Saturn retrograde Apr. 18 – Sept. 6 Karma Revisited

Saturn’s Retrograde April 18 – September 6, 2018
Saturday March 31, 2018

Saturn’s 2018 Retrograde in Capricorn
April 18 through September 6, 2018
Saturn begins its retrograde motion at 9 degrees & ends at 2 degrees

Hello friends of Turn To The Stars … On Wednesday April 18th at 12:59 a.m. Saturn began it’s 5 1/2 month retrograde which it does every year. Saturn is one of the power planets, so this is a time to recognize and pay close attention to. Saturn’s psycho spiritual influence brings up “karma, responsibility, realization of our rooted fears, acknowledgement of karma, the laws of give and take and take and give, acts upon others and acts upon us”. Capricorn is the tool Saturn gives us to work with… which is a tool for building, working, organizing, designing and putting into place building blocks, using what we have to help others. It’s the business oriented sign. We are also reminded that Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and so there’s more awareness brought to our karmic position. As Saturn begins its retro journey to cover what we’ve experienced already from Jan. 10, 2018 until now, we have the opportunity to re-examine our karmic responsibilities. Saturn traveled 7 degrees forward. 7 is the number associated with relationships, partnerships, the scales of justice and so this time has the influence to balance the scales as the past is reviewed.

Saturn will remain in this retro motion until September 6, 2018. Below is a calendar breakdown of the shadow time (meaning the precursor to the retrograde) and the after shadow time. As with any experience there is the time we are moving toward an experience, which is equal to the preshadow time of a retrograde, also the first journey of Saturn from 2 degrees to 9 degrees of Capricorn. Then with any retrograde there is is the inner evaluation time when Saturn appears to move back from 9 degrees capricorn to 2 degrees of Capricorn. To follow, is the aftershadow and also the third time Saturn covers the same territory. I personally enjoy retrograde periods because it allots time for retrospection.

Saturn pre retrograde shadow – January 10, 2018 at 2 degrees 33″ of Capricorn

Saturn turn retrograde – April 18, 2018 at 9 degrees 9″ of Capricorn

Saturn post retrograde shadow – Sept. 6, 2018 at 2 degrees 33″ of Capricorn

Historically Saturn has been referred to as the Lord of Karma. So I like to think that this is a time when karma is sorted out. As I described above karma is defined as
the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or experiences repercussions from past actions. While Saturn is in retrograde motion, the karma relates to how responsible you have been in the past with what you’ve put forth out in the world. Areas such as your career, the things you’ve built and designed and were actively involved in structuring. We can examine the areas we are responsible for and what we are not. Capricorn rules over business, corporate and government entities. We’ll see alot of review going on during this time in these areas.

Saturn’s retrograde can lend to inner gloomy thoughts. Take note of your reaction to bad news and/or loneliness and how you respond. Take time review your thought processes. During the retrograde you may very well discover ways to restructure these areas.

Saturn direct 2018 can be used to recognize areas internally that we can on our soul’s journey realistically revisit the past and discover some tools for redesign, restructuring, recoordinating, replacement of structures that no longer serve oneness. This retrograde has the potential for opening our eyes to the reality of where we’ve been and how we can revisit these areas for reorganization.

This morning while walking I saw this incredible bird by the pond. It’s called a Anhinga.

Nature is filled with wisdom. This is the wisdom the Anhinga was conveying to me this morning and I wanted to share it with you as it is pertinent as Saturn begins its retrograde. According to Animal Totems: Dictionary of Birds by StarStuffs “the Anhinga can show us how to explore the depths of yourself and show you how to chase your dreams, ambitions and goals whether it be physical or spiritual endeavors. He will teach ways to spread your wings of possibilities. Anhinga will demonstrate how to fly with utmost timing and precision and only when thoughts and strong intentions are in place. He will teach great maneuverability and swiftness with a very direct “spearheading” approach. Are you open to your emotions and to allow them to guide you? It is time to trust your feelings and go after what you want. Trust in Anhinga’s abilities for now is the time that your thrust is very powerful”.


Recently Turn To The Stars was in the local Mount Dora News. Below is a link to a video interview by Off The Beaten Path Mount Dora by Christina Carroll…

Christina writes:

Off The Beaten Path -Mount Dora is at Mount Dora Historic District.
April 15 at 8:09am · Mount Dora ·
️�� Meet Mount Dora’s Astrologer, ��
Andrea Klim ️with Turn to The Stars. Guiding us through the towns supernatural “someplace special”. Lakeside inn, Magical Meat Boutique, the Lake County Museum, Renningers and more! Featured on CNBC. Experience the towns “other side” of the story, all theatrics aside. Andrea explains, astrology is not a religion, its a science…a tool to help others, That we are all connected.
Andrea makes a special connection to those she encounters.Tap into your own gifts, share your story, and be blessed. Andrea is a sweet soul who leaves you feeling equipped with answers to life you’ve always hoped to find.

