New Moon in Leo August 18, 2020 – Conscious Healing through Astrology & Shamanism

During this video Andrea and Julianne discuss the current Astrological influences and suggest helpful spiritual practices for Conscious Healing.


Currently we are entering into a new moon cycle in Leo on August 18th that influences a bright spirit of creativity. This brings an element of courage, excitement and positive inspiration to follow our hearts. This Leo new moon forms a strong trine to Mars in Aries and is supportive toward what you are focusing your physical energy toward. Just prior to the new moon, Mars in Aries forms a powerful and challenging square to Pluto in Capricorn. This suggests people are actively expressing their needs. There is extreme conflict coming from the world we physically live in. With this outer conflict it is hard to adjust both physically, mentally and emotionally.

During this video. daily exercises are suggested. If you feel personally that you’d like to reach out to us for further assistance, we can individually be reached at the links below.

Click here to contact Andrea Klim @ Turn to the Stars
Click here to contact Julianne Santini @ Profound Wellness

Thank you for joining us and for your continued support,
Andrea Klim

Julianne Santini

Conscious Healing Through Astrology & Shamanism

Uranus goes Retrograde Astrology News Week of August 9, 2020

Dear Friends of Turn to the Stars,

I hope this finds you well and moving forward in the most positive ways during this time of adjusting to the “new norm” of daily life. This newsletter is for this week of August 9, 2020. It is written from a universal point of view. This means the planetary influences being described are affecting all on earth.

One of the key signatures of this week is some intense and surprising squares that are set to take place. Squares are energy interactions being form by the location of planets which indicate that the planets are having tense conversations which can be motivating as well. Challenges, irritation, and frustration are all a part of what I am seeing here.

As I write this newsletter, Mercury, the planet that rules communication, information, news, and the media is forming a strong square to Uranus. Uranus brings shocking surprises, the unexpected and rebellious responses. It is the planet that rules over intuition, epiphany, and sparks interest into the seemingly unexplained. It also rules over Astrology and science. Mercury is in Leo, the sign that has to do with rulers, leaders, celebrities, actors, drama, and with those who are in the public eye who are wanting to be heard and recognized. Uranus in Taurus has to do with finances, our resources, and the things we value. Leo is a fire sign and not usually patient, so communicating will not be easy and this could have us questioning our sense of specialness.  It is highly possible we receive surprising and shocking news about someone who is in the public eye or about someone’s finances. Uranus in Taurus brings surprises and the unexpected with finances or resources. Taurus is an earth sign, so this could be surprising information about earthly resources, such as food.

This square is strong at the beginning of the week. Conversations can easily become electric! it could be that conversations and communications take us by surprise. It is possible we have reunions with people we least expect. The most important thing we need to remember is to be kind as we interact with others.

At the end of the week on the 15th, Uranus is going to go retrograde. When a planet slows down and appears to stand still as it is preparing to change directions, it is at the height of its power. This means surprises are going to be taking place. Before I continue to talk about this week, I just want to put things into perspective because some of the energy this week is tiring and shocking. Next week we will have some relief as we have got sextiles which are harmonious planetary conversations that take place between planets. Next week, we are also going to have a new moon that is helpful. It will be energizing. Next week is going to show us that the Mars retrograde season does not have to be all bad. So, we do have this to look forward to.

This energy can also bring surprising Freudian slips. What is a Freudian slip? It is saying something just out of the blue or just suddenly reacting in the moment. This can end up being very revealing and reveal a lot about what is happening in your psyche and what you believe. In observing our Freudian slips, we get to learn a whole lot about ourselves.  So, we could surprise ourselves by demonstrating one of these slips, and we may also observe them from other people. This can be a time where we push buttons or trigger them, or others trigger us. Whether it is an innocent slip, or we knew we were saying something that would hit a certain spot, reactions can be quite pronounced. This reaction is not only because of this Mercury Uranus configuration. It is also because on Thursday we are going to have Mars squaring Pluto. This is a huge influence! This is the first of three exact squares these planets are going to have due to the Mars retrograde season. This is probably one of the most difficult squares that these planets are going to have.

Both Mars and Pluto are rulers of the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio has to do with transformation and regeneration. It has to do with profound, honesty, being able to see through illusions or facades that were put up. Scorpio energy is supportive toward understanding what is happening at the core of a situation with the intention of creating meaningful transformation. This is the more evolved side of Scorpio. The other side of this energy has to do with manipulation, intense emotions, and perhaps misguided emotional perspectives. It is from these types of influences that we make a choice of how we want to respond. This is going to be part of our ongoing learning as we navigate this period forward.

So, Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio. This Mars square Pluto configuration suggests power struggles power games, having to look at the limits of our own personal power, perhaps even feeling frustrated, wanting transformation, wanting meaningful change, but feeling as that our best efforts are not giving us the outcomes that we want. There will be a lot of intense, emotional energy, in each direction, without necessarily feeling like we are making progress right away. It is important for us to remember that no effort is ever wasted. Progress will come. The Mars retrograde season will influence this ongoing feeling. What Mars asks us to do is to act, to take steps to move forward. Power comes now through surrendering whatever it is that we do not have power over, and to understand that this is a source of wisdom. In doing so, ultimately, we can move forward and make progress.

When Pluto is squaring Mars, it may be difficult to recognize where it is that we have control.  It may feel like circumstances are less than ideal or that something really should not take as much energy as it is taking. Whatever it is that is presenting itself to us, we may find ourselves giving it all we have with a focus towards an outcome we desire. It can be through this that we learn a tremendous amount about ourselves. This Mars retrograde season is going to teach each of us, in our own unique ways, through some powerful experiences that are empowering, and this comes through surrender. What we learn now will stay with us long after this Mars retrograde season is over. We are being shown what we are willing to fight for, what is worth fighting for, what it is that we are  willing to surrender, what it is that we’re willing to truly and honestly dedicate ourselves too.

It is this Mars retrograde season that is encouraging us in different ways, because we have a few different planets involved in this ongoing planetary dance. In different ways we are being asked to be more honest with ourselves. In doing so, we can direct our powerful and precious energy wisely.

Now at the very end of the week Uranus will go retrograde. Whenever a planet changes direction, its energies are much more magnified, and we feel it much more. This is what is happening now as we begin the week. Uranus has already slowed down and is slowing down more as we get toward the end of the week to a standstill and goes retrograde. It is going to be retrograde until the end of the year and into next year. It will go direct in January of 2021.

When a planet goes retrograde, its energies become more reflective. The energy becomes focused inward.  Retrograde planets invite us to consider how we are using this energy. Uranus is an energy of change. It is different than Pluto. It is not the type of intensity of Pluto and especially because Pluto is squaring with Mars. It has an intensity of its own. It is energy of truth, enlightenment, and epiphany. This is a light bulb moment and all of us will have one in at least one area of life. Things will become clearer, very quickly. It could be through our own actions and how we behave that we find a level of understanding or honesty with ourselves. It may also be because of external circumstances. Once we have that epiphany moment and see things how they are, which is what Mars square Pluto is going to bring up to the surface. We will see through any illusion which already is being broken due to Mars square Pluto. We will be able to see through it in an instant.

Uranus was the god of thunder. Thunder gives bursts of light. These flashes and cracks of light make everything look different. It shocks us into seeing things differently. But often with thunder we also have rain.  Rain nourishes the earth. Uranus can be shocking and surprising but ultimately it delivers what we need to be nourished. It will be quite pronounced how this could play out.

Mars and Pluto suggest power struggles. There is an intensity of insecurity now with Uranus and things are moving very quickly.  There is energy that can bring truth in an instant. In a second, we could see ourselves, our circumstances differently realizing what needs to change. We can see what must change and what we need to put down, what it is that has felt like a burden, so that we can be freer. Uranus helps us to realize our own authenticity. We may have a moment of clarity that opens our eyes to our true self. On the world stage we may see some overly dramatic examples of this with huge groups of people acting out for freedom. Uranus is a symbol of equality and for human rights. And so, as Uranus is changing directions, at the end of the week, this energy, this desire is going to be strong. The energy turns inward, and we start asking ourselves more reflective and deeper questions. What it is that we need on a level of heart, on a level of soul so that we can be our true selves.

