering the Eclipse discounts towards Readings. Please call me at 603-490-6253 to reserve an appointment.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Happy New Year! As always take care that you be well and please remember to Turn To The Stars & You’ll Find Answers There!

Wishing you all a very Happy Full Moon and I Thank You for your continued support,

Kindest Regards,
Andrea Klim

P.S. Please see my flier below for up and coming Astrology 101 Classes. Sat. Jan. 19 will be an overview of what you will learn during these classes. Please call ahead to reserve your attendance. Thank You!

Full Moon Cancer – Holiday Gift Discount Offer

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,

Happy Holiday Savings: From now until Dec. 31, 2018 I am offering $25 off a 1 hr or more reading. Save $10 off 15 minutes and $15 off 30 minutes. This can be applied to Gift Certificates or gifts to yourself. Click on the link below to purchase a reading for a gift or for yourself. Click here to purchase and I will contact you to get details. Give the gift of Astrology & Spiritual Insight this holiday season.


Today’s article is about the upcoming, full moon energy that is currently building. The full moon will be exact on Sat. Dec. 22, 2018 in Cancer. It is the last full moon of this year and of this 6 month eclipse cycle. This is a time of completion as we prepare for January eclipses which are setting a theme of change for the next 6 months. January 5th will be the first solar eclipse of 2019 and it will be in Capricorn so get ready for your next assignment.

As the full moon approaches there is an increased awareness in conversations around our domestic life and family. I always think of Cancer as the mother sign of the zodiac. And so we have the light of the Sun shining on a full moon in Cancer. Cancer is a water sign so there’s a grand sensitivity. It is also a Cardinal sign whose inspiration is to take action. On the positive side it inspires protection, nurturance, caring, and gentleness. On the more challenging side it can be more secretive, controling and evasive. Just prior to the full moon it formed challenging aspects to Mars in Pisces and Chiron in Pisces while it was in Gemini. This is a mutable T-square and changeable conditions are indicated. It would be so easy to get caught in a wave of wanting to please everyone and feeling like you do not want to disappoint anyone. There’s alot going on that we feel but cannot see. This could be part of the tension … that is the “not knowing”. Mutable squares = changeable circumstances, thoughts, ideas, words and there can lots of moving parts and feel overwhelming. With Mars in Pisces right beside Chiron in Pisces in the 12th house of this universal chart, you’ll be aware of deep desires to heal buried pain and suffering.

Some of the more harmonious aspects are between Mars and Chiron in Pisces trining the Northnode in Cancer. This holds a promise of activity which is sensitive, supportive and caring around family matters. Also we have Venus in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces. This opens a door for revelations, clarity, understanding and dreams to be expressed. A time of emotional release and realization of how to help ourselves and others during this time.

Mercury and Jupiter are right beside each other in Sagittarius indicating that we’re thinking about what coming next and that now is a great time for forward movement and progress. It’s inspiring and helpful in delivering the truth wherever we are seeking it. It’s a great time to examine your plans for the future.

This article is written looking at the universal chart you see above of this full moon. This means that this energy is influencing everyone in some way. To schedule a personal reading using the Holiday Discount simply respond to this e-mail. A great gift for yourself or for a gift for a loved one. Along time ago I saw this on the web while doing some research “Astrology is a tool we can use to plan et”. It uncovers mysteries and opens a door to understanding our individual divine plan.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend as you plan for the holidays. As always take care that you be well and please remember to Turn To The Stars & You’ll Find Answers There!

Wishing you all a very Happy Full Moon and I Thank You for your continued support,

