Venus Retrograde – Discovering what you must loose to win

Turn To The Stars News
Venus Retrograde-Discover what you must loose in order to gain

Discover what you must loose in order to gain
Hello Friends of Turn To The Stars,

On October 5 Venus stations and turns retrograde. It will be in this revisiting, backwards type motion until November 16. Venus is the planet whose energy influences love, affection, money, values, self love, relationships, how we relate and how we feel love. Her energy is important in creating your relationship with yourself. While she is retrograde we will be reprioritizing, receiving, and recommiting. We will be discovering what is related. During the retrograde she will conjoin the Sun on Oct. 26/27 which will be a period of intense realization as both the Sun and Venus will be in Scorpio. Scorpio energy behaves like a detective poking and prauding in the darkness until it discovers answers. It also refers to energy or beliefs we’ve taken on from others and may be buried within our minds. Another words it may bring up old stories or areas that weren’t so comfortable and were taught to us by others because it was what they believed. Scorpio energy can take us through a dark tunnel of the soul so that we can remove the root cause of fear, insecurity, anger. What is realized and identified during this retrograde will be what is transformed. Scorpio is a fixed sign and so it doesn’t stop until what needs to change is accepted and healed.

This year Jupiter has been traveling through Scorpio and so Venus is now again covering the same territory and so we discover more of what is related to whatever had expanded or shown itself to us in a big way. Venus’s retrograde through Scorpio and back into Libra can have us returning ourselves to a place where we can see our fears so that we can then understand and find methods to heal them and find balance and peace. Last evening I heard something that I wanted to pass onto you. Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Venus will oppose Uranus in Taurus 3 times due to its retrograde. This already occurred on September 13 and will occur during the retrograde on October 31 and then one more time on December 1. Uranus’s energy in opposition raises awareness to what must change or what we must loose in order to break or release our current situations. It will help us to be honest with ourselves. It’s energy can be like a lightning bolt or a light bulb lighting up where we need to love ourselves. It can show us something more that we need to know. It can open our eyes to what we did wrong and what we need to forgive. That’s why I say Scorpio’s energy shows us what we need to loose in order to heal, to gain or to overcome.

Venus also forms a sextile with Saturn on October 24/25th. I consider this aspect a helpful one as it lends energy to where we need to work on developing more maturity. It allows us to see our own responsibilities in relationships and can help us see what we need to let go of. We can realize what we need to let be. By the middle of December we once again experience this energy or vibration between Venus and Saturn. We could find ourselves asking “what relationships work for me”? It’s an opportunity to step into something that is mean’t to support loving who you are. This can inspire you to take a new revised version of yourself into relationships moving forward.

Venus retrograde alters relationships. By going back and reviewing areas we’re already beginning to become aware of, this can help us to have healthier relationships. If we can accept this it will support us in releasing fear, lack or loss. Venus’s journey through Scorpio and this retrograde can bring about amazing healing but we must get rid of the dark stuff, transmute it, face our fears and discover where it came from and proclaim that we want to feel better and not carry this pain anymore.

Yesterday I heard about a Hawaiian Mantra/Prayer and it was comforting to listen to. It goes like this: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”. Here is a link to a video. I hope you find it helpful and healing. It’s called Ho’oponopono .

I look forward to seeing you this weekend at Massimo Art Gallery on Saturday. Or if you’d like a phone reading, please call to schedule. All Readings are recorded and emailed to you. And remember Turn To The Stars and You’ll Find Your Answers There!

For a more personal reading I am available for private appointments by phone or in person. My contact information is below.

Sending you all lots of smiles and inspiration your way,

Andrea Klim

Events this weekend and Venus Retrograde

Hi Friends of Turn To The Stars,

It’s going to be a busy weekend for me. I am so excited to be offering Readings at Every Nook & Cranny, 334 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora on Friday from 12-5. Every Nook & Cranny many new pieces of art and they are busy with exciting new renovations. I’m so happy to join them! Click here to register for your reading ahead of time. 

On Saturday I’ll be joining Goddess Productions, 208 W. Main St., Leesburg, FL offering Astrology & Spiritually Insightful Readings from 10-8 at the BOHO Festival offered by The Leesburg Center for the Arts. Leesburg will be overflowing with creativity! Artist, Artisans, Crafters, Makers and Musicians, gather in the heart of Leesburg to showcase their design, creations and art. Click here to register for your reading ahead of time. I’m very excited to be a part of this wonderful event and look forward to offering enlightening Astrology & Spiritual Insight for you.