When a planet goes retrograde, symbolically it is said that its energy becomes outwardly weaker. I think of it as more personalized. Retrogrades are about becoming and being the change and integrating the change in your heart and soul.

What I love about this week is it is a powerful time. There is surprising news in the early part of the week. As the week progresses the energy does become more intense. And while there is frustration there is also the promise of freedom, excitement, seeing things clearly and being freed from things we no longer need. There is a promise of a fresh perspective that ultimately gives us permission to be ourselves.

Thank you so much for your continued support! I appreciate you all.
For a personal, detailed Reading, please contact me to schedule an appointment. The most popular Reading being requested right now is a deep summary of the birth chart. I prepare a detailed graph of past lives with exact dates given. An explanation of what occurred in past life is referenced and discussed considering the parallel, present life experiences from child and adulthood. I also use past life oracle cards for deeper insight. This type of Reading provides great insight into the very root of your human experiences and brings healing through understanding. Meditative or shamanic methods may be suggested for deeper healing. This type of Reading normally takes 2 hours but can be divided into segments.  Also, I have several clients requesting Astrology Classes. So, I am trying to schedule a starting date. Please get in touch with me if you would like to learn either as just a hobby or for professional development. I would love to have you join us! Please note classes are discounted at 50%.
Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,

Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there

Astrology Forecast Full Moon Aquarius Monday August 3, 2020

I hope this finds you managing this incredible time of change with ease and grace! In today’s article, I am going to be discussing the full moon in Aquarius which is at its peak of energy influence by Monday August 3rd at 12:30 p.m. EDT. There is going to be a high energy, progressive, revolutionary, and rebellious energy over this first part of August. To say the least, the next week will be very intense! 

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about the energy influences of the new moon in Cancer that happened on July 20th. I mentioned that it was in opposition to Saturn. This meant the theme could have made us feel restricted or held back by Saturn and we were cautiously moving forwards. Universally, it brought tension and much awareness to outside influences. This means that we could have experiences with other people that caused us to pause and think carefully about our reaction. We could have experienced things which were entirely out of our control. There would have been opposing, confrontational points of view made that had great sensitivity. On the other side of this, some new connections could have been formed with others who reached out due to shared interests.

The theme of this new moon has been gaining energy, day by day. This means our new focus and new goals are becoming more magnified with the full moon energy in Aquarius on August 3. So, it is bringing to a head, bringing to light, what was started with the new moon. This full moon is going to be in a major T-square or hard angle to Uranus. Two weeks ago, the new moon was showing us areas of restriction by its opposition to Saturn. This Full Moon is being influenced by rebellious, revolutionary Uranus. So, where we might have been feeling restricted or overly cautious, this Full Moon can show us what we have had enough of and want to break free from. This is a time we can use to discover new parts of ourselves. Some good outlets, maybe, what we were worried about finally breaks a part and we find ourselves tired of restrictions. This is a time of becoming conscious. Now you can act, step outside, step back and perhaps experience some very unexpected realizations. 

Full moons can test relationships. This one does especially because the sun is in Leo. The sun in Leo shows us where we shine and want to be recognized. However, it is in opposition, or in confrontation with the full moon in Aquarius. Aquarius rules the collective, groups and it rules your friends. So, this full moon is really bringing up your individual needs, versus the collective or other’s needs. It is raising awareness to what is good coming from our community and how to blend it without feeling like you are losing your individuality. Both the sun and the moon are forming 90-degree angles of conflict with what we call a T-square to Uranus in the earth sign of Taurus. This can bring a strong feeling of wanting to rebel. So, there is not likely to be a lot of harmony or cooperation. This full moon will be bringing in your sense of identity, with the good of the community.

Now, we could be feeling very rebellious, because, the new moon, two weeks ago, was bringing up all types of limitations and restrictions from Saturn. So, this could play out in your personal life in relationships, your job or business. Whatever the area is, where you have been feeling overly conscious or feeling contained and restricted, you are ready to bust out and break free from. This energy could be giving us permission to shake things up and to try something new. Perhaps it is meant to get you out of a rut.

Some other scenarios could be, whatever was forming a sense of structure, stability, and security, could be blowing up. This full moon is at 11 degrees of Aquarius and if you can find this in your birth chart, you can identify more depth into this pattern. If you need help with this, I am available for consultations. So, whatever you have been worried about, could be the crisis and now you must think very quickly on your feet about what you are going to do. 

This full moon energy in square to Uranus, will be felt all over the world. Through the first half of August, there will most likely be a lot more chaos, liberation, and rebellion with more protests. It could be in your own personal life; you just must break out of a restricted relationship or a job. You may realize it is time to break away from a boring and stuck pattern. This is a very dynamic energy!

In this chart, Mars is in Aries and it represents the courageous, warrior that acts and takes bold risks. It is extraordinarily strong in Aries, because, it is in a sign it rules. We could easily see and feel strong and aggressive energy around us. It is in a hard angle to Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of justice and truth. Mars brings about a fighting spirit. With this potent, rebellious energy, the first half of August could bring a lot of defending our rights and wanting to protest for justice.

We also have Mercury, on the day of the full moon, in exact opposition to Saturn. So, trying to communicate with others could have some tension. You could also be hearing news from others. This is an opposition that is very frustrating but does raise our awareness of differences. You could be saying goodbye to a personal relationship or to something you have been doing every day. Uranus can bring big shake ups. Intuitively, I see this like many pieces of a mirror breaking or coming apart. 

Now, along with all of this, there is another planetary event that I have been talking about on and off this year. It is the taskmaster, stoic, responsible, and contracting Saturn being back in Capricorn and retrograde. This can influence us to tie up loose ends or whatever we still need to work on. Saturn has about a 28/29-year cycle. I have mentioned this before in past newsletters. When looking at the birth chart for the United States of America, born July 4th, 1776, Pluto was at 27 degrees of Capricorn. So, about every 28 to 29 years, Saturn is going to be moving past Pluto for the United States. Saturn brings an element of restriction. For the United States, Pluto in Capricorn is an indicator of its tremendous wealth and power. So, recently the first time Saturn moved past Pluto was the last week of February 2020. There was a global, stock market collapse. Now, Saturn is, for the second time, moving past Pluto. This occurs during the first two weeks of August. The 3rd pass is usually not as bad, if we have worked through the experiences brought up twice already. The 3rd pass is at the end of November. Due to the restrictions with the Covid virus, many will most likely vote by mail. So, we may not have an accurate count of who won the presidency, for a week or two. It is possible the stock market could be very much affected again.

November takes us into flu season and the stock market could be very affected by this. The first, 2 weeks of August, could be it crashing again or some similar theme to February. It will not be as big as it was at the end of February, due to the retrograde. This can also indicate that the United States government is enforcing a lot of restrictions. This will be because of the virus. So, this is an intense period. The positive is with Uranus, wherever you are feeling personally, overwhelmed or in the dark, you will feel a tremendous drive to break free and make some changes.

Here are some important dates for the next two weeks. Since May 28th, Mercury, the planet of decision making and thinking, has been in the sensitive sign of Cancer. On Tuesday, August 4th, Mercury moves into dynamic, outgoing, expressive, and extroverted Leo. Mercury in Leo wants its voice to be heard and wants attention. This is the day after the full moon. Mercury was in Cancer throughout June, July, and until August 4th, due to its retrograde. So, in our communications and our minds, we may be feeling a lot more passion over the next 4 weeks.

On Friday, August 7th, Venus moves into Cancer. It has been in Gemini since the beginning of April. Venus is the planet that rules over money, relationships, love, beauty, creativity, and pleasure. Venus in Gemini influenced more of the mind, thinking, networking, communicating, and socializing. It was retrograde through May and June. This could have caused feelings of being very restricted, socially, and relationships being tested. Venus will be in Cancer for about four weeks. This could influence more appreciation for the home, family, and those relationships.

