WITH MARS AT its closest to Earth in 15 years, and an extra-long lunar eclipse, and a dazzling meteor shower, July is shaping up to be a busy time for planetary activity and for sky-watchers. We haven’t felt an eclipse that lasted this long in 120 years. Mars in Aquarius will be right next to the southnode stirring up memories of past actions amongst friends, communities, groups and next to the full moon eclipsed, emotions will be ballooned. Mars is retrograde and so it could feel like we’re being turned inside out emotionally. Aquarius gives us a great tool of talking out those experiences from the past that seem to be bubbling up. Exploring the root cause of emotions, fears, anger and don’t forget … also the stories that brought smiles to your face, will be topics of deep discussion. The total lunar eclipse will occur on Friday July 27….. this one will stir up humanities awareness of what’s humane and what is not. I’ll be back with more information soon…. have a great weekend everyone! And don’t forget to Turn To The Stars and you will find answers there
Astrology & Spiritually Insightful Readings Tomorrow July 13, 2018
July 2018 Eclipses
Dear Friends,
This broadcast includes an Astrology forecast for July and part of August 2018. Please return for more on the Partial Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018. Thank You for joining me and for your continued support of Turn To The Stars broadcasts, Astrology Readings, Shamanic Healing, Published Book “Trapped Souls A Story of Healing by Andrea Klim” https://www.amazon.com/Trapped-Souls-… Location of where these eclipses can be seen: July 12/13, 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse Cancer South in Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean July 27, 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse Aquarius – Much of Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, Africa, South in North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica August 11, 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse Leo – NE Europe, NW Asia, North in North America, Atlantic, Arctic Source: www.timeanddate.com
Lots of love 2 u all,
Turn To The Stars
Andrea Klim
andrea@turntothestars.com 603-490-6253
Astrology & Spiritually Insightful Readings Today @ Spiral Circles
Hi Friends of Turn to the Stars … today Saturday July 7, 2018 I will be at Spiral Circles, 750 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803 from 2-6 p.m. offering Astrology & Spiritually Insightful Readings offering an eclipse coupon of 15% off a 1 hr or more reading. This is especially an important time to check in on your Astrology as we’re about to experience major changes this summer with 2 solar eclipses and one Total Lunar Eclipse of which the strength of upheaval it delivers has not been felt in 120 years. I can help you to understand where these changes are occurring in your chart and offer you astrology as well as spiritual insight with ideas for healthy management of these changes .. see you soon …. Spiral Circles is an Independent bookstore specializing in spiritual & self-help materials, plus a quiet meditation room. It’s a pleasant and peaceful center …. I’ll be here the first Saturday of every month offering Reading. We look forward to seeing you there. 😇🤗 P.S. I’ll have a couple of my newly published book “Trapped Souls A Story of Healing”
See you soon 🤗🌠 Hope your day is wonderful wherever you are …. Shine bright and the world will too!
Todays broadcast is focused on Mars Retrograde and the full moon in Capricorn. Mas in Aquarius turns retrograde on Tuesday June 26 and the full moon is at its peak of fullness on June 28 at 12:30 a.m. It’s going to be an amazing week! Lots is going on that won’t be resolved right away bu it is a turning point for alot of us. This week brings an awareness of our own power and also of our responsibilities. I think the most dominating planetary influence this week, which is building and we are feeling it is defining this week and it is Mars going retrograde. Mars is going to appear to stand still in the sky at the beginning of this week and then appear to be moving backwards. When a planet is changing direction its energies are said to be much more magnified. One thing to keep in mind with this is this really the furthest point of his particular Mars retrograde season. It won’t be until October that Mars actually returns to the point it is now which will mark the end of the Mars retrograde season. So be sure to recognize what is happening in your life right now as we are starting the week. Please join me for the broadcast for more insight into Mars retrograde and the full moon in Capricorn and more Take good care and I hope to see you very soon.
South Node Mars in Aquarius
As I looked at the Universal astrology chart today .. the energy of the northnode in Leo opposite the southnode in Aquarius is urging us to express our hearts in the most creative ways even though it’s most comfortable to go along with the crowd … this is an important balancing act … express leadership yet consider your neighbor, friends, community, be brave and be recognized yet be humble and humane … express your individuality yet consider what’s best for everyone. With Mars in Aquarius just beside the south node we’re apt to see some unique methods of strategy at work amongs’t many groups. Another meaning that Mars in Aquarius brings up is themes of trauma from the past resurfacing, unexpected and shocking trauma that we may have buried and this transit of Mars could be bringing it up for you to see so that you might find a remedy. Trauma overwhelms our nervous system and dealing with it can bring up anxiety. Using Mindfulness techniques is helpful. But more importantly facing the trauma and finding the root of it will be the most helpful. Astrology paints the picture of what is above us and how it may or may not be influencing us below.
Introduction To Shamanic Practices & Journeying
Turn to the Stars Friends of Turn To The Stars…. I’d love to have you join me and the class! I remember my first classes in Shamanic Practices & Journeying with my teacher Julianne Santini in Bedford, MA. For me the classes were lifechanging! Prior to spending a year in and out of Shamanic Classes with Julianne, I learned to meditate and it expanded my consciousness. However, Shamanic Studies was the most enlightening for me with every new Shamanic Practice I learned. Here is a poem I wrote at the beginning of my studies about Shamanism:
What is Shamanism?Ⓒ
July 16, 2017
a Poem by Andrea Klim
Shamanism is excitement. It is like opening the door to a place you always knew existed but you feared to know.