Just as we come out of a summer of planets being retrograde we are already feeling the effects of the foreshadow of lovely Venus as she prepares to retrograde. This begins on October 5 and lasts until November 16. This is something that occurs about every year and a half and last for about 40 days. Venus Retrograde takes us back to review areas around values, money, and love. The message is we have some more inner inspection to do, some further review of our intentions. Venus retrograde takes place with Venus moving from 10 degrees of Scorpio back to 25 degrees of Libra. This means that we reviewing and maybe looking to understand what can be corrected in relationships by exploring some very intense and deep avenues. Venus doesn’t particularly do well in the sign of Scorpio because Venus is all loving and Scorpio is intensely probing and penetrating. So the retrograde begins in this way and when Venus moves back into Libra on  October 31st we’ll feel a more comfortable shift during this retrograde. So the next 2 months brings a serious game changer in relationships. A great time to step back and observe. And did you know that every 8 years Venus forms what we call the Venus flower. Every retrograde forms a new petal and if you follow the physical path Venus Retrograde travels, after 8 years you will see the Venus Flower drawn in our solar system. This one uses a pencil of energy through Scorpio and Libra. Each Retrograde is different and so it draws the full flower.

It’s a very good idea to understand where Venus Retrograde is going to occur in reference to your birthchart. What area of your life will you be reviewing or revisiting? I’d love to have this discussion with you and offer insight.

I look forward to seeing you this weekend. Or if you’d like a phone reading, please call to schedule. All Readings are recorded and emailed to you.

And remember Turn To The Stars and You’ll Find Your Answers There!

Take care that you be well and stay safe,

Andrea Klim

Turn To The Stars



September Astrology Forecast

Watch the broadcast on YouTube

Dear Friends of Turn to the Stars, The energy is much different then August. During August many felt stuck due to many planets in retrograde. We’ve experienced the retrogrades and we’ve gone back and reevaluated and corrected many things and now we’re moving forward with these ideas, these plans grounded and more focused. This report is an universal overview. For personal information go to… to register for a reading.

Take care that you be well and safe,

Andrea Klim

United Intentions Radio Network – Psychic Soup – Live Radio Interview with Andrea Klim today

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
Please join us today Monday, September 10th 3:00 PM EST as internationally known, Atlanta based, Psychic & Medium – Beth Peters: Radio Host for Psychic Soup and her special guest, Andrea Klim, @turntothestars
LIVE Every Monday, at 3:00 PM EST. Psychic Soup contains funny and informative conversations, live readings and features special guests who share in the Lightworker community. During the LIVE show, call 678-495-4345 to ask your questions on the air with Beth Peters. You can join us by watching the FB Live show at 3:00 PM EST on the United Intentions FB.
Or Listen to UIRadio:   Listen to United Intentions Radio
Psychic Soup airs on: Spreaker, iTunes, iHeartRadio, WDJY 99.1 FM, WWNN 93.5 FM, WBOB 101.1 FM, SoundCloud, Stitcher, BlogTalkRadio, YouTube, & UIRADIO. Psychic Soup is sponsored by the United Intentions Foundation INC.
Beth Peters: Psychic, Medium, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Live Radio Host, Public Speaker & Toastmasters International Member. Available for Private Readings, Galleries & Public Speaking. “Awakening the Souls of others, is the responsibility of those who have begun to Awaken.” Beth Peters
Beth is available for Private Readings, Galleries & Public Speaking.
Phone and/or Text: 770-712-4010
Facebook Business:
UI Radio Network – Psychic Soup
Warmest & Best Regards,
Andrea Klim