Kindest Regards,
Andrea Klim

P.S. Below is an example of a personalized gift certificate. 💟💟💟

Doors of Perception – Holiday Discount – New Moon Sagittarius

Holiday Savings: From now until Dec. 31, 2018 I am offering $25 off a 1 hr or more reading. This can be applied to Gift Certificates or gifts to yourself. Click on the link below to purchase a reading for a gift or for yourself. Click here to purchase and I will contact you to get details. Give the gift of Astrology & Spiritual Insight this holiday season.
Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was quite illuminating intellectually as the full moon was in Gemini. The full moon illuminated conversation and encouraged the dual experience of understanding that there is 2 sides to everything and it encouraged friendly gatherings with family, relatives and neighbors.
In referencing the chart for the upcoming New Moon in Sagittarius occuring on Fri. Dec. 7, I noted that there’s alot of planets right now in late degrees of the zodiac signs they are in. This means people who have some or lots of planets in their birthchart registering between 25 degrees and about 2 degrees of any zodiac sign or formally called “on the cusp” or “between signs” to be having triggers. This means important experiences and realizations are occurring around ending certain chapters in our lives and beginning new ones.
Venus is in a late degrees of Libra and it wants us to relate, communicate, share, balance out our feminine (receptive) versus our masculine (creative) energy and to connect. We also have Uranus in a late degrees of Aries bringing to our awareness the changes that have occurred within ourselves and the world around. It reveals to us the different doors of perception there are and they can be physical or emotional.
When Uranus in Aries wakes up from its retrograde in January and begins to move toward Taurus once again, we’re realizing the irratic, unpredictable nature of global warming and how the weather affects human consciousness, human perception. Chiron in late degrees of Pisces identifies the wounds and healing that has taken place and indicates we are reaching a time where we must allow things to end that have caused pain so that healing can occur. This is a time for emotionally reframing the unexpected storms we’ve experienced over the last couple of years.
The northnode and southnode are in late degrees of Cancer and Capricorn and will remain in these signs for the next year and 1/2. Cancer and Capricorn brings forward our focus to security. This can make us feel very insecure and feel like we want to close down, guard and protect ourselves both personally and publicly. However, with Jupiter in Sagittarius now it inspires us to be on a quest of learning new things, new ways of understanding and helps us to look beyond the here and now to our purpose. Jupiter in Sagittarius encourages us to not retreat but to step out of our comfort zones and go out into the world. It’s an inspiration to overcome our fears. Unconsciously our souls want more but consciously we think we aren’t ready for more. Unconsciously there is a realization that we need change and now is the time to explore. It seems our ego says “that’s enough” and wants us to stay where we are at while our soul is unconsciously saying “let’s explore”.
Currently as the New Moon comes closer it is right beside Jupiter in Sagittarius. Fun fact: did you know that Jupiter could fit about 1,000 earths inside of it because it is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter’s expansive nature opens our minds and we become more conscious of the unconscious and hidden elements of life.
The sabian symbol for this New Moon has us look to 16 degrees of Sagittarius. This symbol is one of an Owl. They function in the dark and are nocturnal and can see what we normally cannot. A symbol of expanded consciousness through higher wisdom. It’s time to learn new ways to discover our purpose.
Over the last couple of years Jupiter’s placement has inspired:
2018 – Jupiter in Scorpio has been a year of alchemical transformation through death and rebirth or renewal experiences.
2019- Jupiter in Sagittarius will be a year of sorting out what’s true and then making that truth your own.
So as Dec. 7th, the New Moon approaches there is a sense of a new beginning which is highlighted by Jupiter in Sagittarius right beside it. So Jupiter expands this energy of a new beginning of exploring a new path in truth with exploration of new ways to believe in yourself. This is a time of being open to learning what’s possible. This inspires us to tap into a higher purpose and perspective. Wherever this new moon takes place on top of your birthchart, i.e. the area of your life, is the area you will be expanding in. On this New Moon you’re being asked to look at your belief systems, what you feel is right and wrong and what the definition of justice means, what it means to have faith, what it means to keep going even though it feels like a risk and what it means to trust in a horizon beyond the present. We should be careful of excess as this New Moon is square Mars and Neptune in Pisces. Meaning it is a challenge to trust and surrender to resolve, letting go and allowing things to move. It’s also a challenge to move forward until clarity comes into focus on where to expand or explore. Mars in Pisces delivers actions of clearing away deeply buried and hidden emotions to make room for new dreams and visions. Mars beside Neptune throughout the last couple weeks of this year inspires a clearing out of the final remnants of uncertainty.
This New Moon also shows our minds (Mercury in Scorpio) forming harmonious aspects with the Northnode in Cancer and with Chiron in Pisces. This means there is an ease to realize the direction we must go to gain security and to heal old wounds.
In summing up this New Moon chart this is a time of expansion, understanding, nurturance and compassion for ourselves. Whatever it is you’ve been healing and moving on from becomes much easier to see. While Venus is now direct and in Scorpio sextile Saturn in Capricorn, there is a sense of having a stronger backbone and more wisdom to relate. Venus in Scorpio is strong now as it moves forward over the same territory for the 3rd time and encourages us to be in control of our personal values and what we carry forward as we approach the end of this Scorpio period of influence.
Please note this astrology news is read from a universal chart. This means it affects everyone in some way. However, for a more personal reading I am available by phone, skype, or private readings by appointment. Click here to schedule using $25 savings holiday coupon on a 1 hr or more reading.
It’s getting close to that time of year for holiday parties and social gatherings. Add Astrology Readings for a unique party experience. Call to schedule. From now until the end of January, I’m offering a discount for readings of 15 minutes at parties and social gatherings of $25 instead of $35.
Weekend schedule for Astrology Readings:
Friday Nov. 30th 12-5
Every Nook & Cranny
334 Donnelly St.
Mount Dora, FL
Call Andrea to schedule
Special Price for ENC Only $25 for 15 mins.
Saturday Dec. 1 11-3
The Spiral Circle
750 Thornton Avenue
Orlando, FL
Call Andrea to schedule
Take care that you be well and please remember to Turn To The Stars & You’ll Find Answers There!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Moon and Thank You for your continued support,
Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars

New Moon Wed. Nov. 7, 2018 & Holiday Coupon

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
It’s getting close to that time of year for holiday parties and social gatherings. Add Astrology Readings for a unique party experience. Call to schedule.

Save $25 off
Mention you saw this coupon and save $25 off a
1 hour or more Astrology Reading from
now until January 1, 2018
1 hr readings are normally $125
Phone, Skype, In Person Readings Available
(reading is recorded and e-mailed to you)
Gift Certificates Available


New Moon Scorpio November 7, 2018
Venus has been a central theme because it has been retrograde in Scorpio and has just moved back into Libra where it will end its retrograde on November 16th. Libra is an air sign that rules the realms of intellect and how we communicate and connect with other people and whether we can do this with grace, fairness and equality. Venus’s movement back into Libra lends energy to more positive responses especially around unexpected and sudden realizations due to the continued opposition to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is also retrograding back into Aries and as Libra and Aries are oppositely positioned in the sky it does influence surprises from others and outside influences. This opposition has been especially present in the areas of relationships, and money. There’s also been a changing awareness of ideals of some which are alike and those who are different in so many ways. This opposing force between Venus and Uranus is supportive of us speaking up about our independence. It can also cause major differences and it’s important to be aware of how we respond to these differences. This opposing yet connecting influence can also bring people together and the reasons, although unexpected, can strengthen the common cause. Uranus is known for bringing unexpected results and sudden change.

Today November 8th Jupiter moved into Sagittarius and remains moving through this energy until December of 2019. This will bring us all a break from the concentrated, intensity of emotion that we’ve experienced while Jupiter has been in Scorpio for the last year. Jupiter loves to be in Sagittarius as it encourages forward movement, progress and as it moves more into the sign, the feeling of progress grows. The shadow side of Jupiter in Sagittarius can see us having an expanded level of opinions. This thought process maybe expected now with one thinking and believing they are absolutely right. So this is a month to be sure to take extra care of stress levels. Hopefully during this time we’ll have some major breakthroughs especially in areas of finances, shared finances, security and relationships.

On November 16 Venus turns direct and Mercury in Sagittarius turns retrograde taking us on a journey of mental review and what we believe and think to be true. Mercury will travel retrograde from 13 degrees of Sagittarius (the truthteller) back to 27 degrees Scorpio by December 6 when it turns direct. The area of your birth chart, the house Mercury is transitting will be what is under review. It is where answers will be revealed through the process of the retrograde. Because Sagittarius brings up topics of further education, research, and discussions about spirituality or religion, justice and fairness, this could be a time these topics (especially during the early part of the retrograde is in Sagittarius) go under review.