On Monday, August 10th, Mercury in fiery, extroverted Leo, will be in a hard, squaring angle with rebellious Uranus. So, during the 1st week of August, the full moon was triggering Uranus in a challenging way. These types of squares challenge us to grow. There is a lot of rebellious, revolutionary type energy in the consciousness of the collective. It can almost feel like electricity. This could be a day of a lot of anxious news or upsetting news. We can channel this for our own good. This is where we could be thinking outside the box. It is a time we could come up with new inventions, new ways of expressing our ideas. This can be very favorable for getting us to open to learn some type of new technology.

Mars in Aries brings a strong, fighting spirit. From about August 1st and throughout the month, it forms challenging squares with Jupiter, Pluto and then Saturn. Mars will pass through this same area 3 times, due to its retrograde. When Mars is in this type of challenging configuration, it can bring out anger and frustration. There could be a lot of forces within all of us, or in the collective that we are really fighting to defend. We can already see and feel this energy growing with protests around the world. Individually, we could be feeling this enormous amount of anxiety.

Astrology is giving us a heads up that explains why we are seeing and feeling this way. This can be a very productive time if we can channel all the energy into some type of work. Jupiter represents truth. Pluto brings death and rebirth, in basic astrology. Then, Saturn brings reality and hard work to what needs and must have attention. This could be very favorable for making repairs or throwing things out or looking at what has been out of order. This can be particularly good for construction. A good use of this energy would be gearing it toward making some major changes. 

On August 15th, liberating, rebellious Uranus is going to turn retrograde until January. This will trigger any static energy that has been kept inside to be looked at. 

On Sunday August 16th, the sun in Leo, will be in harmony with Mars. Mercury in Leo will also be in a harmonious aspect with Mars. We should feel like we are making some progress. This is sending a lot of positive energy to Mars. We should feel that we are accomplishing a lot and getting a lot done.

August 18th is the next new moon. It will be in Leo. The start of a whole new lunar cycle. I will be writing about this in upcoming articles. Until next week, please stay safe and healthy. I genuinely appreciate your support and hope this explains, resonates, and helps you. If you have found it helpful, please share with others in your social networks.

If you are looking for personal insight, please contact me to schedule. Astrology is such a valuable tool for conscious living. I am able map out the major influences from month to month and from day to day if you like this much detail. I can also look at important dates on your calendar and tell you about the energy influences. Here’s a link to my website. where you can find out more about the personal Readings I offer, savings with yearly subscriptions and “The Language of Astrology Classes“, I teach. Classes are discounted at 50% at this time. Click on the link above to find out more. This includes dates new classes are beginning. I look forward to staying in touch.

P.S. Below are a couple testimonials that were just sent to me in the last weeks. I’m so grateful for all of you!

photo above from blog.spirituality

Hi Andrea,  I watched last week’s class, last night and I have to say, it was great. I wish I had been there. The formula you use to translate aspects, it really clicked for me. I used the formula for a few aspects in my own birth chart after watching the video and it’s pretty powerful stuff.  I know I have said this before but I am really enjoying class and I will miss you all when this is over. Last week’s class had such great participation and feedback from the ladies. It was fantastic.
Thanks Andrea and talk soon,

Sarah Freeman

Hi Andrea,Just wanted to thank you again for the Horary reading. I found my car keys!! Almost all astrologers know about Horary, but not many actually take the time to study and understand it. I’m so glad you did. You said, the keys were inside a container that was higher up and on the NW side of the house. A very unusual place that I would never suspect. You said a friend was involved, and that it would take some work on my part to discover where they were, but I would find them. You were right about everything. It did take two days of re-looking everywhere, but I found them in the bottom of a drawer of fabric. I had put away the fabric, a friend had given me that day, and the room is upstairs on the NW side of the house. The keys had fallen inside and were hidden in the bottom of the drawer. I had looked there before, but never looked under the fabric. You know, your ability really helped us! Not only do we have the two sets of car keys back, but had we had to replace them, we would have had to spend over $700. Thank You!! Not only are you smart and intuitive, you are also a very nice person. Thank you Andrea.
Loren Tabor

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,
Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there

Astrology Forecast July 20-27 Second New Moon in Cancer Breaking the Barriers of Tradition

Over the course of the last week, we’ve experienced a series of oppositions between the Sun in Cancer and Jupiter, Pluto and finally, yesterday a new moon in Cancer in opposition in the sky to Saturn in Capricorn. As you read last week, this is one of the most important transits of July because it’s all happening 2 times across the Capricorn, Cancer axis this month. Capricorn and Cancer are what we call cardinal signs and so our actions and responses are put under the spot light as the energy of this new moon approaches. It’s about positively meshing or bringing together different elements to form something that helps all sides. This is a very important new moon as it raises awareness of choice. The choice to collaborate and grow together or divide and separate. It’s about recognizing traditional responses and where there’s the need for change. The most positive response of course is to, set aside old ways, ego driven responses and to allow yourself to be humbled, allowing another or new point of view.

Cancer brings about a sensitivity and need to nurture and help something or someone to grow with care. Saturn in Capricorn brings up a realization of the seriousness of what’s real and shows those who are determined to be in charge just for the sheer need to control whether kind or not! Capricorn energy also brings up our individual judgements and status driven desires. Whenever the Sun connects with a planet, it shines light on the energy of that planet. The best response to an opposing force is for each side to recognize the differences and then to acknowledge where the ego has stepped in. The Sun represents on one side the essense of life and spirit and on the other side the ego. Saturns energy reminds us of our responsibilitities. It’s the teacher and it shows where there’s work to be done. This new moon may be difficult because it wants to teach us something and it will come through some outside person or experience. It carries an energy that may ask each of us to look at our faults, our judgements, rigid or harsh behaviors, where we are fearful, where we maybe defensive because we refuse to realize something true or real about ourselves or others. The energy of Saturn tends to protect, it can show where fear lies, but it’s also about gaining wisdom through experience.

The Sun in Cancer shines a light that reaches out in a motherly way to gently care for and nurture. As it is opposite Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn it is likely many old patterns will be recognized and be put under a spotlight.

So often oppositions separate people because one side or both sides refuse to collaborate or to accept the truth. The most positive response is for the truth to be accepted. Both sides agree to disagree or agree that what has been brought up is correct, and then both sides work together toward a peaceful understanding. The capricorn, cancer opposition can also bring up an awareness that we’re mean’t to look at something we’ve always done one way. It’s like looking up at the same sky every night and then one night the sky looks very different and we have a choice to stay and accept this new view or we can run away because of fear.

I took a look at the Sabian symbol for this new moon. Sabian symbols provide a further explanation of an energy influence, and here is what it said. This is from Linda Hills sabian symbols. In your mind picture seeing a daughter of the american revolution. This symbol shows the ability or the need to stand up for an ideal or a situation that demands your involvement. This could be about political or social revolution, or fighting to change the status quo. Relying on old traditions that were, in their day, radical and transforming, may no longer work. The difficulty is that these traditions are more predictable, conservative values that may no longer seem relevant to today’s needs and aspirations. Despite your inner feelings of modern freedom, you may come up against those that are more conservative and unmoving. Being bound by social conditioning. Leading the charge to break down the barriers of tradition. Sacrificing oneself for the larger picture. Wanting change. Fighting the norm. The Caution: Supporting battles that have already been won. False feelings of superiority. Narrow-minded conservatism. Glorifying the past. Having to be ‘in the club’ to be accepted.

This is the first new moon since the solar eclipse in June and the experiences you have may be ones of opposition. From my experience in working with Astrology, opposing energies can also bring people closer together. If we can allow a different perception from outside, this energy can connect us and deepen our relationships. Perhaps this new moon is about opening our hearts to realize something we’ve refused to see! Perhaps it shows us an area where we’ve refused to grow. Wherever this new moon is in your chart is where there is a need to deal with whatever situations come up. This is about recognizing our personal needs.

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto continue to be retrograde into September and October, so this is a great time for self reflection. All 3 planets are in Capricorn, so this is the time for examining the truth about our fears and our responsibilities. It’s a great time for reflecting on what our individual limitations have been and considering how we can change them. Jupiters energy encourages us to be optimistic. Saturns energy represents time and Pluto’s energy represents clearing away the old so that regeneration can occur. During these retrogrades and especially at this highly emotional new moon, it is very important we look within ourselves and what it is we we need to overcome.