A Purification Process

A Purification Process
(see article below)
Mount Dora, FL 12 – 5 p.m.
Enlightening Insight for
your Spirit, Soul, Mind & Body
Sat. Sept. 8@Serenity Organic Salon, 2901 Curry Ford Rd., Orlando, FL 32806
11-3 p.m.
Uncover the mysteries of your past, present and future!
Readings are $35 for 15 mins.,
$75 for 30 mins., $125.00 for 1 hr
1st Saturday of each month
that’s this Saturday Sept. 1
(A New Age Metaphysical, Bookstore)
750 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL
2 – 6 p.m.
Enlightening Insight for your Spirit,
Soul, Mind & Body
Join us Monday Sept. 10 at
3 p.m. Andrea will be a guest on Psychic Soup at United Intentions Foundation with host Beth Peters ….
Tuesday September 11, 2018
Astrology 101 Classes Begins & continues every week for 10 weeks
Every Nook & Cranny, 334 N Donnelly St., Mount Dora,FL
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Learn how to interpret an Astrology Birthchart
August 30, 2018
A Purification Process & more
Hello Friends of Turn To The Stars,
The last quarter Moon of the last partial solar eclipse we experienced is this Sunday September 2. It signifies the end of an intensely transformative period of time. The Moon will be in the constellation of Gemini and in square to the Sun in Virgo and Neptune retrograde in Pisces. This influences divided feelings, uncertainty, and nervousness overall as we look forward to what’s next with the New Moon to come on Sept. 9 in Virgo. The square to Neptune reminds us to be still if we’re not sure. Wait until the fog clears as Neptune can cause confusion at this time. While the last quarter moon can feel like the last quarter of a game, we’re contemplating what’s transpired and considering what will deliver the most creative and healthy results.
I wanted to mention something about retrograde planets because it’s been such a topic of conversation over the last couple of months. From our perspective here on Earth it appears that a planet is moving backward because we are moving faster. So it’s an optical illusion much like if you’re on a train moving alongside another train and the other train slows down. You could perceive it as moving backwards until it speeds up again and can be seen visually moving forward. This example is a good one as it gives a visual of what is actually happening from our perspective here on Earth it appears that our neighboring planets are revisiting old territory or going backwards. This is why we reference planets in retrograde as retiring or retreating. We consider it a time of reflection, a time to go more inwards, to reconsider the symbolism of our past experiences into whatever area that planet was transitting. We might consider it a time of purification due to the introspective type of energy influence of the planet that is retrograde. For instance Mars just turned direct after a long 2 month period of retrograde. Mars influences masculine, active, forward movement but as it was retrograde it felt like were were stifled and not able to move forward. There’s been quite a change in momentum this week especially in the area of government and business. However, the square between Mars and Uranus remains until the end of September. Mars is moving very fast now in the sign of Aries and this creates a lot of heat and the square represents tension and a challenge as it continues to actively move toward this square to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus delivers the unexpected and it’s in the earth sign of Taurus so it indicates fast moving heat and unexpected, unpredictable patterns of electrical currents and activity which is causes great challenges to earth.
The first new moon to follow this eclipse portal is on Sunday September 9 and it is at 17 degrees in Virgo. We have 7 planets all in earth signs at this time. So there will be a huge focus on the earth. There will be a huge focus on our health as well. This is a great time to focus on your health and healing. Look at your diet, your nutritional intake. Put a plan in motion to analyze areas of your health and your thinking. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury so it is about purifying our thoughts and realizing how important it is what you think and say. Virgo also brings to our attention our work and so there will be a focus on work and how well we are serving the world with what we do from day to day.
If you’re having any negative thinking do some self talk and try imagining a big red stop light reminding you to stop and change your thoughts to a healthier direction.
Virgo also raises awareness to the plants and natural healing qualities available to us from the earth. So you might look into methods for purifying your body as this new moon presents this new beginning, this new start.
Virgo likes everything to be clean, pure, natural and in order so you may find yourself reorganizing your work space, your home. Doing some deep cleaning and reorganization.
There is so much more to say about the universal chart. But certainly this month begins with a strong sense of focus on purifying areas of our life wherever this new moon is by transit around your birthchart.
The article you have just read is written from looking at a universal chart which means it’s what is affecting everyone in some form or another.
For a more personal reading I am available tomorrow at Every Nook & Cranny in Mount Dora from 12-5, and on Saturday at Spiral Circle from 2-6. I am also available for private appointments by phone or in person. My contact information is below.
Sending you all lots of smiles and inspiration around the new beginnings in your life,
Andrea Klim
This is my first published book. Trapped Souls A Story of Healing is the first of a series to come. It’s a true story of my ghostly findings during my visit to the Lake County Historical Museum in Tavares, FL last year. It’s available on Amazon by Kindle or paperback. It’s a short story and a great read!
Wishing you change that come with grace and ease,
Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars
[603-490-6253]  []  []

