Virgo Full Moon March 1, 2018
Thursday March 1, 2018 6:04 p.m.
Full Moon Virgo 11 degrees 18 minutes
I hope this astrology news update finds you all well and adjusting with ease to the changes that are ushering into your life during this time of eclipses. I haven’t had the availability to record a YouTube video that overviews these influences. So I am happy to afford the time to write to you and share some insight from a universal perspective. Meaning, how these eclipses may overall be affecting and influencing everyone.
On January 31, 2018 there was a total lunar eclipse, north node in the constellation of Leo at 11 degrees 39 minutes. This was a Total Lunar Eclipse, full moon, super moon (meaning it was very close to the earth), blue moon (meaning it was the second full moon in 1 months time). Leo inspires drama, emotion, warm heartfelt emotional responses, displays of laughter and colorful displays of expression. Due to the north nodes influence we’re shown a new direction in areas of relationships, especially where matters of the heart are concerned. Leo is a fixed sign, so its energy is long lasting, fixed, latent, dedicated, and loyal.
On February 15, 2018 there was a partial solar eclipse, south node in the constellation of Aquarius at 27 degrees 13 minutes. Solar eclipses speak about our identity and show us where we are and will be experiencing changes over the course of the next 6 months. Being in the constellation of Aquarius we examine our goals and most likely long term goals. The strategy or the map we’re drawing, that is our plans of how we will reach those goals. Aquarius energy raises awareness to us as a whole, a unit, as a society, our community, or area of associations. We can ask ourselves “how and who will be team players in achieving goals that make a difference in our world”? Certainly the south node influence asks us to look to the past, to our friends, our associates. Who do you know? This eclipse reminds us of how important the past is. The same eclipses occur in the same constellation and the same degree every 19 years. Think about 19 years ago which was February of 1999. Where were you then? What did you start then? Where are you at with what you began then? How is that time similar to this time in your life? You may note the similarities and the differences. Is the framework of your experiences similar now? With certainty I can say that what you experienced then and what you’re experiencing now is linked. However, we must remember the evolution of experience. The life tools we’ve gained along the way. Aquarius is an air sign, that is one of the intellectuals of the zodiac. So the changes inspired are filtered through the mind, through communication. You may find yourself checking in with friends and gathering different opinions. You might ask yourself “what did I do 19 years ago that I’m doing now and how can I improve it”?
I often like to examine the patterns of time that tend to repeat themselves. In examining the akashic timeline, I discover by evolution this solar eclipse energy parallels October 1905. So I googled October 1905 and found that this was the time of the 1905 Revolution and Bloody Sunday January 1905 – June 1907. The two year period starting with Bloody Sunday and subsequent civil unrest, and ending with the Coup of June 1907. January 1905: Bloody Sunday – Troops and police open fire on a peaceful demonstration outside the Winter Palace and elsewhere in St Petersburg, killing and injuring around 1,000 people. The liberal press blames Nicholas II. June 1905: Sailors mutiny on the battleship Potemkin, part of the Black Sea Fleet. The mutiny triggers riots in Odessa, which are quashed by troops on the Tsar’s orders. October 1905: October Manifesto – Tsar Nicholas II issues the October Manifesto, promising civil liberties (such as freedom of speech) and an elected parliament (Duma). As a result, restrictions are implemented on the absolute power of the Russian monarch, and a de facto constitution (the Fundamental Laws of 1906) is issued. 16 June (3 June) 1907: Coup of June 1907, which led to the dissolution of the Second State Durma of the Russian Empire, the arrest of some its members and a fundamental change in the Russian electoral law. (This information was found online from the Russian Library).
An examination of the U. S. Birth chart in accordance with this partial solar eclipse shows the eclipse occurring the in the second house of the chart right on top of the U.S. Moon. The second house is our money and financial systems and the Moon brings to light the public and the untidiness that we were founded on. Based on this influence there would be groups coming together to discuss the past methods ideally that worked and due to the inconjunct aspect to Neptune in the 9th house, the indication is that there must be some adjustments made with foreign relations foreign relations in order to resolve conflict which may stem from different belief systems, boundary/border conflicts, nontransparent publications. These are some of the major crisis we are faced with addressing over the next 6 months. 9th house is laws, belief systems, foreign lands, cultures, higher knowledge, and due to the eclipse and this aspect, we’ll have to consider making some adjustments in order to resolve conflicts. The south node in trine to Saturn in Libra in the 10th does indicate open doors for negotiation. A very similar pattern for sure to 1905.