I hope that this has given you some clarity, as you look at your own path. As always, I greatly appreciate your support and hope at least some part of this information has helped and resonates for you. If you’ve found it helpful, please share with others in your social networks. As always you can find out more about the personal Readings I offer, savings with yearly subscriptions and “The Language of Astrology Classes“, I teach. Classes are discounted at 50% at this time. Click on the link above to find out more. This includes dates new classes are beginning. Here’s a link to my website. I look forward to staying in touch.

P.S. Just thought I’d share a couple testimonials that were just sent to me in the last 2 weeks. I’m so grateful for all of you!

image source planetfacts

Hi Andrea,
 I watched last week’s class, last night and I have to say, it was great. I wish I had been there. The formula you use to translate aspects, it really clicked for me. I used the formula for a few aspects in my own birth chart after watching the video and it’s pretty powerful stuff.  I know I have said this before but I am really enjoying class and I will miss you all when this is over. Last week’s class had such great participation and feedback from the ladies. It was fantastic.
Thanks Andrea and talk soon,
Sarah Freeman

Hi Andrea,
Just wanted to thank you again for the Horary reading. I found my car keys!! Almost all astrologers know about Horary, but not many actually take the time to study and understand it. I’m so glad you did. You said, the keys were inside a container that was higher up and on the NW side of the house. A very unusual place that I would never suspect. You said a friend was involved, and that it would take some work on my part to discover where they were, but I would find them. You were right about everything. It did take two days of re-looking everywhere, but I found them in the bottom of a drawer of fabric. I had put away the fabric, a friend had given me that day, and the room is upstairs on the NW side of the house. The keys had fallen inside and were hidden in the bottom of the drawer. I had looked there before, but never looked under the fabric. You know, your ability really helped us! Not only do we have the two sets of car keys back, but had we had to replace them, we would have had to spend over $700. Thank You!! Not only are you smart and intuitive, you are also a very nice person. Thank you Andrea.
Loren Tabor

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,
Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there


Wishing you a happy & Safe 4th of july – luar eclipse in capricorn – releasing emotional baggage

July begins with a lunar eclipse in Capricorn. It begins on July 4th EDT at 11:07 p.m. It reaches its maximum on July 5th at 12:29 a.m. and ends at 1:52 a.m. Normally we have 6 eclipses in a year. However, between June and July we’re having three eclipses in five weeks. So, it is incredibly intense. It feels like we’re passing through the eye of a needle. The magnetic shield of the earth is dropping. When the magnetic shield drops, we’re able to access the more subtle realms and get information.

Whatever we are focusing on tends to magnify around Eclipse time, so this is an incredibly rich and productive period to start to create our future. This lunar eclipse highlights emotions that have been building around responsibilities, careers, those in positions of authority and who are in control. This eclipse provides an opportunity to release emotional baggage. We are in the process of creating, because we’re experiencing alchemy right now. 2020 will be intense, all the way through. If we understand the purpose of it, then we can work with it. So, just know that whatever you’re thinking, whatever you’re focusing on, whatever your emotional frequency is, it will become magnified because you’re creating your future.

A lunar eclipse is a completion of the full moon. It represents a completion of the moon cycle. It’s an ending in that sense. Look at your birth chart and see where 13 degrees of Capricorn falls in your chart and you will see what this closure, this culmination, this ending might be about for you. If you need help in identifying this, I am available for Readings. This is also a south node eclipse. With an eclipse, the moon has to either be close to the north node, or the south node. This is close to the south node. It’s a penumbral eclipse and so it isn’t a total eclipse. Because it’s the 3rd eclipse in 5 weeks, it feels like a completion. Any full moon brings a completion that shines light on something that we may not have been aware of before. It’s a completion in that sense. It is also the last eclipse that we’re going to have in Capricorn for 8 years until 2028.

For the last 18 months, we’ve had the transiting nodal axis, moving through Cancer and Capricorn. The nodal axis moves through opposing pairs of signs and just recently shifted into Gemini and Sagittarius in May. This is the last eclipse in Capricorn and so it’s important to reflect on what the last 18 months theme has been about. Look at the houses where Cancer and Capricorn fall in your chart and this tells what this has mean’t for you.

There could be angry words around the time of this eclipse as we’ve got Mars in Aries square to mercury in Cancer. The energy of Capricorn is very strong right now. We’ve got the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn is at 29 degrees of Capricorn. 29 degrees is the last degree of Capricorn. It’s known as a critical degrees, as it’s the last degree of this sign and it tends to bring out the more shadow side of that sign. So, what is Capricorn about. It’s about power and control, rules and regulations and the dictator who says “do as I say”. It’s the authorities and the police and that kind of thing. So, there’s a strong sense of all of those themes of endings. This is particularly powerful for the United States as the 4th of July is Independence Day. The birth chart astrologers use is July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA at 5:24 pm, as this was the time of signing of the Declaration of Independence. This lunar eclipse in falling on Independence Day and is at 13 degrees of Capricorn which is directly opposing the sun in the U.S. chart at 13 degrees of Cancer. The sun represents the leadership in the U.S. So, this puts a spotlight on our leader.

The path the lunar eclipse takes goes across North America, South America, Southwest Europe and Africa. The main part of the eclipse will move across the U.S. The path where the eclipse travels over is where the themes of change will manifest. So, on Independence Day, the eclipse will be opposing the sun in the U.S. chart.

Historically, when we’ve had a lunar eclipse at this degree, it’s been very significant for the U.S. For instance, we had a lunar eclipse at 14 degrees of Capricorn in 1963. That was the year that JFK was assassinated. It was also when Martin Luther King made the speech “I Have a Dream”.

Some other important topics is, Mars moved into Aries on June 27th. Mars in Aries is good for starting new projects and for initiating things.  Mars will also be squaring the January positions of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Mars, represents the power of the individual and Capricorn, the power of the state of the government and big business. The power of rules, regulations and people who tell you what to do. This is where the action is. The important Saturn, Pluto conjunction that occurred January 12th, which every astrologer has talked about, was at 22 degrees of Capricorn. This started an energy that continues all year. I’ve talked about the themes of abuse of power, being a very strong theme, and also the deconstruction of the old order. The last time we had a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn was in 1517, 1518. This was at the beginning of the slave trade in America and if we’re thinking about a theme of abuse of power, I think it’s very clear we’ve got a  repeating theme this year. In the 2nd half of this year, Mars will repeatedly square the January positions of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, which was 22 degrees of Capricorn in August, October and December. Pluto will retrograde back to 22 degrees of Capricorn from August to November this year. Mars will square Jupiter from the 8th to the 16th of July. So, Mars energizes, Pluto intensifies and Jupiter expands.

Back in January these planets were both at 22 degrees of Capricorn. This was the beginning of the coronavirus. So, when Jupiter comes back and revisits 22 degrees of Capricorn in the first half of July, we’re going to get a glimpse of what the autumn holds and also a revisiting of January. This is very strong and dynamic energy.

Mercury will turn direct on the 12th of July. It will be at five degrees of Cancer. We still have Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto retrograde for some time. There’s this continuation of turning inwards. This has been a time of feeling like we’ve entered into a cave. Many people found being locked down as an enormous challenge. But, for some people, it’s allowed them the time to develop a stronger spiritual practice to raise their frequency and really work on themselves. So, try and focus on the on the positivity of this. This has been a time to positively create.

Getting back to the lunar eclipse occurring from the 4th to the 5th. If you don’t know where this falls in your chart, I’m available for Readings and talk about what this means in detail for now and the future.

We also just had a solar eclipse in on June 21st in Cancer, which was at the same degrees as we had in 2001 before 9 – 11. We also had a lunar eclipse on the 5th of July in 2001 at 13 degrees of Capricorn. Then we have 9 – 11 in September. I’m not saying these events will specifically repeat. Alot depends on our level of consciousness. If we’ve raised our level of collective consciousness, they will manifest differently However, this is very important lunar eclipse for the U.S. 13 degrees is considered a critical degrees of the cardinal signs. Critical degrees requires we pay attention, because, historically the degrees brings notable experiences that come from action. At this time, this is very important for the U.S. because the U.S. is moving into what is known as a Pluto return. In July of 1976, when the U.S. was born, Pluto was at 27 degrees of Capricorn in the 2nd house of the chart. The 2nd house rules money and values. This doesn’t become exact until 2022. There may be issues around the economy and issues around values. Questions may come up like “who are we as a country, what do we stand, and what are our values”.