Mercury Goes Direct

Turn To The Stars News
Mercury Goes Direct
Week of Aug. 12-18
Hello Friends of Turn To The Stars,
The most important planetary news to end this week comes on Saturday August 18th at about 9:41 p.m. We feel some relief as Mercury the planet that influences our ability to make good decisions turns direct. Mercury’s been retrograde in Leo and it will be the first of 6 planets to go direct. It’s been retrograde since July 26. This means there’s been so many things we’ve been forced to re do and it has been for the better good. I think it’s very important that we identify what those areas are because none of this was by accident.
In our solar system each of the planets has a different vibration and a different affect on us. Mercury’s realm is communication, logic, reason and decision making. It affects mechanical items that we use for communication, mechanical things like our cars, travel and misunderstandings. So many of these areas have held us back. There’s been more delays then usual it seems and that’s because Mercury is just one of 6 that have been retrograde. That’s alot of inner activity for us all to experience at once. There’s 5 other planets still in retrograde. Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. I guess we could say that Mercury is leading the way to get us moving forward. Good news! So I say let’s say 3 cheers in preparation for getting our minds back on track!
We are still feeling the effects of the changes promised by the 3 eclipses we just had. Our awareness of where and what these changes are is beginning to feel more realistic. I see the incredible affects everywhere and with everyone in some way. This Saturday is also the end of the first quarter Moon since the partial solar eclipse last Saturday. A partial solar eclipse is like a major new moon so it promises major changes which usually affect our identity in some way. It’s life changes which are dramatic! And the first quarter moon encourages us to grow in understanding. Day by day as the light of the moon increases at night, so does the emotion around the experiences we’re having. By Sunday August 26th we’ll have a full moon which will be at 3 degrees of Pisces. I’ll be recording a broadcast about that very soon. Much more to come on that. Just remember that growing energy can easily allow the victim mentality to surface, so play some happy music. Do something to lift your spirits if you’re finding you’ve got alot on your plate.
When I look at the aspects from Mercury as it turns direct, that is the way it is conecting with other planets I see a passing trine to the moon in Sagittarius which inspires positivity in the early evening on Saturday. I also see a growing square from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in Scorpio. It could feel overwhelming to mentally accept or completely grasp all that is changing. It’s going to be very important to realize the need to accept the things we cannot change. Which makes me think about the serenity prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
People who are fixed signs such as Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio or have planets in their birth charts in these signs may find the added need to realize what they can change and what they cannot. As these are the ones that find it hardest to accept change. With this square it can be mentally overwhelming to hear, understand and digest the degree of change, loss and suffering that we are hearing. Meditation, journey time or prayer will bring enlightenment. As Mercury is in Leo heartfelt words of inspiration will be easier to be expressed outwardly. We may find ourselves more concentrated on exercising the creative sides of our minds. This can be a difficult time to remain positive. Overall, a great remedy between now and August 28th is to recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed and to start listing all that you’re grateful for.
This is just a short article to explain some of the most present planetary influences which are universal. This means these are things affecting us all in some manner.
For a more personal reading I am available tomorrow at Every Nook & Cranny in Mount Dora from 12-5 and on Saturday from 10-2 p.m. at Massimo Art Gallery in Orlando. Please see below for the addresses of these locations.
Sending you all lots of smiles and inspiration,
Andrea Kim

Partial Solar Eclipse Leo Sat. Aug. 11, 2018

Hello Friends of Turn To The Stars,
This Saturday August 11, 2018 there will be a partial solar eclipse in the sign of Leo. This is the close of the eclipses for this summer of which there has been 3. This one is at 18 degrees of Leo with the Northnode of the Moon right beside it which means it’s showing areas we have the tendency to overdue. It’s also showing us areas where we need to focus on because it is there where we will find happiness and fulfillment. So this is like a great cosmic reset. This eclipse shows us where we are breaking away from areas we’ve most likely overdone. We get a fresh start. It shows areas where there is a breaking up and a shaking up internally. This triggers a new path which of which it’s very important to regulate. Uranus turned retrograde yesterday and will stay in this introspective mode until January and so what we’ve bottled up maybe exactly what we feel the need to rebel about. Where ever you’ve experienced unexpected change in your life may well be the area you need some freedom to explore. It’s time to express what’s been popping around inside. Please enjoy my broadcast and I hope the information is helpful to you in some way.