Currently, the light grows brighter each night as we head toward a full moon in the constellation of Virgo at 11 degrees 18 minutes. The moon will be at her fullest on Thursday March 1, 2018 at 6:04 p.m. Gleaming light on areas such as work, health, the processes required when analyzing any area where you want to achieve perfection. The full moon reflects what the Sun & Neptune in Pisces would like us to see. The full moon in Virgo being in the universal first house brings to light ourselves and the Sun and Neptune in Pisces exactly opposite in our partners house shows areas we are receiving awareness of and where discernment is needed. Neptune can certainly bring clarity or added confusion. Resolve or stimulate a boundariless belief (as it is right beside the Sun). The string of connectedness between the full moon in Virgo and the Sun and Neptune also raises awareness to the suffering that’s occurring and the epidemic of drug abuse that’s been spiraling for some time. This full moon and all the Pisces energy stimulates imagination, dreams, unconditional support in relating and to relationships becoming more apparent. It brings a feeling that things are being unveiled that weren’t apparent before the light of this full moon. The full moon in Virgo is in trine to Saturn in Capricorn, indicating there are tools available that will be realized as the full moon shines brighter and brighter gleaming answers to areas where we can be more creative and will have access to learn and make efforts for reorganization. These areas are associated with the heart, children, romantic affairs, creative projects. Especially ones that involve day to day attention. In looking to the akashic records timeline 11 degrees Virgo closely aligns with the time in history of 277 BCE which was when 4,000 Celt mercenaries are employed in Egypt under Ptolemy II. I gleam the reference to be with this full moon is to realize who you choose or discern is for you to stay connected to as you work to fulfill your dreams. Who is most practical? Who really understands? Great questions such as they may arise as this full moon unveils her magical light. There is a quintile to Jupiter in Scorpio in the third house being formed by this full moon which tells me that we’re developing talents we didn’t realize we had. We have access to parts of our minds and psyche never realized previously.
If you are a Virgo born around the 1st of the month or you are born around the 1st of any month, you will feel and experience the influences of this full moon. It’s lighting up, unmasking, unveiling the details needed to be addressed so that you can be successful as you proceed. Virgo energy in full light reveals a purity of form that we are all made in the essence of. The Stars and planets give light and direction but our inner, divine, godly light of guidance and discernment is the most important source to embrace.
This Virgo Full Moon raises our attention to methods to enhance our health. Virgo is an earth sign and so we look to the earth for knowledge of nourishment for our bodies. The things that you read about on my website are products and practices I use daily to stay healthy and so I hope you will take some time to explore.
Until the next time….. Cura Ut Valeas…. Take care that you be well and remember to Turn To The Stars and you will find your answers there! Please stay in touch. I am available for readings by phone or in person, home parties, social gatherings, private classes for either Astrology or Shamanic Journeying or healing. Wishing you all wellness during this changeable season.
Andrea Klim

New Years Eve Full Moon Cancer & Astrology Historically
Today’s article covers the up and coming influences of the full moon in Cancer. This energy is currently unfolding all around us. There’s a sensitivity that can be felt by all and as I write this article I am compelled to dig deeper into the foundations of Astrology. Cancer rules the roots of our being and where we come from and so history is involved. This full light of Cancer energy also brings to light the domestic side of our lives, i.e. our home life, security, where we feel safe and cared for. This influence could inspire many to dig deeper into our own DNA patterns. History connected with our individual lineages and families willl be where heightened emotions are recognized. There’s also a grand trine in water which connects this full moon in Cancer with Neptune in Pisces and Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Scorpio. This means there a depth of sensitivity and emotion involved on this full moon. There is an added component of empathy, understanding, feelings which are highly active and magic is present all around us. The full moon inspires emotional responses, Neptune inspires imagination, resolve, empathy and Mars activity and Jupiter expansion & abundance. To put that altogether there’s an over abundance of emotion and empathy for us all to tap into. The full moon in Cancer is in its exact fullest appearance on January 1, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. It’s a supermoon and that means it’s so especially close to us here on earth. It’s influence is stronger then usual as the Moon is the closest planetary body to us. We feel things much deeper then usual. Cancer brings to light our families, our roots, our family of origins and so family will be an area that is a topic of conversation and experience. And so on New Year’s Eve the energy of this full moon will be a bit more subdued then usual. This energy of Cancer will inspire most to be present with their families or in a family type of atmosphere where they feel and and secure.