Shamanism begins you on a journey from which you will never be the same.
Shamanism teaches you that you are the student of life and there are teachers who will come and teach you in a way you have never known before.
There is no mistake that you are now moving with the heart beat that is life and from which all things begin.
Shamanism is the natural medicine you have craved since you first experienced the light of day and the dark of night.
A journey from which you will know the unknown
A journey to world beyond the one you live in
A journey that heals
A journey that is true
A journey to love
A journey to reality
A journey to vision
A journey to wisdom
A journey that never ends but always begins
A journey that reminds you that you are but an instrument of the divine and there is not anything that you cannot do
A journey to joy, happiness, bliss, peace, healing
A journey where you will learn the unknown
A journey that shows you that what you see, what you hear, what you feel, what you know is limitless
People ask me what is Shamanism? I say it is the journey of life…
Take care that you be well spirit, soul, mind & body (SSMB)tm,
Andrea Klim
Astrology Forecast June 2018
Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
I’m very happy to be back from a 7 day trip to the United Astrology Conference in Chicago. I was so fortunate to be there amongst over 1500 astrologers from all over the world. I’m very excited to integrate all the new knowledge and methods I learned from master astrologers so that I could share it with all of you.
Below is a picture taken in Chicago it includes 5 ladies from the staff of UAC (United Astrology Conference). From left to right, included is 5 generations of Pluto moving through Cancer, Pluto in Leo, Pluto in Virgo, Pluto in Libra and Pluto in Scorpio. It’s a tribute to the generations of Astrologers who bring a treasure of transformation and buried treasure in different ways to the world through their Pluto influence. P.S. The special lady in the white dress is Laura Nalbandian who led the conference.
Without further adieu … below is the topics of todays broadcast.
* New Moon Wednesday June 13, 2018 22 degrees 47 minutes in Gemini leading up to a Full Moon Thursday June 26 – 6 degrees Capricorn
* Mars 6 month journey through Aquarius
* Uranus in Taurus influences On this new moon I’m reminded of the principles taught by Hermes Trismetigus that remain constant like a thread running through the fabric of humanity which is “as above so below and as within so without “. An astrology chart is a simple reflection of what is above and its a gift from our divine creator that can act as a tool of understanding of what’s within us because it is what we are made up of and soon manifests through experience outside of us. Please join me and watch the forecast for June 2018. Click on the link below to view the show.
Folks… tomorrow Friday June 8, 2018 I’ll be at Every Nook & Cranny, 334 N Donnelly St., Mount Dora, FL from 12 til 5 p.m. offering Astrology & Spiritually Insightful Readings. I look forward to seeing you there. Please call me ahead of time to reserve an appointment if you don’t want to wait. 603-490-6253. Thank You. <3
Sending lot of love to all of you and please take care that you be well Spirit, Soul, Mind & Body. (SSMB)tm
Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars LLC
Counseling Intuitive Astrologer, Shamanic Practitioner
Past Life, Present Life, Future Forecasts
Host of “Turn To The Stars” TV Show Since 2008
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/turntothestars1
Shamanic Practitioner
Cell: 603-490-6253
The best compliment you can give me is the referral of your friends and family. Thank you for your trust. Never forget where you’ve been. Study It, Accept It, Nurture It, Love It. It holds important keys to a fulfilled life ahead!
New Moon Taurus 24 degrees 33 ” Uranus in Taurus
Today is a new moon at 24 degrees 33” in Taurus. Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols tell this story of the image this energy paints for us as it enters into being and the song by Michael Mirabel seems to parallel its message. Uranus connects the message of is energy with its electrical charge. No matter where you’re at… you can feel the earth’s passionate vibration.
This Symbol speaks of being able to use one’s voice, words, songs, poetry and culture to sway the minds and hearts of others. One can sway others to achieve a desire result. There is no guarantee of total success, but you must act if you want any chance of succeeding and you need to put your heart and soul into the performance. The worst that could be damaged is a little ego, so think positively and play your role with enthusiasm and passion. Music can lift the spirits and words of poetry and love can be healing. Shared feelings, love or passion may result. Being in tune with another. Soul mates, or passing fancies? Having your voice heard. Knowing how to deliver a message in order to influence others to make decisions.
The Caution: Not believing messages being given. Insincere charades. Feelings of not being listened to. Spinning tales to get a response. Making things up to get a response.
Scorpio New Moon & Uranus Ingress into Taurus
Watch Scorpio New Moon & Uranus Taurus Broadcast
Today’s broadcast highlights:
*Scorpio Full Moon Sunday Apr 29 2018
7:07 p.m. EDT 9 degrees 34 minutes
*Short forecast of effects and who’s affected by this full moon in Scorpio
*Chiron moving into Aries – what that means?
*Mars Conjunct Pluto now and in Saturn Conjunct Pluto in 2020
*Uranus’s move into Taurus and history
*What to expect?
Scorpio is the most intense water sign of all because it is fixed and because of the planets that rule it which are Mars and Pluto.