Although, Pluto doesn’t reach 27 degrees of Capricorn until 2022, Jupiter and Saturn have already reached this degrees and then retrograded. They reached 27 degrees of Capricorn and then they turned retrograde. They’ll be coming back to 27 degrees of Capricorn in November and December of this year. So, they’ve given us a glimpse of what is being activated. Now, Pluto is about the controlling powers. It’s about deep, dark secrets that have been held in for a long time. It can be brutality and the secrets of the rich and powerful. It’s always a process of purging and detoxing, whether it’s individual or the collective. The country is bringing up issues from the past which need to be looked at in the light. The lunar eclipse is showing us what needs to be purged from the country.

It’s a long term process that we are going through. There’s this deconstruction of the old order that we’re seeing globally, everyday, in many countries. It’s very clear that governments aren’t functioning very well. The structures and foundations of our society, that gave order and sense, are being very challenged.

There’s another theme here as well, because, transiting Neptune is squaring the transiting nodal axis in Gemini and Sagittarius. It isn’t exact yet. It will become exact in January. But it’s already operational. And this is partly what is causing the truth on one side and then flips to deception and untruths. We go back and forth from fog to clarity. With the north node in Gemini, we may be reaching head spinning proportions. The south node in Sagittarius brings up the past. We’re seeing what the world was and how we thought the world was operating. All of a sudden, we’ve got new information. And that is exacerbated by these issues of trust and betrayal, with transiting Neptune square the transiting nodal axis. So, that’s another whole theme of this deconstruction of the old order.

Now, in the middle of this year of 2020, things will be accelerated with the themes that I’ve talked about. I’m not saying the deconstruction will be complete by the end of 2020. I think it may take until Pluto finally leaves Capricorn in 2024 for that process to complete. But, this is a big year for this.

As more planets move into Aquarius at the end of this year, Uranus’s frequency and vibration becomes stronger. We are going to better understand that everything in the world is vibration and energy. It’s very important we unite and stay in the vibration of freedom, gratitude and joy. We must trust that that is going to take us to an amazing place and believe that this is going to take us to a better place of manifestation.

I hope that this has given you some clarity, as you look at your own path. As always, I greatly appreciate your support and hope at least some part of this information has helped and resonates for you. If you’ve found it helpful, please share with others in your social networks. As always you can find out more about the Readings and yearly subscriptions I offer. Personal Readings offer much more insight. I look forward to staying in touch.

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,

Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there

Pluto & Jupiter Come Together Again – Power & Truth

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Astrology News update for the week of June 28, 2020. This week is going to be a week packed with astrological events. We’re in the midst of eclipse season that is getting closer to concluding, but not quite yet.

Early next week we will have the final of three eclipses taking place. This will be a lunar eclipse happening in the sign of Capricorn. I’ll talk more about this in another article. I do think that this week in many ways sets the stage. As the Moon grows in reflective light, so does our instincts and intuition. This is the week the universe lets us know either where our work is or where our truth is that ultimately will give clues to more changes which are right around the corner. If you’re sensitive to the influences of the planets, you may start feeling the lunar eclipse before the week is even over. The lunar eclipse occurs on Sunday July 5th at 12:24 a.m. EDT at 13 degrees of Capricorn. This full moon/lunar eclipse will reveal an emotional theme in relationships. We’re being asked to look at emotions connected with business relationships and/or areas where change is coming with how to relate to what you do out in the world. This will bring a reality check into how to feel about your work, your career, your family and the things you’re responsible for. This can bring about emotional realizations of where change is taking place within the world in the business sectors.

Eclipses tend to bring whole new perspectives, quick changes, but also a sense of alignment with a higher vision for our life. Now, as we are in the middle of eclipses, we’re being invited to look to the root to understand where meaningful change can take place from the inside out. This is where revelations can show, where there’s work to be done.

A big part of this is because of Jupiter and Pluto. These two planets will join together, side by side, 3 times this year. They will be side by side this week on Monday June 29th at 11:16 p.m. EDT. The time may vary depending where you are on the planet. These planets will have their second of two exact meetings. The first took place back in April. The final will take place in November, before these planets move on. They won’t meet again until the middle of the following decade. Then, these two planets will be in different signs. They’ll be in the sign of Aquarius. But for right now, they are in Capricorn. These two planets connecting this week for the second of three meetings brings about a heightened awareness of the power of transformation and of powerful dynamics as they play out.

Whenever the planet Jupiter joins up with another planet, it tends to magnify its energy, as is the case now. Both Pluto and Jupiter are magnifying each other right now. Jupiter adds focus and emotional intensity. It brings the energy of a planet it meets up with to a heightened point. Jupiter expands and it grows whatever it is that it touches. Jupiters energy is high with the hope of changing social structures. This is what Capricorn represents, change within corporations, which is part of Pluto meeting Jupiter. There is an awareness of these larger power dynamics and the way in which they can seem all encompassing, and all powerful, taking place.

Capricorn is also an energy that is considered rather traditional. So, we’re going to have another phenomenon that is going to fit in with this. On Wednesday July 1st, Saturn will retrograde out of the sign of Aquarius, and back into the sign of Capricorn. Saturn will be traveling backwards through Capricorn for a few months. In December, Saturn will leave Capricorn once again. It won’t return to Capricorn for about two and a half decades. So, it’ll be about 28/29 years before Saturn is back in Capricorn. But for now, this represents a buildup of Capricorn energy.

This could play out a couple of different ways. If you think about it, it was when Saturn moved into the sign of Aquarius that social restrictions started to be put into place, especially on a worldwide level. Saturns has a restrictive energy. So, when Saturn leaves the sign of Aquarius and moves back into Capricorn, it could feel as if we are able to, in a very earthly way, as Capricorn is an earth sign, connect with each other in more practical ways. As Saturn retrogrades back into the sign of Capricorn, it could help to take some of the revolutionary energy around social movements and move that energy towards changing social structures.

There will be a little bit of a respit around the end of the year, as Saturn is going to move back into Aquarius. Then, next year in 2021, there will be a series of squares between Saturn and Uranus. This energy suggests that there is a desire to go out and engage the world to want change. Social movements, who are wanting change, are going to become especially strong. But for now, the focus may start to shift starting this week towards understanding the things that hold societies and the skeleton of the world together.

As we begin to understand the strength of the structure and what’s always been there, traditions that are long lasting, we can think about the skeletons as being what’s been hidden. This may be a catalyst to look exactly at that, at the dynamics under the surface and to bring them forward. But we are going to notice that our collective focus starts to shift as the Capricorn energy grows for us all.

But there is a brightly, lighted response from all this very serious energy of Capricorn. This is due to a beautiful alignment that the sun and our retrograde mercury are going to be making to Uranus. I am very encouraged by this. As Mercury Retrograde meets the Sun on June 30th, both of these planets will be forming an opportunistic and harmonious connection with Uranus. Astrologers call this a sextile, and it ultimately suggests freedom, change, joy and there will be a sense of things changing and moving in a more fortunate direction. This will motivate us to take action. We could feel as if we are moving into a more promising future.

Mercury and the sun are moving through the sign of Cancer. Cancer has to do with home and family in a more personal sense, and there’s a great sensitivity. This also brings an understanding of where we are from. It brings an understanding of what it means to be a loyal citizen. Every country has things that are held as part of its identity. Things that they are fiercely proud of and hold on to. These are things that define them as a nation. It is Uranus’s energy flowing here toward freedom that ultimately brings an equalizing principle. It encourages us to recognize the spark that is within all of us. So, with Uranus making a harmonious aspect to Mercury retrograde, it encourages us to look again to reconsider and re-evaluate.

Uranus’s energy encourages us to do it in new ways. This process is lit up by the energy of the sun. This adds much more power and purpose to what is being reflected on and is taking place now.