This month will give us a feeling of moving in one direction and then changing to another direction as we have Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and the transitting Nodal Axis all changing signs and Mercury and Venus changing direction. The planets are acting together, so to speak, to influence forward movement, stops and periods of retrograde concentration. All this movement will give us a feeling of busy ness and moving in one direction and then moving in another.

The change of the signs on the nodal axis from the Northnode to Cancer and Southnode into Capricorn will influence a more conservative approach and there’s this feeling coming in that we need to protect what’s here. Cancer is great for cultivating our families and there will be much more concentration on the family and care of it. The southnode moving back through Capricorn brings up past abuse of power in business and in government structures. This influence will last until 2020.

If you have any planets in your birthchart in Sagittarius, Aries or Leo, you may find Jupiter in Sagittarius can bring you wonderful things. Expect self improvement and an expansion of knowledge. Jupiter in Sagittarius can also bring up topics around Freedom of Speech. Also this next year will most likely touch on the ending of the sexual feminine abuse and scandal and the news ia already broadcasting that “Times Up”. Time to move forward with what is just and fair and put into place new laws to protect human rights.

Personal decisions made at this time as well as collective decisions will have a big impact on our future. We had a New Moon on Wednesday November 7th in Scorpio at 15 degrees. As Scorpio is a sign that influences transformation, this new moon will likely bring an emotional intensity into an area of your life you are about to go through a transformation. So as all new moon’s bring a time for planting seeds with new beginnings this one in Scorpio can also produce hidden or secretive activities surrounding areas of morality and values.

This new moon also is in trine to Neptune in Pisces and it brings a sense of ease for serenity and divinity and the energy will encourage you to rely on the creative spirit of your inner guidance.

Please note this astrology news is read from a universal chart. This means it affects everyone in some way. However, for a more personal reading I am available by phone, skype, or private readings by appointment. Click here to schedule using $25 savings holiday coupon on a 1 hr or more reading. Save $25 off with this holiday coupon.

Weekend schedule for Astrology Readings:

Friday Nov. 9th 12-5
Every Nook & Cranny
334 Donnelly St.
Mount Dora, FL
Call Andrea to schedule

Saturday Nov. 10 11-3
Serenity Organic Salon
2901 Curry Ford Rd
Orlando, FL
Call Andrea to schedule

Take care that you be well and Turn To The Stars & You’ll Find Answers There!

Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars

November Brings Relief

On November 1st Venus retrograde enters into Libra and delivers the first relief from things you’ve been struggling through. At this time there is objectivity and we can make more diplomatic decisions. Coming up on November 16, Venus turns direct at 25 degrees Libra and this will be a great for people with any planets in their charts ruled by Venus such as Taurus and Libra. Areas such as money, relationships, finances, feminine healing and love of self have been areas we’ve had to slow down to look at. Also on November 16 Mars moves into Pisces which gives the feel that we need a break or an escape. As Mars is about movement and will now be in the soft and sensitive Pisces, this is a time to take some steps to relax.
In the middle of November all the personal planets (planets closest to us here on earth) are changing signs. This is positive and will be uplifting and now the time comes to understand more of what we have learned. On November 8/9 Jupiter also moves into Sagittarius. So it’s time now to take the things we learned this past year and expand and grow with them.
On November 6 Uranus moves from 0 degrees Taurus where it’s been since April back into Aries. This will help us to gather and claim the changed and newly realized parts of our new selves. Now we have a chance to really look at ourselves. Also the nodes are switching their signs near the end of November. The northnode will switch out of Leo and into Cancer and the southnode will switch out of Aquarius and into Capricorn. The northnode in Leo has showed us where we’ve needed to be courageous. While it moves into Cancer it will bring up ways to protect and defend ourselves, our homes and our families. The southnode in Capricorn clears out what is stale and stagnant in our world. There’s lots of talk of things changing politically all over the world. Government, businesses… politics. Southnode in Capricorn brings the end to old structures especially in 2020 when it comes together with Saturn in Capricorn and eventually Pluto in Capcricorn. We will discover what we do need and what we do not need as we identify things that have loss their usefulness. Throughout November we need to realize where rest and recooperation is needed. There is also a new moon on November 7th in Scorpio at 15 degrees. This new moon provides great support universally through angles of harmony being formed with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. Resolve and new structures are promised.
Now the time has come to let go of what we do not need in order to move forward as there’s been alot of concentration and realization of what we’ve been holding onto. So as we step into November, the planets this month will provide some relief and we should see some dynamic changes.
Please note this is astrology news which is read from a universal chart. This means it affects everyone in some way. However, for a more personal reading I am available by phone, skype, or private readings by appointment. Click here to schedule.
Weekend schedule for Astrology Readings:
Friday Nov. 2nd 12-5
Every Nook & Cranny
334 Donnelly St.
Mount Dora, FL
Call Andrea to schedule
Saturday Nov. 3rd 2-6
The Spiral Circle
750 Thornton Ave
Orlando, FL
Call Andrea to schedule
Take care that you be well and Turn To The Stars & You’ll Find Answers There!
Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars

Full Moon Taurus October 24, 2018

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,

There is a full moon coming up next week on Wednesday October 24th and I wanted to share some important information about it. Please join me to watch the show ….

Watch Full Moon Taurus October 24, 2018

I am available for a more personal reading tomorrow at Every Nook & Cranny, 334 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora or by phone appointment or in person.

Click Here To Register For An Appointment

Take care that you be well,

Andrea Klim

Turn To The Stars

Transitions in Consciousness

Hello Friends of Turn To The Stars,

This is going to be quite a month. We must remember how supported we are by spirit during these times. Mostly my article focuses on the New Moon in Libra that occurs on Monday October 8, 2018. It also takes an overall look at the other planets in our solar system and how they are communicating with each other and what that means to us. During this new phase our consciousness will be raised around relationships. Libra has the innate need to achieve equality. When there is inequality or imbalance, Libra strives to balance the scales. Libra also reveals how we show up in relationships. It’s how we share with other people. Libra brings to light anyone you relate with or partner with. Especially as Venus the ruling planet of Libra is now retrograde, our consciousness of our responses as we relate to each other will be under the microscope for at least the next 40 days until November 16 and until it leaves the shadow of the retrograde about a month later . The aftershadow is often the time we’re moving through what we’ve uncovered and now are actively healing. As Venus by retrograde moves back into Libra it will inspire equality and peace. New Moon’s present new themes of consciousness and as it approached it was forming a nice angle with Mars indicating that there is an open door for people to be more conscious of the importance of actively sticking together and strategizing new methods and sharing ideas, thoughts wisdom of ways people can move through this time of incredible transformation. This mean’t there was good things that would come through sticking together through these times.

Just as Venus in Scorpio turned retrograde on October 5th it formed a fixed square with Mars in Aquarius and that indicated stress and challenges surfacing from the past that just didn’t want to let go. Venus wants us to love ourselves and others but in Scorpio it says first we must unveil and heal the pain. Mars in Aquarius next to the southnode of the Moon suggests that groups of people are angry and frustrated especially about the past treatment of woman sexually. My daughter says that this reminds her of the Salem Witch Trials. Because of the extreme emotion and suffering that is being revealed. Scorpio can be a vengeful sign and we see that going on as well. We can only pray that justice prevails and that the truth prevails.

On a more personal level this is a time of diving deep into our psyche and doing the work to breathe in the future and exhale the past. Many truths will be revealed during this time. This can be a difficult time for many who are dealing with pain and suffering that they haven’t been able to heal. This square may require that we ask for help to deal with the areas where pain is realized. Soon we will have Jupiter, Venus and Mercury all in Scorpio. There’s strength to overcome when there’s a concentration of energy which promotes us to dig deep into our psyche to identify the areas we’ve ran and escaped from whether it be just emotionally or through other unhealthy methods of escapism. Also Venus represents the feminine side of our being and Mars the masculine. The square between them shows the tension and anger that has built up over many, many years showing where much pain has been the catapult to change the old patterns from the past which is represented by the south node. Mars in Aquarius indicates groups and communities of people are coming together and taking action with a common goal. While Venus is retrograde in Scorpio for the next 40 days our consciousness will go through a heightened, sensitive awareness of what we need to recooperate and heal from.