Now to pull this back to shed some light on the title of today’s article The History of Astrology. Astrology is over 7000 years old and was discovered in Babylonian Times.The Babylonians are credited with the birth of astrology. Their astrological charts enabled them to predict the recurrence of seasons and certain celestial events. So in the beginning astrology and astronomy were the same science. Babylonian astrology was introduced to the Greeks early in the 4th century B.C. and, through the studies of Plato, Aristotle, and others, astrology came to be highly regarded as a science. It was soon embraced by the Romans (the Roman names for the zodiacal signs are still used today) and the Arabs and later spread throughout the entire world.
While early astrology was used to bring a sense of order out of chaos, it was soon utilized to predict weather patterns, mostlyu for agricultural purposes. It was eventually broadened to include forecasts of natural disasters and war and other events in the course of human experience. Being that there were many successes using Astrology, it was a natural progression for astrology to be used as counsel for kings and emperors and, in time, for all of us.
The zodiac (which is derived from the Greek word meaning “circle of animals”) is believed to have developed in ancient Egypt and later adopted by the Babylonians. Early astrologers knew it took 12 lunar cycles (12 months) for the sun to return to its original position. They then identified 12 constellations that they observed were linked to the progression of the seasons and assigned them names of certain animals and persons (in Babylonia, for example, the rainy season was found to occur when the Sun was in a particular constellation which was then named Aquarius, or water bearer).
I thought it appropriate with the influences of this full moon in Cancer to shed some light on the foundations of Astrology. We all want to know where we’ve come from, it’s quite natural and it seemed appropriate to shed some light on the foundation of astrology as it has been a key tool, a compass so to speak for a very long time to humankind.
This particular full moon is parallel in time with 5200 B.C. which was the beginning of human inhabitation and settlements in Malta. Malta’s location is in the middle of the Mediterranean. It was a place where some of the first farming settlements developed. When I think of Cancer I think of the things that nurture us and provide us with sustenance. Cancer is the Mother of all and so I also think of the different mothers throughout the different cultures in the world that I have learned about over time such as Mother Mary, White Calf Woman (native american), Mana (Greek for Mother) and of course there are so many more.
On further study of this full moon I note that that there is an applying opposition with a stellium of planets, Sun, Venus, Saturn, Pluto all in Capricorn. A dear friend and mentor for many years always said that oppositions bring surprises, it’s like something coming out of no where and they either pull us closer together or divide us. Based upon my experience I believe they can do both. It’s a matter of what we can each accept or not. Awareness is always raised of our differences. By January 9/10, this energy will be most realized and with Saturn newly present in the constellation of Capricorn; reality and responsibility of what we have put out or projected onto others and them onto us will be shown to us. Saturn is at home in this constellation as it is the natural ruler of Capricorn and so there the topic of taking responsibility for your actions will become an area that we must own. Saturn’s energy brings to mind father time, restriction, limitations, responsibility, and hard work. In the middle of the stellium (combination of more then 3 planets in one zodiac sign) of Capricorn is Venus and the Sun and on the outside of the stellium is Pluto in Capricorn. So we have 2 powerful planets holding the boundaries of 2 more personal planets. Saturn = restriction and Pluto = undenial and powerful transformations. Capricorn rules over the structures that rule out in the world such as governments. I see this as huge governmental transformations occurring which is affecting our vital forces, our money systems and there is many areas of restriction being put on these areas and the full moon in opposition brings our awareness to these transformations and breakdowns and to whom the responsibility and hard work is put upon.