From a more individual level, we may find that opportunities that were there in the early part of June, which may have been only a suggestion will come back around. These opportunities may start to materialize or become more clear. Then we can embrace these opportunities to move our lives in a more fortunate direction.Plutos energy invites us to go to the underworld, to dig deeply to look at what otherwise would be hidden. It influences us to examine, more fully, the underlying motivations of our own actions and to figure out what’s really going on under the surface.

Now, lets examine the energy of Jupiter. Jupiters energy is about going out into the world. It’s about believing. Jupiter is pure optimism, expansion and opportunity. It invites us get out into the world in order to welcome those opportunities. On the surface, they may seem to be contradictory energies but they’re really not.In Greek mythology Jupiter and Pluto, were siblings, they were brothers. They came from the same place. And so, even though we may think that being out in the world doesn’t necessarily mean reflection, it is only through reflection that we’re able to make sense of what it is that we consider worthy of engaging in. It’s only by understanding our deepest reasons that we’re able to secure what we are pursuing from a more authentic place.

It is going to be a period in time like this, and a celestial environment like this, that encourages us individually to get to the truth of what we really want, and why we want it. We’ll have an opportunity through Saturns retrograde, while it moves back to be beside Pluto. We are also encouraged to take responsibility for our actions, to understand our responsibilities and to move towards the happiness that we desire. Saturn encourages the change that we desire to become clear as to what is worth sacrificing for, and maybe what it is that has served its purpose. If we’re being honest with ourselves, there will be meaningful transformation which allows growth and brings closure. A more optimistic future needs to happen as part of understanding reality with a work ethic that integrates together to move us forward. This conjoining of powerful planets in the sign of Capricorn is going to help us to do just that.

I made an interesting observation. Venus is not going to be making any major, important planetary alignments for about a month. Venus will connect with the asteroid Chiron in Aries. Venus went direct last week on June 25th. She’s moving over the same path as she did back in the middle of April for the 3rd time. So, what is happening now, may reflect what was happening back in April. It was much more personal, much more of a private reflection, and much more of an opportunity for us to find personal clarity as to where we are in love and why and how we feel about it, because of the current alignment between Venus in Gemini and Chiron in Aries. We can also bring a level of healing to ourselves. The Venus retrograde season was best used to heal and integrate matters of love from the past. Now it’s time to embrace a more optimistic and loving future.

What I love most about this week is the harmonious energy of Uranus sextile to mercury and the sun. Mercury retrograde is making its second of three sextiles to Uranus. The energy is amplified due to the added sun shining its light on this sextile. Even though Mercury is retrograde and we are forced to review experiences and ideas we’ve already had and we experience upsets in the forward flow of things, there are times when mercury retrograde can work to our advantage. This could bring us back to see clearly opportunities we thought were lost. This helps us to take another look at where opportunity might have appeared as being lost. This could bring a fortunate turn of events that does transpire. This could allow us to follow up on an idea. This could allow us to understand what we could do in our own time, in our own space to move toward practical changes, personal happiness and personal satisfaction. This is a week that can be a beacon for even more profound changes coming next week with the lunar eclipse. It’s the practical rewards that we are aligning with now.

P.S. I have a wonderful group who I’ve been teaching The Language of Astrology to for the last 2 months every Thursday evening via Zoom. They’re entering their 3rd month of the beginning education of birthchart interpretation. I want to congratulate each of them for their hard work and desire to understand the language of astrology.

Just a reminder it will be in December, that Saturn will move back into the sign of Aquarius for a nice long stay right until March 2023. So, there’s lots of time to further explore how that is going to affect us all.
P.S. Here is a link to a a video I’m recording once a month with my dear friend Julianne Santini from Profound Life Wellness. Conscious Healing through Astrology & Shamanism. Click on the link below to listen or view.

Solar Eclipse June 20/21, 2020

I hope that this has given you some reassurance and clarity, as you look at your own path. As always, I greatly appreciate your support and hope at least some part of this information has helped and resonates for you. If you’ve found it helpful, please share with others in your social networks. As always you can find out more about the Readings and yearly subscriptions I offer. Personal Readings offer much more insight. I look forward to staying in touch.

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,
Andrea Klim

Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there


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On Saturday June 27, 2020 EDT, Mars moves out of Pisces and into Aries. It will reprogram us to realize what we want, what we desire and how we go after what we want. The Aries energy is going to show us some primal energies that lie within us and we will have opportunities to work out and take apart the things that have been holding us back.

Mars will be transitting through Aries until January 7th of 2021. This is going to be a longer then normal transit through Aries, due to the retrograde. Mars will turn retrograde on September 9th at 28 degrees of Aries and turn direct on November 14th at 15 degrees of Aries This is the terrain that Mars will be traveling back and forth between for 3 times. So, it will travel from 15 degrees to 28 degrees, 3 times. If you know where this is in your chart, you will be able to focus in on what is being reprogramed and reworked within yourself. If you’d like help with understanding this area of you life and what is being reprogrammed, please contact me for a personal Reading.

Mars rules the masculine energy within each of us and so this retrograde will cause a reprograming and re-emerging. Mars energy tells us how we go after what we want, how we assert ourselves, the development of self leadership and our ability to develop confidence in who we are. It’s how we feel strong and powerful. Mars energy shows us how we go into the world and follow our dreams, how we trust our desires and the way we are assertive. During the retrograde there will be a realization of what we haven’t been able to control, revisited.

The 2nd half of 2020 will prepare us for some very powerful new starts and beginnings and there is timing and cycles involved. 2020 has been like taking a deck of cards and throwing it up in the air and saying “that’s my life”. Everything is scattered every where and nothing seems to be in order. There’s chaos and nothing seems to be occurring that’s orderly. This is a year with a lot of reshuffling of our lives and energy. Its brought a change in our priorities and it can feel so much out of our control. We can look at this as how it pertains to Covid. There’s been huge job losses and huge economic changes. Careers are gone and professions have changed. Family relationships issues have come up. It’s like everything has been brought to our awareness in a very powerful way. This has made us more aware of our own energy and what we really want based on a deeper truth that has emerged. Its has been a slow process.

Since about 2017, there has been bumps in the road that brought big life changes. This pertains to the very strong eclipse energies of 2017. For some people, it may have been 2019 or just this year that all these big changes occurred. There’s been this rolling cycle of shifting away from who you were and this is supporting leaving the 3D world that we physically live in. This is about leaving our egoic definitions of ourselves and the shoulds of our life. We’ve been telling ourselves “I should be this. I should want this. This isn’t what I thought my life would be. This isn’t what I thought would make me happy.” It seems we’ve had all these preconceived notions. The thing about life now is that the energy is moving fast and the cycles are very dynamic. This is bigger then just you or I. This is about how the planet is evolving and shifting during this current cycle. This is requiring us all to do the same.

We’ve each had our own individual journey around awakening and what it means to step into our own energetic strength and spiritual gifts. We’ve been learning how to trust ourselves. This brings up all the changes in your life and in your world and an ability to create a new life that you absolutely love, but it’s not here yet. There’s still cleaning up to do. There’s still this mess, as I described earlier, of this deck of cards on the floor. How do we organize it and make sure it’s the things we want? The energy is still shifting, that we’re moving through. An important area this has been brought up, through the Venus retrograde cycle, is relationships issues. Soon we’ll have Mars retrograde this year as well. So, there’s been a focus on what you need, who you are, what is correct for you and perhaps there’s been a lot you’ve learned. There’s probably been some healing and growth. It could also have been heart breaking or devastating due to some difficult experiences. This has been especially true over the past 3 years. We’ve had to look deep within ourselves at our feminine and masculine sides to find balance and acceptance with unconditional love. This is a part of our collective soul journey in this lifetime and hasn’t been done before because this energy hasn’t been on our planet to support this type of growth or consciousness. We are all reworking relationships at a deep level.