Click here to watch the show…. I apologize for the lighting problem… I  really need a camera person 😀

To book a reading with Andrea go to:


To register for Andrea’s Astrology 101 Classes starting on Sept. 11th at Every Nook & Cranny go to and scroll down to Sept. 11 and click on the link to register.

Thank you for all your continued support.

Andrea Klim

Partial Solar Eclipse Sat. Aug. 11, 2018

Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
I hope this e-mail finds you coping well with the intensity of change that is on our paths these days. Astrologers everywhere are talking about the 3 eclipses of this summer of which we are approaching the third.
I thought I would talk about some of the planetary influences leading up to the solar eclipse next Saturday so you understand what, how and where these planets are influencing us as we move through the week. Remember Astrology teaches us about the systems around us so we can better understand the systems within us.
To retrace this for you, the first partial solar eclipse occurred in Cancer on July 12/13 and opened this portal of change to enter our lives. To follow was the Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27 which has us reliving, remembering historical events focused around communities, friendships, relationships and the past. As you’ve heard we haven’t seen an eclipse of this magnitude in over a decade. To follow it we have one more Partial Solar Eclipse that will occur in Leo on August 11, 2018.
As you’ve heard me mention in the past a solar eclipse, wherever it lands in your chart indicates there’s changes occurring around your identity. This one is in Leo with Mercury retrograde right beside it so it has us questioning in our minds how can we create a sense of security for our children. How can we express what’s in our hearts and in our minds? Because it’s in the 2nd house of the universal chart it indicates a crisis in the area of security
On Monday August 6 Venus moves into Libra and opposes Chiron in Aries. This indicates through pain comes growth and awareness because its through feeling pain that we look to find ways to heal. Sometimes the truth is painful surrounding relationships. This opposition encourages us to ask ourselves if we are communicating our deepest truths and our deepest feelings of where we’ve felt pain. It encourages us to search for that truth, to love enough to be honest with ourselves and others and to seek peaceful resolution and that may mean you have to be brave and share the bare truth of what you feel. This opposition also can mean that we reach out to others in need to offer help and words of encouragement and ideas to facilitate healing.
On Tuesday August 7 Venus moves into Libra and will trine Mars retrograde in Aquarius. We’ll be inspired to communicate and find peaceful resolutions in our relationships both personally and amongs’t our friends and social groups. This is a suppportive aspect of harmony in these areas. Also on Tuesday Uranus in Taurus stations to turn retrograde that day and so begins the internal quest to digest changes that have been so unexpectedly occurring all around us and remains operating in this manner until January 7, 2019. The most influential configurations are that Mercury is retrograde all week and lasts until August 18. Certainly influencing us to slow down and reexamine our ideas, while researching what we’d like to create.
I’m going to be talking about the square between Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. It’s very important we be extremely careful at least until the end of August with this square going on as it can be a challenge to avoid accidents. Expect the unexpected has been and continues to be the way since this square formed between Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius. This is what indicates that anything can happen. Mars symbolizes movement and that the warrior inside each of us is at work examining how we can take a different approach to address old problems. This is a time we are being asked to change and the world is being asked to change.
On the surface our planet is on fire in many places causing us to work together, strategizing how to calm the heat and save each other from the pain and suffering that has come as a result. This is a time we are all waking up to what it means to work together and how necessary it is to unite in the face of diversity.
While the Sun in Leo squares Jupiter in Scorpio this week it signals us to slow down but not shut down or cover up. It says we should show who we are and to look into the places that may not be so comfortable to see. This week we have a fixed cross showing up between the northnode, Sun, Mercury retrograde in Leo to Mars, southnode in Aquarius to Jupiter in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. This is revealing areas where we’ve been stuck, areas we must reflect on or review. It will remind us of what hasn’t been expressed or recognized yet but needs to be. Mercury retrograde in Leo offers an opportunity to say what’s in our heart.