The new moon in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn showing us areas where we must slow down which are associated with relationships. It’s possible we realize areas where we’re trying to control others or areas where others are trying to control us. Pluto’s vibration is one that likes control and in Capricorn it teaches us that we must let go of wanting to control others and that we can only bring to light these areas but we cannot fix anything for another unless they are willing to accept help and to work on it. This square could reveal extreme difficulties between the political parties. This square can mean that we will have to work extra hard to remain open to see a situation differently because we all process things differently. It’s important we try to stay open to suggestions. The new moon in Libra plants a seed for justice, fairness and equality and overall we have the opportunity here to see what surfaces in relationships of all types. Pluto has a way of bringing the end to old structures and patterns as it is finally moving forward and just recently out of its retrograde. Another words we realize we have to let go or loose some old pattern in order to achieve justice.

Mercury is in Libra but preparing to move into Scorpio on October 9 and is moving into a position to oppose Uranus in Taurus. Mercury brings into play our mental awareness and in opposition to Uranus retrograde in Taurus it can bring things out of no where that we are surprised by. We may realize or be surprised by what is verbally communicated that is in need of correction. Conversations about things that are hard for us to change, break throughs or let go of. Conversations about differences in values. But also learning happens as we become aware of someone else’s point of view. Connections and disconnections are made. Perhaps we realize the other side of the story and that ushers in a new consciousness and this is the correction or area for review.

I’ve heard it said that when 2 planets are in a trining aspect together that they are speaking to each other in divine harmony. Saturn is in a direct, forward motion in Capricorn and Uranus is retrograde in Taurus and they are forming a trine aspect together which would then mean that they are speaking in divine harmony. It’s interesting because Saturn in Capricorn has us working hard at being responsible for who and what we are out in the world but Uranus in Taurus has us reviewing our values and sense of worth. One says work it, work it, work it and the other says change it, change it, change it, and so it can be confusing what direction to go. However, this also supports sudden, inner aha moments. I believe the divine harmony is realized through the inner breakthroughs.

Chiron has moved back into Pisces and is still squaring Saturn in Capricorn. Chiron reveals the wounds we have and Pisces indicates that these are wounds we’ve suffered deeply from for along time. Chiron also shows us the key to healing comes from believing in the guidance of our divine creator and through a deep knowing that we are always supported. The square to Saturn indicates that it will take time to rebuild what has been broken.

I hope this explains some of the overall unexplained experiences your having.

I look forward to seeing you this weekend at Every Nook & Cranny on Friday and at Spiral Circle on Saturday. Or if you’d like a phone reading, please call to schedule. All Readings are recorded and emailed to you. And remember Turn To The Stars and You’ll Find Your Answers There!

For a more personal reading I am available for private appointments by phone during the week or in person at one of the locations listed above. My contact information is below.

Sending you all lots of smiles and inspiration your way,

Hello Friends of Turn To The Stars,

This is going to be quite a month. We must remember how supported we are by spirit during these times. Mostly my article focuses on the New Moon in Libra that occurs on Monday October 8, 2018. It also takes an overall look at the other planets in our solar system and how they are communicating with each other and what that means to us. During this new phase our consciousness will be raised around relationships. Libra has the innate need to achieve equality. When there is inequality or imbalance, Libra strives to balance the scales. Libra also reveals how we show up in relationships. It’s how we share with other people. Libra brings to light anyone you relate with or partner with. Especially as Venus the ruling planet of Libra is now retrograde, our consciousness of our responses as we relate to each other will be under the microscope for at least the next 40 days until November 16 and until it leaves the shadow of the retrograde about a month later . The aftershadow is often the time we’re moving through what we’ve uncovered and now are actively healing. As Venus by retrograde moves back into Libra it will inspire equality and peace. New Moon’s present new themes of consciousness and as it approached it was forming a nice angle with Mars indicating that there is an open door for people to be more conscious of the importance of actively sticking together and strategizing new methods and sharing ideas, thoughts wisdom of ways people can move through this time of incredible transformation. This mean’t there was good things that would come through sticking together through these times.

Just as Venus in Scorpio turned retrograde on October 5th it formed a fixed square with Mars in Aquarius and that indicated stress and challenges surfacing from the past that just didn’t want to let go. Venus wants us to love ourselves and others but in Scorpio it says first we must unveil and heal the pain. Mars in Aquarius next to the southnode of the Moon suggests that groups of people are angry and frustrated especially about the past treatment of woman sexually. My daughter says that this reminds her of the Salem Witch Trials. Because of the extreme emotion and suffering that is being revealed. Scorpio can be a vengeful sign and we see that going on as well. We can only pray that justice prevails and that the truth prevails.