Visit her website for all the many services she provides for the community.

Meet Mount Dora’s Astrologer Andrea Klim

Questions or responses please contact 
Andrea Klim 603-490-6253


Until the next time….. Cura Ut Valeas…. Take care that you be well and remember to Turn To The Stars and you will find your answers there! Please stay in touch. I am available for readings by phone or in person, home parties, social gatherings, private classes for either Astrology or Shamanic Journeying or healing. Wishing you all wellness spirit, soul, mind and body.

A short note: Astrology does not take over your own intuitive sense but it provides a means to look deeper into the human psyche and life patterns giving us an understanding into our individual DNA soul prints that were created at the time of our birth. Using a birth chart, Andrea is able to offer insight into your personal life patterns with exact dates of the unfolding of experiences and she offers ideas and suggestions into how to manage your life cycles with more ease and grace.

Contact Andrea to schedule ……

Birth Charts, Future Predictions, Past Life Readings,
Shamanic Healing & Journeys, Ghost Clearings, Readings
at Parties & Social Gatherings, Group Classes in Astrology
or Shamanic Practices. Call 603-490-6253 to schedule.


I don’t know if you remember me from the last time, I had come in with my then husband and your reading was really poignant… like really poignant… and it all came to be. It was all the Right thing, even though it was a really painful experience at the time. But, it was the Right thing. So, I want to thank you for telling me some really difficult things. It was all what I needed to hear and it was completely True. You are a real deal angel in a human person body. Trace

So interesting Andrea … I see very time I listen to your readings, at the time I think I know what you’re talking about, but I really don’t. So a month later, I really see what you’re talking about and it’s not what I saw from my perspective at the time. Which is really cool. To see how perspective can change in just a few weeks is pretty amazing. Anyway, just want to let you know how moving your work is. Thanks. Nicole

Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars LLC
Mount Dora, FL 32757

Astrology studies the systems around us to understand the systems within us.

Meet Mount Dora’s Astrologer – An Interview by Off The Beaten Path (Christina Carroll)

🌟 Meet Mount Dora’s Astrologer, 🌟
Andrea Klim ️with Turn to The Stars. Guiding us through the towns supernatural “someplace special”. Lakeside inn, Magical Meat Boutique, the Lake County Museum, Renningers and more! Featured on CNBC. Experience the towns “other side” of the story, all theatrics aside. Andrea explains, astrology is not a religion, its a science…a tool to help others, That we are all connected.

Andrea makes a special connection to those she encounters.Tap into your own gifts, share your story, and be blessed. Andrea is a sweet soul who leaves you feeling equipt with answers to life you’ve always hoped to find.

Visit her website for all the many services she provides for the community.…

Relationships, Connections, Grass Roots…. Full Moon Libra

Hi Friends…. I joined this wonderful group of businesses and wanted to share …. I’ve added them to my Network page on my website…. building relationships  Turn To The Stars is listed in their Business Directory in the Professional Services, Local, Entertainment Pages along with many other incredible businesses …. check it out and share with your friend…/professional-services/…/wpbdp_…/entertainment/

Tuesday April 3, 2018 12:00 noon chart

Speak from your heart and people will listen … the north node is in Leo in the 2nd house of values, worth .. Leo loves the one heard and recognizes and so today .. at this time and while we have the talent squares of growing, learning curves occurring (Mercury retrograde squaring Mars and coming back to square Saturn) speak from your heart but discern through what you feel what’s best to consider putting out for the world to see … Astrology is a tool that shows us the universe around us and teaches us about the universe inside us … simply amazing and divinely created we are … that’s how Yoda would say it 🤗😇🌈🌠

Full Moon Libra March 31, 2018

Full Moon / Blue Moon Libra
Saturday March 31, 2018

Full Moon in Libra 10 degrees 47 mins
Mercury Retrograde
Cardinal T Square
Angel Wings /Mystical Rectangle
Symbology of 11 degrees Libra

This Saturday at exactly 9:33 am the fullest part of the full Moon is Libra can be felt. Libra is cardinal and in the word for cardinal in Latin is Cardo which means there’s many messages that are available to us especially on this full moon. This full energy is acting sort of like a hing on a door where we’re more able to look at things from both sides…. i.e. LIBRA…. the relationship sign.

There’s alot of actions and activities of things around us that are carrying messages.

Please click on the below link to view the rest of the broadcast already in process on Turn To The Stars YouTube Channel

I just love this… wise adivse that is so appropriate for the times we’re living in…

by Ponca Chief White Eagle 1800-1914: Go forward with courage when you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists as it surely will… then go forward with courage….