As Mars enters Aries and then retrogrades, it’s going to be very powerful in the second half of 2020. This will show us more of what we really desire and want. But, it’s going to be something we need to navigate through strategically. What Mars in Aries does is it shows us where our new start will be. It initiates a new consciousness and a new adventure. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it inspires us to get moving. It tells us we’re ready to get out into the world, inspiring us to start something fresh and new. Aries energy is very motivating and tells us we’re ready, especially since Mars having been in Pisces. It has had us doing a lot of clearing out and letting go. Mars in Pisces can feel discouraging with an energetic depression of release. The last 10 degrees of Mars in Pisces can feel like there’s a void of having to let go of so much. This cycle is completing and ending but the new isn’t quite here yet.

When Mars goes into Aries, a masculine fire is lit. There will be a fresh zest for life coming in and now we’ll feel more ready, because, the energy is here. As Mars travels through Aries for the first 15 degrees, especially, there is strong support for things we want to get moving on. There’s a sense that this energy is here to help you launch, trust, go for it, know who you are and it’s subjective. This will inspire you to put yourself first and some may say “this isn’t right”, however, you’re taking responsibility for your own energy and that is being responsible.

Mars will be traveling through the first 15 degrees of Aries until July 27th and this is the time this energy will have some clarity in it. There will be a sense of new possibilities and that you can do this, because, this is what you want. This is a very invigorating energy. Around July 26th/27th, Mars enters the shadow zone, which is the area it will retrograde over and be traveling back and forth over 3 times. From June 28th til July 26th, there is an inspiration for movement with new ideas. New things are being put into motion and making progress. This is the time you get clarity around what you want. There’s this intuitive sense that this is what you want. Once Mars enters its shadow zone there will be a slow down and there’s going to be a reworking of the timeline you just experienced.

On September 9th, Mars begins its retrograde. One of the gifts of Mars in Aries retrograde is that, it’s making sure that you have shifted your energy and shifted your level of consciousness enough so that your not starting a new cycle based on older, unconscious actions. There’s an energy here of being aware that whatever you’re starting fresh or new, you aren’t falling into old habits. You’re not going and reverting back to “this is how I’ve always done this.” This is when we aren’t permitting a lower energy of ourself to be in control. This is when it’s very important to be very clear about who you are, what you want now and to allow that to be in control, not the older parts of you. Part of this is checking in with your level of consciousness that pertains to your belief systems and your intentions. Ask yourself “what do I believe about who I am now and do I really trust and believe that I can go after what I want and create the life of my dreams based on what I’ve learned about myself in recent years”. As much as Mars in Aries says “I’m ready, I’m ready, lets go, lets go”, this is actually insuring that this new cycle, which is a 2 year cycle, is based on a higher consciousness and not the old version of yourself. So, it’s very important to check in with yourself and make sure that what you’re creating is what you’re moving forward with and the question is, “is it energetically aligned”.

Now, this is going to be a time of slowing down. Mars is going to be checking in with the planets in Capricorn and this will bring up more things that need to be worked out, untangled, decided, sorted through and it could be a bit challenging. There’s going to be some false starts and this is giving you a gift of time, if you can see it that way. You’re being gifted with more time to work on this and to sit in this. You’re being given more time to work through any challenges that come up. This is a gift of time so that you can find completion with some very big things. What happens is, Mars will square Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn in August. Starting August 3rd, Mars squares Jupiter retrograde at 19 degrees of Capricorn. It squares Pluto retrograde at 22/23 degrees of Capricorn and then it squares Saturn retrograde at 26 degrees of Capricorn.

Throughout all of August, things are really being worked out but there is not an ease to this. It’s a very big energy of battles, irritation, power issues, power struggles, different intentions with leadership, different desired outcomes and it’s because Mars in Aries wants to operate on its own principles. It’s the lone wolf who wants to do it by itself, taking charge and go its own way.

Capricorn energies are about a bigger system, a bigger dynamic and about what has been in place for a very long time. Mars is coming up against 3 big Capricorn energies that are basically telling Mars “no”. There’s this ego desire of what you want and throughout August, there is a battle where something gets worked out. But, this can bring up anger, impatience, rage or power issues and it’s a slow down. There is this timultuous energy with it and a sense that what you want you can’t have because its not time. There is a process unfolding and things are being worked out.

For many people, this comes up against this Capricorn energy, which is not only about what has been established and the authority figures but how you talk outside yourself. This can be about legal matters that need to be worked out and people to answer to. This could even be a job change, because you see what you don’t like at work or you see what you’re not happy with. You may feel impatient and just want to leave and get away, but you realize it just isn’t the right time. So, you have to struggle through something because the universe is saying “you need to look at something here”. You are recognizing how your ego responds to cycles and forces that are bigger then you and how you can feel some deeper energies. You may feel this at a root level, which can be, trying to make something happen but there’s bigger forces in control and you can’t make it happen. It has to happen when the timing is right. On a collective level there can be a lot of anger and more that’s related to more rioting and more fighting. The gift in this is we see what needs to be healed. We get to see what needs to be worked through. There’s a lot of emotions and reactions being extra amplified and your responsibility is yourself but there’s energies here that are going to be triggered.

August is a big month for all of this and then Mars is going to meet up with these planets again in late September into mid October. Mars is going to square Saturn at 25 degrees of Capricorn on September 27th. It will square Pluto at 22 degrees of Capricorn on October 8th and will square Jupiter at 19 degrees of Capricorn on October 18th. So, the end of September into most of October, we’re revisiting the same issues again and this is where you can understand the road ahead. There’s going to be things you’re pacing through that you can’t rush through or force through. So, conserve your energy and check your ego at the door so you can work out what needs to be worked out within you that has not been matured. Capricorn energy is about maturity and Aries energy can be immature. One of the lower expressions of Aries is that you want it your way. There’s this energy of “I want it now, I’m very impatient and impulsive”. This is about looking into fears you have. It can be that fear of “if I don’t make it happen, it’s not going to happen or if it doesn’t happen now, its never going to happen”. Take a look at the messages that come up for you around these Aries energie. If you have any planets in your chart in Aries, things will be revealed. If you have strong Capricorn in your chart, then you’ll know that side of this too. So, we are working out the Aries and Capricorn energies within ourselves, which is, how what you personally want relates to a bigger picture, because, Capricorn is not only about the government and politics but also about your profession, career and what’s unfolding in your life. It’s taking a look at where you’re taking energetic control and understanding your mastery. This is going to be, looking at a development of mastery around what you want and understanding that there’s still things that need to be worked out in the second half of 2020.

Mars meets up with Jupiter and Saturn only twice and that’s because they both move into Aquarius in December and then Mars will square Pluto for the 3rd and final time at 23 degrees of Capricorn on December 22nd. The biggest energy is Mars squaring Pluto in Capricorn, because, it’s also happening at the point of that January 10th lunar eclipse. This was the time when Covid started and the world started to change permanently. There were hints of what was to come both economically and financially. So, when Mars triggers this energy again and brings out the anger, reactions and more of what has been repressed, this will show us where we’re working through some things individually. There’s this anger at whats been controlled and how things have been handled. There’s an unsettled energy every time Mars squares Pluto. This is a very big deal and for this to happen 3 times, there may be somethings that physically are over thrown. It could be that, something rises up and we’re going to see it. Mars square Pluto can bring a war type of energy influence. In a birth chart, this is one of the most difficult configurations for a person to live out. This will be playing out over a span of 5 months.
The second part of 2020 is the reaction or response to the first half of 2020. This will play out for us as a whole, but it’s important to take a look at your chart and map out how this is playing out for you. You should know what areas of your life are being amplified, where you are personally working out power issues, how that’s playing out for you along with what that means for your life, at this time.
Now, that you have a general timeline of this energy, what the Mars in Aries desires may be, and what you may be coming up against with this strong Capricorn energy, I want to relate this to each of our masculine sides as we realize how we want to assert ourselves energetically.
There’s been for a number of years of reprogramming of masculine and feminine energies on our planet. These energies have been reworked and are being reactivated in our lives. Masculine energies has been looked at as the provider, and the one who has the desire to make things happen in the world to be successful. This could be about profession, career, family relationships and all of the above.