On a more personal level this is a time of diving deep into our psyche and doing the work to breathe in the future and exhale the past. Many truths will be revealed during this time. This can be a difficult time for many who are dealing with pain and suffering that they haven’t been able to heal. This square may require that we ask for help to deal with the areas where pain is realized. Soon we will have Jupiter, Venus and Mercury all in Scorpio. There’s strength to overcome when there’s a concentration of energy which promotes us to dig deep into our psyche to identify the areas we’ve ran and escaped from whether it be just emotionally or through other unhealthy methods of escapism. Also Venus represents the feminine side of our being and Mars the masculine. The square between them shows the tension and anger that has built up over many, many years showing where much pain has been the catapult to change the old patterns from the past which is represented by the south node. in essence this is a great time for clearing away old ghosts. Mars in Aquarius indicates groups and communities of people are coming together and taking action with a common goal. While Venus is retrograde in Scorpio for the next 40 days our consciousness will go through a heightened, sensitive awareness of what we need to recooperate and heal from.

The new moon in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn showing us areas where we must slow down which are associated with relationships. It’s possible we realize areas where we’re trying to control others or areas where others are trying to control us. Pluto’s vibration is one that likes control and in Capricorn it teaches us that we must let go of wanting to control others and that we can only bring to light these areas but we cannot fix anything for another unless they are willing to accept help and to work on it. This square could reveal extreme difficulties between the political parties. This square can mean that we will have to work extra hard to remain open to see a situation differently because we all process things differently. It’s important we try to stay open to suggestions. The new moon in Libra plants a seed for justice, fairness and equality and overall we have the opportunity here to see what surfaces in relationships of all types. Pluto has a way of bringing the end to old structures and patterns as it is finally moving forward and just recently out of its retrograde. Another words we realize we have to let go or loose some old pattern in order to achieve justice.

Mercury is in Libra but preparing to move into Scorpio on October 9 and is moving into a position to oppose Uranus in Taurus. Mercury brings into play our mental awareness and in opposition to Uranus retrograde in Taurus it can bring things out of no where that we are surprised by. We may realize or be surprised by what is verbally communicated that is in need of correction. Conversations about things that are hard for us to change, break throughs or let go of. Conversations about differences in values. But also learning happens as we become aware of someone else’s point of view. Connections and disconnections are made. Perhaps we realize the other side of the story and that ushers in a new consciousness and this is the correction or area for review.

I’ve heard it said that when 2 planets are in a trining aspect together that they are speaking to each other in divine harmony. Saturn is in a direct, forward motion in Capricorn and Uranus is retrograde in Taurus and they are forming a trine aspect together which would then mean that they are speaking in divine harmony. It’s interesting because Saturn in Capricorn has us working hard at being responsible for who and what we are out in the world but Uranus in Taurus has us reviewing our values and sense of worth. One says work it, work it, work it and the other says change it, change it, change it, and so it can be confusing what direction to go. However, this also supports sudden, inner aha moments. I believe the divine harmony is realized through the inner breakthroughs.

Chiron has moved back into Pisces and is still squaring Saturn in Capricorn. Chiron reveals the wounds we have and Pisces indicates that these are wounds we’ve suffered deeply from for along time. Chiron also shows us the key to healing comes from believing in the guidance of our divine creator and through a deep knowing that we are always supported. The square to Saturn indicates that it will take time to rebuild what has been broken.

I hope this explains some of the overall unexplained experiences your having.

I look forward to seeing you this weekend at Every Nook & Cranny on Friday and at Spiral Circle on Saturday. Or if you’d like a phone reading, please call to schedule. All Readings are recorded and emailed to you. And remember Turn To The Stars and You’ll Find Your Answers There!

For a more personal reading I am available for private appointments by phone during the week or in person at one of the locations listed above. My contact information is below.

Sending you all lots of smiles and inspiration your way,
Andrea Klim

Schedule your reading