This is the overall Astrology forecast for the week of October 18, 2020. This is a busy astrological week. There are two planetary cycles playing out. By Tuesday, October 20 is when some of the most difficult influences have played out. There will be moments of truth, disappointment and also moments of insight and epiphany’s that shift our energy and we realize that anything that is done from a true place of love will last.
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On Thursday, the Sun will leave the sign of Libra and enter the sign of Scorpio and we start the Scorpio season. Happy Birthday to everyone who is a Scorpio!
At the end of the weekend and toward the beginning of the week, the Suns movement through Libra will reach an exact square with Saturn which influences a conversation of tension. This influences motivations to overcome challenges in relationships, but it can also influence attitude. It can also cause uncomfortable situations, but it is through action that we are able to change things for the better. This is a time to learn we learn about ourselves and realize what is needed to achieve resolution.
We have experienced a lot of Saturn squares lately and with Mercury retrograde in the sign of Scorpio going back into the sign of Libra, it will square Saturn one more time at the beginning of November.
We also have Mars retrograde breaking away from an opposition with the Sun and a square to Saturn, occurring on and off during the course of Mars retrograde. So, the Sun is going to square Saturn and this will be uncomfortable but is necessary. It will deliver moments of understanding about the limits we have reached and identifies the places we are ready to move forward and where further sacrifice can feel like it is the right choice to make.
This can also show us where we have gone far enough and where we are ready to allow certain experiences to come to an end so that we can move forward feeling free from the things that have held us back.
On Sunday, Venus and Neptune were exactly opposite each other. So, there has been some uncertainty, confusion, and some disappointments. At this time some may experience difficult emotions. We can be overly sensitive and so it is especially important that we practice self-care more than normally. As I stated on Saturday’s report, all of this happened within a short period of time over the weekend and early into the week.
The next important planetary connection to take place is between Jupiter and Mars. This is part of an ongoing cycle as well. As you may know, Mars is retrograde right now and this can suggest overconfidence, but also insecurity that comes through a sense of wanting to work or fight to improve circumstances. It can be confusing to know what direction to focus our energy. So, again this is an important time to take good care of ourselves.
On Tuesday October 20th is when we reach a turning point with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio in opposition to Uranus. This is the 2nd of 3 times that these 2 planets are going to oppose each other. The first time they opposed each other was about two weeks ago. The next time they oppose each other will be after Mercury retrograde later in November.
This Mercury opposition is part of an ongoing cycle of with Uranus that brings the truth. Mercury’s influence is information and conversations and its news about the things we are collectively talking about. Mercury in the sign of Scorpio influences us to do the detective work to dig up the truth. So, we should see the truth continue to present itself and this can be surprising and shocking. It might seem that a light has been turned on in many ways. Basically, whatever we have not been able to see clearly, suddenly becomes clearer.
Mercury’s retrograde always brings the means to a better conclusion, that is, it always brings us the missing pieces of information we need to make more informed decisions.
On more of a personal level there will be a deeper and clearer understanding about what motivates us and what is going on emotionally. There will be things that come from outside experiences and with others or outer situations. Revelations come through these experiences and we are able to identify what is at the root of things we have been doing and feeling.
With powerful revelations and epiphany’s our consciousness changes and it is extremely hard to go back. If we are honest with ourselves, we will not go backwards. Through these revelations we are able to look deeper into the layers of with a better of understanding.
Following the revelations that become apparent from Mercury opposite Uranus, Venus begins to trine Jupiter and there is a beautiful influence of energy that is unfolding. As the week progresses, Venus will be having a beautiful conversation with Pluto and then Saturn as well.
Venus in trine to Jupiter influences good fortune and beneficial experiences. Venus in trine to Pluto influences beneficial life changing experiences through relationships. Venus in trine to Saturn influences great rewards from areas we have worked hard. At this time whenever a planet forms an aspect connecting with Jupiter, Pluto or Saturn in Capricorn, the energy is amplified and spreads out over a period of time. This includes good experiences.
The early part of this week has a tough influence of energy with the Sun square to Saturn. So, the Venus in Virgo harmonious conversation to the 3 power planets in Capricorn, later in the week delivers a surprisingly, transformative energy influence with waves of practical overtones.
The influence of this connection can be demanding due to Venus being in the sign of Virgo as this energy can be focused on details and the influence is for us to make sure love is included into the littlest moments. Venus in Virgo says that love is an idea or a concept and can indicate that love shows up in little things we do during the processes of the day. Wherever attention is given to the smallest things that we do, is where the most meaningful and lasting change can occur.
The transformative part of this has to do with Pluto and the stable part of this influence has to do with Saturn. The more hopeful part, the indulging part of this energy influence is connected to Jupiter. These are some of the dominant energy influences that start to play out and are going to be with us as we enter into the 2nd part of this cycle.
Now getting back to Mercury Retrograde, I think Mercury Retrograde is good for many reasons. It is not the best time to move forward with a new thought or to make decisions, especially about new things. It is not an easy time for communication or with things to do with technology. However, where we thought an opportunity was gone or lost, is where mercury reminds us that we have another chance.
I think that Mercury’s influence now is associated with prosperity and abundance with a week like this with 5 out of the 10 planets in our solar system in Earth signs. The energy playing out is of manifesting things we can feel really good about in the most practical ways.
At this time, influences around manifesting prosperity by connecting with others of like virtue may surprise us. Things may seem to come out of nowhere, and some opportunities will be bigger than they were before or a better fit than they were before.
Now everyone will experience surprises. For some these will be good yet for others these experiences may be shocking. Things that we thought were gone forever can come back very quick and bring happiness and abundance.
Mercury in Scorpio can bring the truth of what has been going on due to its connection with Uranus. Truth is coming out very quick and honestly it is truth that allows us to change. Wherever it is that we can consciously move through change and towards change, will be for the better.
The beautiful energy and conversation that Venus is having with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, says that change can happen, and it can bring a positive and happier combination of circumstances as a result.
What I love about this week is we are entering into a sense of completing some exceedingly difficult energy influences with things that have been with us over the last couple of weeks. Now these changes can happen in an instant.
With open minds for new ideas comes new understandings and they can quickly turn into real opportunities for us to manifest better circumstances both personally and collectively.
Thank you so much for joining me today and for your continued support. Please leave me any comments or suggestions in the comments area below.
My favorite work is providing insight collectively for all of you and personally for each person I read for. If you would like to know how these planetary cycles are playing out for you log on to my website to register for a Reading. Once you have purchased the Reading of your choice, I will contact you to get your birth information and to schedule your appointment.
On Saturday November 14th from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., I am starting another series of Astrology Classes. This is an interactive class and you can now easily learn how to interpret Astrology. I use real birth charts from students attending the classes to teach from and you learn the foundational skills for birth chart interpretation. This class is taught by Zoom and each class is recorded for your future review. For more information click here. This class is reduced more then 50% of the normal rate and is offered at $115.00 per student for eight 2 hour long classes. Here is a testimonial from one of my students. This is a group class and is interactive. Click here to register.
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Thank you once again and remember “Turn to the Stars” and you will find your answers there”.