As the Moon’s nodes have been on the axis of Leo and Aquarius since May of 2017 and will remain on this axis until Nov of 2018, we’re asked to raise the bar, we asked to change and do better then we’ve done in the past. We’re being asked to raise our awareness to express ourselves but to remember to listen to the stories that are coming up from the past, the memories coming from the past as these stories are our stories but they are now just stories that we can learn from so that we can raise the bar and do better at changing the status of what was.
As the partial solar eclipse approaches on Saturday August 11 it symbolizes areas will change around security, that is our financial systems. As the eclipse occurs in the 2nd house of this universal chart. It indicates a new direction is being posed. While Mercury is retrograde on this eclipse it has come together with the Sun in Leo and we’ve received information we didn’t have prior to this point and the moments of saying “ah ha I understand” have come. The square to Jupiter in Scorpio has us taking a hard look at what changes are occurring both physically, emotionally, and mentally in the deep layers of our relationships where there’s shared money, intimacy and emotions. This square can also indicate problems in the areas of financial investing as Scorpio rules over other peoples money and investments.
Jupiter in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces holds the promise of faith and hope, and reminds us that life is supporting us even though it hurts and we can believe that we’re all becoming better.
Thank You for your continued support! Please take care that you be well …..
Copy and paste the link below to register for a reading and save using a 15% off coupon good til Aug. 26
Every Friday @ Every Nook & Cranny
334 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora, FL
12 – 5 p.m.
Sat. Aug. 11 @ Massimo Art Gallery
11062 International Dr. #148
Orlando, FL
10-2 p.m.
Come visit this beautiful, inviting Gallery where you can enjoy the arts, sip a fine glass of fine wine and uncover the mysteries of your past, present and future!
Readings are $35 for 15 mins.,
$75 for 30 minutes, $106.25 for 1 hr until August 25th.
Copy and paste the link below to register for a reading and save using a 15% off coupon good til Aug 26
1st Saturday of each month
that’s this Saturday Aug. 4
Spiral Circle
750 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL
2 – 6 p.m.
Copy and paste the link below to register for a reading and save using a 15% off coupon good til Aug 26
Tuesday September 11, 2018
Astrology 101 Classes Begin & continue every week for 10 weeks @ Every Nook & Cranny
334 N Donnelly St.
Mount Dora,FL
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Learn how to interpret an Astrology Birthchart
Register for Astrology 101 Classes
Copy and paste the link below to register for this class on Turn To The Stars Calendar Page
Click here to save 15% off a 1 hr or more Reading Expires August 26, 2018 – Readings can be directly through Andrea …. by phone or skype or in person and they are recorded for your safe keeping and review
This is my first published book. Trapped Souls A Story of Healing is the first of a series to come. It’s a true story of my ghostly findings during my visit to the Lake County Historical Museum in Tavares, FL last year. It’s available on Amazon by Kindle or paperback. It’s a short story and a great read!
Copy the link below to view my book on Amazon
Enjoy reading the Astrology News & Youtube Broadcasts? I truly appreciate your support and donation.
Copy and paste the link below to donate to the continued broadcast and newsleter. Thank You
Wishing you change that come with grace and ease,
Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars
[603-490-6253] [] []
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Total Lunar Eclipse July 27, 2018

This Friday July 27, 2018 there will be a total lunar eclipse which lasts 1 hour and 43 minutes in duration. The longest we’ve experienced in a decade. It’s called a Blood Moon because of the way the sunlight is filtering through Earths atmosphere onto the Moon’s surface. This will be an emotionally challenging week for many due to the Mars retrograde right beside this eclipse. However, this eclipse in Aquarius holds the energy of showing us new ways of solving old problems. Expect changes in friendships and social networks. Please join me for the broadcast for more indepth information. Thank You for your continued support! For a private reading contact me at or 603-490-6253. Readings available by phone, skype, in person and invite me to come to your party to do readings for your friends. A great reason to get together with friends. Coupon available until Aug. 25. it’s 15% off a 1 hour or more Reading. Remember I’m at Every Nook & Cranny, 334 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora, FL every Friday from 12-5 and at The Bay Street Brewery & Bistro, 108 N. Bay St., Eustis, FL every Friday from 6-8. I look forward to seeing you ….. Take care that you be well, Andrea