In this full moon chart there is also a fixed T-square from the North Node in Leo to Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio to the South Node in Aquarius. Jupiter balloons and puts under the magnifying glass areas where things have ended for us and where new life is now being born. The fixed T-square lets us firmly know that we have no choice but to accept and understand this process is necessary now. From a rooted place there are many who are suffering because they cannot let go of old hurts. Acceptance is important as this indicates we have no choice but to change. The South Node in Aquarius has us looking to our past in realization of our friends, acquiantances and how we are all connected in the network of life. The North Node in Leo has us all looking forward to create from our hearts and so we are reminded of Old Acquintances and New Life and that this is the higher power at work. Brings to mind the traditional song we all sing on New Years “Old Lang Syne”. Here is some history and lyrics to guide you as we open our hearts to welcome this New Year of 2018. I found this on google and hope the sharing shed’s some light onto this beautiful, traditional song.
Auld Lang Syne is a Scottish poem, thought to be composed by Scottish poet and lyricist Robert Burns in 1788. It is sung to the traditional folk tune Roud 6294.
It is well known across the English-speaking world and has long been associated with New Year’s celebrations, commonly played after people watch the ball drop. Auld Lang Syne literally translates to “Old Long Since,” and more roughly it means “long, long ago” or “days gone by.”
Here is the English-translated version of the Auld Lang Syne lyrics (Scottish to follow):
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne ?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely you’ll buy your pint cup !
and surely I’ll buy mine !
And we’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine ;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.
We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine† ;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand my trusty friend !
And give us a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.
Here is a link to a beautiful rendition by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Wishing you and yours peace, joy, happiness, love for your New Year Spirit, Soul, Mind & Body,
Andrea Klim
Turn To The Stars LLC
Counseling Intuitive Astrologer, Shamanic Practitioner, Ghost Clearings
Past Life, Present Life, Future Forecasts
Host of “Turn To The Stars” TV Show Since 2008
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/turntothestars1
Cell: 603-490-6253
Take Care That You Be Well
The best compliment you can give me is the referral of your friends and family. Thank you for your trust.
Never forget where you’ve been. Study It, Accept It, Nurture It, Love It. It holds important keys to a fulfilled life ahead!

New Moon Libra Thursday Oct. 19, 2017
Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
Please join me to watch Turn To The Stars YouTube show. The topics covered are the Full Moon in Aries which occurred on October 5, 2017, Jupiter moving into the Constellation of Scorpio and the New Moon that will be occurring this week on Thursday October 19, 2017. Copy and paste the link below to your browser.
It’s important to note and remember that the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that occurred on August 6, 2017 opened up a portal for past things in relationships to surface. And so every full moon we have following that eclipse unveils more from the past which raises our consciousness of past friends and what it means to be friendly and humane even in the face of adversity.
The full moon dates following that lunar eclipse are Sept. 6, Oct. 5, Nov. 4, Dec. 3 and Jan. 1st. Each full moon through January 1, 2018 presents us with another opportunity to revisit the past associated with friendships and relationships. We are all experiencing in some way memories surfacing from the past.
The October 5, 2017 full moon highlighted freedom in relationships. How do we each retain some sense of freedom yet stay connected in our most personal relationships and friendships? It wasn’t about competition but about connecting and building bonds that last and flourish.
A New Moon occurs in Libra on Thursday October 19, 2017 and the theme is one of peacemaking and gives us the support to transcend strife and rise above issues. This is the beginning of the 3rd month since The Great American Solar Eclipse back on August 21, 2017. Whatever themes of change this eclipse influenced in your life experience will be the most important bridge to recognize. New directions are highlighted even more so. Remember to look forward. Acknowledge the past, but always look forward and cross those bridges on your path to peace.
This New Moon makes me think of what George W. Bush said: “We will not waiver, we will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail.”