This is helpful advice, especially right now…. Mercury in Aries alongside Venus in Aries in squaring aspect to Pluto in Capricorn…. think twice, three times, four times and maybe more before speaking or forming blocks in relationships. With Mercury turning re tro grade at 6:42 tomorrow evening …. things may seem upside down…. Time to “Just Breathe” ….The Venus/Mercury in Aries in square to Pluto in Capricorn is interesting when you think about the social network Facebook and the political scandal….. this is quite the challenge to unravel…. interferes with our privacy…. Pluto is power and Capricorn brings to light big government ….. this applying square is growing stronger day by day to it reaches its peak…. this may well be a key topic during Mercury Retrograde

Here’s what Psychology today recommends:

Or I can pass onto you a mantra I just learned:
I am the new divine peace
I am the new divine love
I am the new divine light
I am the new divine design of peace and resolve
I am aligned to the new divine design of peaceful resolve
I am a generator for divine peace and resolve in all my relationships

Close your eyes and envision a shower of divine peace and resolve flowing down over you and all

Taught to me by John Mercede’s of Profound Wellness

For more information about the outer planetary influences to your soul map/birth chart ….. I’m available for readings….

Take care that you be well spirit, soul, mind & body,

Mercury Retrograde in Aries

Mercury in Aries turn retrograde on March 22 at 2:21 p.m. here on the east coast. Re Tro Grade …. means time to review all those personal ideas for forward movement…. research, review, reflect ….. Mercury is in Aries…. Mercury’s energy influences our thoughts, ability to reason and think clearly and when its retrograde it’s not operating at full capacity… time for a respit….. March 22-April 14 and during this period of time right around March 31 ….. we realize the reason(s) for this review, this respit…. this is when the Sun in Aries and Mercury in Aries stand side by side and the Sun lights up our minds …. Aries brings areas of ourselves to the forefront and there will be much self review. Be very careful driving my friends. Logic is lessened. People are not thinking clearly. If you have to make a decision, know that you will be revisiting it. This is a great time to learn how to calm the animal within…. Aries is ruled by Mars. How do we calm our anger? How do we find peace with anger that fills our minds? What action can be taken that won’t harm other but will sooth angst and frustration? Has anger popped up and you are finally realizing where it’s coming from and what spiritual tool can you find that soothes that hot air? Aries energy is fire and so the impulse to act will be strong. I learned years ago that the most evolved or esoteric side of Aries is the one who has discovered the way to avoid banging their head into the wall by engaging their mind and spirit before acting….. Wishing you all a wonderful day

Pisces New Moon Sat. March 17, 2018

Pisces New Moon Sat. March 17, 2018
The first new moon following the first set of eclipses of 2018

New Moon Pisces 26 degrees 51 minutes

Hello friends of Turn To The Stars … please find below the link to my YouTube show just recorded overviewing the New Moon in Pisces occurring tomorrow Saturday March 17, 2018 @ 8:02 a.m. EDT. Chiron in Pisces (the wounded healer) is right beside this new moon. Chirons energy (the wounded healer) reveals a key and guidance for us through our deepest pain so that we can receive its most wonderful healing. Between 2010-11 Chirons movement into Pisces touched upon the foundational wound of feeling separate from our source. This has shown up as addiction, escapism, and people feeling powerless. And now as we have realized what the wound is we are healing from the illusion of separateness and realize the only way is to move toward the Piscean unconditional uniteness which is we recognize that spirit and matter are not separate but we are a physical form that is not separate but an extension of divine, source energy.

Chiron moves in Aries on April 17th. On this New Moon in Pisces conjoined with Chiron we have an opportunity to reflect on our healing journey over the last 7 years and integrate the changes we’ve made. On the other side of Pisces we can also forgive ourselves for the changes we have not made which is in the realm of Pisces which is unconditional love and acceptance.

Just wanted to add a little added note about Chiron on this New Moon….

Here is my YouTube show on this New Moon in Pisces. I hope the universal Astrology insight is helpful to you. Please share it with your friends and family if you find it helpful ….

Click Here To View The Show

This is for Dr. Steven Hawking

This is Dr Stephen Hawking 12 noon chart … we could not find his time of birth. He has The signature of a genius in his chart … mercury in Capricorn trining Uranus in Taurus … he also had Mars in Aries squaring inconjunct Neptune and squaring his mercury in Capricorn .. in medical astrology a hard aspect to Mars is conducive to the neuromuscular diseases … he had a grand trine in earth which is the signature of a man who help a promise of earthly beauty and would naturally attract it and have the ability to categorically deconstruct and reconstruct his visions and through dreams know answers from beyond … may you Rest In Peace ❤️😇🌈🙏