I hope you will enjoy the show. 😀
If you are interested in a personal reading, you can contact me at andrea@turntothestars.com or call or text 603-490-6253. Private parties are a great way to gather with your friends and at the same time everyone receives insight into their life both past and/or future. Hostess always receives a free 30 minute reading. This is my way of saying thank you for introducing me to your friends. 😀
Please visit my YouTube channel to view my new show. Copy and paste the below link to your browser to view.
Sending you all many smiles and well wishes and remember Turn To The Stars & You’ll Find Your Answers There,
Andrea Klim

New Moon Virgo News
This Wednesday at exactly 1:11 am here in Mount Dora, FL we experience a new theme of manifestation through a New Moon in Virgo. This New Moon highlights the work we each do every day that is in service to the world around us in some way. It encourages us to organize our lives. It highlights what’s healthy and brings our awareness to what is not. This is a time of purification in whatever area this new moon falls in your chart. A perfection of ourselves and things in our lives comes forth.
The first day of Fall, the Autumnal Equinox is recognized as the Sun moves to 0 degrees Libra on Friday September 22, 2017 at exactly 4:02 p.m. On the equinox the length of day and night is nearly equal – but not exactly.
For more information, join me to watch my recorded show already live on YouTube or connect me personally to register for a reading and use the coupon above. Expiration extended to 10/20/17.
Astrology 101 Classes
Learn How To Interpret an Astrology Birthchart
Through the guidance of these classes learn how to interpret your Astrology BIrthchart. This is a beginning series of 10 classes where you can learn the language of Astrology. Astrology is scientific as well as a spiritual life tool that will help you to understand your soul’s journey in this lifetime.
This class is written in Powerpoint style and includes formulas and worksheets and many tips on how to effectively interpret a birthchart. Each class is anywhere from 20-30 pages long and this is the first 10 chapters.
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Astrology Intuitive Medium Insightful Readings
Every Friday evening in September
Sept. 22, 29 … 5 – 11 p.m.
Pre-registration is required
Astrology, Medium Insights, Spiritually Guided Past Life, Current Life & Future Predictions Life Readings
Offered by Andrea Klim – $25 for 15 minutes
Call 603-490-6253 or go to www.turntothestars.com/events to register
Mastercard & Visa Accepted
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Upcoming Events
Welcome aboard The Soul Train
Past Life/Mediumship Gallery
Come see Mount Dora’s Astrologer & Medium
Explore Past Lives, Ghosts/Spirits
Connect with your loved ones
Your Soul’s Past/Present & Future Is Written
In The Stars
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Introduction to Shamanic Journeying & Practices
Explore Another Realm of Consciousness
During these classes you will learn the history of Core Shamanism, what Core Shamanism is used for, what non-ordinary reality is, the different worlds and imensions you will travel to during shamanic journey time, how to meet your animal spirit guides (i.e. power animals), how to meet your spirit teachers, the do’s and don’ts of the shamanic practices, how to access “wisdom and guidance that can answer questions you have about your life”. The practice of Shamanic Journeying is different then Mediumship and Psychic or Spirit Channeling in that the practitioners soul takes flight to bring back information and/or help. Shamanism is practiced for purposes that are not self-serving. However, a practitioner may journey for self-healing and development. In this sense we are healing ourselves as one of the whole, and once healed, we can share that knowledge and healing.
Classes begin Sundays Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5 Click Here To Register For Shamanic Journeying & Practices Classes Take Care That You Be Well and remember
Turn To The Stars & You Will Find Your Answers There
Wishing you all many blessings,
Andrea Klim

Hurricane Irma September 9-11, 2017
Dear Friends of Turn To The Stars,
We are down here in Mount Dora, FL and are pondering the arrival of Hurricane Irma. Below is a chart I created for tomorrow Saturday September 9, 2017 at 5 p.m. The meteorologists are predicting this as the time that everyone should be safely tucked away in a shelter. So, I thought I’d take a look at the chart for this time.
This evening we are already receiving heavy rains, a precursor to the arrival of Irma. First I want to talk about the meaning behind the name Irma. In Latin and American, the name means “noble”. In German, it means “war goddess”.
When I think of war, I look to Mars in this chart. Mars is in the constellation of Virgo trining the Moon in Taurus. Mars is in the 7th house of this chart indicating that many people are active in relating to the needs and are responding with care to others. Communications are open and there is an earthly response to need. Virgo is concerned with the health and well being, and it appears there is a genuine physical response evident at this time.
The main concern I see is the Sun in Virgo in the 8th house. I look to the Sun to unveil where the chart is lit up. The Sun shows the health and vitality of the chart and/or the designator of the chart, which is the storm. The Sun is in a challenging aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. This indicates stress and challenges to overcome. There is a bright light shown here surrounding the health and well being of anyone going through major changes and recovery will be difficult at this time. The Sun in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius in the 11th house. This is a strong mutable square and indicates anxiety, fear, and a challenge to stay positive with the level of work associated with community efforts. The responsibility here is incredible, testing us to believe that all will be well. I’m happy to see Saturn in Sagittarius trining Venus and the North Node in Leo. This tells me that there are many courageous people who will be responding in our communities and promises that we will make it through this storm with much less struggle than we thought. Of course, I’m reading the chart for Mount Dora, FL, so this is based upon the longitude and latitude of my location. The Sun in Virgo in the 8th house is in a separating opposition to Neptune in Pisces.This tells me that the strength of this storm is weakening. However, highlighted is the 2nd and 8th houses, which indicates a lot of financial loss. Neptune is lots water and emotion. However, eventually Neptune’s energy clears the slate for resolve. The Sun in the 8th house brings to the table a focus on insurance companies. There’s not too much we can do about an opposition except roll with what’s been dealt to us. I also see the Sun in Virgo trining Pluto in Capricorn. This is a major league, transformative experience and will change the structural design of many people’s lives. The Sun in the 8th house indicates that this is a major time of metamorphosis.
I love seeing the beautiful fire trines in this chart. It tells me that many are gathering together and that’s a beautiful thing. I’ve heard of many people having Hurricane Parties. The Moon in Taurus is in trine to Mars in Virgo, lending us energy so that we can slow down to smell the roses and enjoy time spent together.
When I recorded the Full Moon in Pisces YouTube show last week, I spoke about the incredible stress that was being ushered in by the full moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Neptune’s energy was highlighted by the full light of the full moon and it was surely testing us all to stay out of fear and judgement and to focus on hope. My original intuition was that this storm would weaken by the time it reached us here in beautiful Mount Dora. The chart below indicates the same.
In conclusion of this blog… I wish you all safe passage through the storm. It’s our first hurricane while living here in Florida and I felt the need to share some insight into the cosmic influences. Below is the chart I created to provide insight into the storm.
Interested in your own personal astrology reading? Contact me at 603-490-6253 or e-mail me at andrea@turntothestars.com See below for a 20% off coupon that you can apply to your reading. Expires Sept. 20, 2017.
Take Care That You Be Well,
Andrea Klim

What is Shamanism?Ⓒ
a Poem by Andrea Klim
Shamanism is excitement. It is like opening the door to a place you always knew existed but you feared to know.
Shamanism begins you on a journey from which you will never be the same.
Shamanism teaches you that you are the student of life and there are teachers who will come and teach you in a way you have never known before.
There is no mistake that you are now moving with the heart beat that is life and from which all things begin.
Shamanism is the natural medicine you have craved since you first experienced the light of day and the dark of night.
A journey from which you will know the unknown
A journey to world beyond the one you live in
A journey that heals
A journey that is true
A journey to love
A journey to reality
A journey to vision
A journey to wisdom
A journey that never ends but always begins
A journey that reminds you that you are but an instrument of the divine and there is not anything that you cannot do
A journey to joy, happiness, bliss, peace, healing
A journey where you will learn the unknown
A journey that shows you that what you see, what you hear, what you feel, what you know is limitless
People ask me what is Shamanism? I say it is the journey of life…

Stars in the Sky at Night
There are stars in sky at night
But they’re also there in the day
They appear to shine so bright
balls of gas, light-years away

The Daily Astrology News
Andrea Klim: Professional Astrologer, and TV host of Turn to the Stars Astrology Show