In recent decades and all of the 21st century, especially after world war II, there was this very deep energetic programming within men about what it means to be a man in the world and what it means to be the provider for the family. This has been deeply changing, elevated and awakened. It seems as though the masculine energy has had to go down into this very dark cave and there’s been challenges and loss. There’s been very intense challenges from the world that have challenged the stability of financial areas. This has challenged the masculine self expression through peoples careers. There has been a deep reworking of what the masculine thought was essential to their self identity. There’s been this questioning around life purpose of “What is my purpose? What is my mission and what is my work? For masculine energy this is essential and a big theme. This isn’t only being reworked but removed. The thought that you had something to count on that was stable and that you’d always be in your profession was there, and then something happened that deeply challenged that. It could have been a change in the economy, your work situation, your family, a relationship or any other area of your life. There was an energy of a microcosm that you were controlling or had the illusion of control, then these bigger energy influences came in and you realized you weren’t in control at all. An example of this is, your building a house and a huge storm comes and destroys what you’ve built. This type of experience sinks and destroys a persons sense of purpose. This applies to woman too, because we also have Mars energy in our charts. It’s what your ego defined. So, there’s been a lot of challenge for the masculine energies and the challenge can be a perception of control you “thought” you lost.

There’s been a deeper experience of having no control. For some people its been financial ruin and destabilizing. For masculine energies, this is a very big thing. Things have been depleted, destroyed and removed and it has been a huge time of asking “what’s this all about”. We’re having to look at our deepest fears that have been in our unconscious or subconscious. The removal of finances, career, family, physical health and any area of your life that you’ve overemphasized its importance that forces you to go into your heart, because, the unconscious masculine energy has been over providing, over performing and over functioning. This has been part of a programming that could be related to a father figure who did a lot and you want to emulate him or maybe he did not do much and you are determined to do the opposite. This could also be related to cultural beliefs, cultural programming, community programming, spiritual programming or any number of things you were operating that actually were never connected to your heart. So, there’s this heart emergence that’s happening for a lot of people about what they truly love, but were brought to their knees first. Things were wiped out, because the universe wanted you to know that this is not all of who you are. Then there was this void and in this void, there’s quiet, there’s listening and if you’re not conscious of the void, old energies can seep in and you experience more challenges and you wonder how much more you can take. This has been a very tough road that could have blindsided many people and then there’s many questions like “what is going on and why can’t you get your life back on track”. Then this energy begins to collapse on itself and you become hard on yourself. You start asking yourself “why can’t I get back to what was”. You could feel as if you’ve been energetically tethered, caged, stuck and tied to a situation you can’t escape from. You could feel like you are energetically connected to this old programming and cannot break free. This has been depleting your energy. This has been very big for so many people and it’s not talked about. These are huge, life changing experiences and more then most people would share. So, it is very important to have a place to talk this out or get new information that supports whatever your moving through, so you know you’re not alone. Old masculine energy wants you to believe that if you can’t take care of this on your own, that you’re not in control.

As you open up your heart, this heart expansion that’s been coming in for the last 3 years, it’s influencing you to feel safer, to share your truth with people who are safe and willing to listen. The deeper programming of this old masculine energy that has followed you for lifetimes is being exposed. We’re all moving deeper into an energy that is incredibly balanced. Feminine energies come in through the heart, compassion, self expression, creativity or inspiration. Anything that you feel excited about that emotionally opens you up, is part of the purpose of the destruction and loss that the masculine energy has gone through. This is actually a heart opening and it’s mean’t to show you more of who you are. The old theme is gone now, because that was a conditioned version of yourself. Now, there’s so much more that’s going to be opening up and coming through, especially in 2021 and beyond. If you can see this as a preparatory energy that is showing more of what you want and who you are, there will be a new sense of purpose. It’s best if you can think of your past and all its successes and then think, “now it’s time to start another successful time in my life”. However, this time you’ll be incorporating what you love, what you’re passionate about with new goals and this will bring a more balanced expression of purpose. This is coming up for all masculine energies and will for many years ahead. Many people are beginning to understand more of what they can do in the world. There will be lots of questions about finances and “when will they come”.

We’re in this preparatory energy, where this Mars energy is going to have some false starts, like I talked about earlier in this article so that you can figure things out and get a check of the real world. This is part of the Capricorn energies.

We need to adjust our expectations accordingly. You can know what your new passion is, your new purpose, know what you want to do next and don’t take it personally, as things shift and change. In January of 2021 and beyond, Mars goes into Taurus and it’s going to be very strong and stable. There’s going to be more things that happen, because it’ll be grounded in the real world and this is where the financial aspects kick in, where you see how to make money with a new venture and the finances show up.
Money has an energy and you will want to look at your connection to money. If you’ve put too much importance on it or have been overly reliant on money as a source of happiness, then, you will have more work to do around your relationship with finances. You’ll want to restructure that in a way that you can create money but you can also receive it and allow it to come in. You don’t have to over perform, over provide or over function. Be careful you don’t go into that mode which isn’t healthy. It’s a lot like a runner who is afraid to slow down or take a breath because they think everything will fall apart. This is why in American culture, people don’t take enough vacations because they’re afraid to step away from their e-mails and the time clock. This is the over functioning which isn’t healthy for any of us and is part of the deeper programming happening at that masculine level of performance, of providing, and being in control, that can exhaust you. As I said before, this can show up in a number of ways. This isn’t something that is happening to you, but a reprogramming of what is true for you and you’ll be realizing a new and higher purpose that’s related to a stronger sense of self built on a higher level of consciousness and power.

There’s more to share about this and I’ll be writing about that next week. Many have been struggling and searching to understand what to do. So, this second half of 2020 is bringing you back internally to see more of yourself and that will be what you carry forward. There’s also an energy here, of, no compromise. This is to do with relationships and I’ll talk more about this next week. It’s crucial you stay in your integrity and stay strong in your power as these shifts occur. Remember, this time is going to show you what you can’t go back to in relationships and more about those dynamics.

I hope that this has given you some reassurance and clarity, as you look at your own path. As always, I greatly appreciate your support and hope at least some part of this information has helped and resonates for you. As always you can find out more about the Readings and yearly subscriptions I offer. Personal Readings offer much more insight. Here’s a link to my website. I look forward to staying in touch.

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there

Solar Eclipse June 20/21, 2020

Photo source

On Sunday June 21, 2020 we’ll experience the effects of a mega annular solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer. This will be the 2nd eclipse of 3 this summer. The eclipse will be visible from parts of Africa, including Central African Republic, Congo and Ethiopia. The southern parts of Pakistan, northern India and China also will be able to see the eclipse. This happens when the moon is furthest from Earth. Since the moon is further away from the earth, it seems smaller and does not block the entire view of the sun. Instead, the moon in front of the sun looks like a dark disk on top of a larger disk and appears like a ring of fire. The eclipse will begin at 9:15 a.m. IST (Indian Standard Time) and will end at 3:04 p.m. The maximum eclipse will be visible at 12:10 p.m. The eclipse will begin EDT on June 20 at 11:45 p.m. and is at its maximum on June 21st at 2:10 a.m. It ends at 5:45 a.m. and is not visible in EDT. It occurs at 0 degrees and 21 minutes in Cancer right beside the north node in Gemini at 29 degrees. This is a very powerful eclipse as it occurs just after the summer solstice.

We still have a strong emphasis of retrograde planets. Venus is still retrograde until June 25th as well as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. On June 18th Mercury goes retrograde at 14 degrees of Cancer. This will have us thinking about home events, family matters, emotional security and those kinds of themes as we start to talk about the eclipse. This background of retrograde planets is very strong and some of the outer planets don’t go direct until later in the year in Sept., Oct. and Nov. So this is an opportunity for incubation. We are always more introspective when planets go retrograde as we’re integrating the wisdom from the experiences we’ve had and also in a physical sense we’ve turned inward due to the stay at home orders across the world. This is also a very valuable introspection for us spiritually because through this process we are actually using this time to create a whole new world for ourselves that will start to become more concrete and move forward at the end of the year and into 2021. Whatever we’re doing now individually and collectively in our thinking and in our emotions we are creating the broadcast and the vibration for a new world as we come out of the stay at home orders and any other orders that will happen this year. This is an important time that we shouldn’t waste. Many people have been using it in this way and working hard on meditation and their spiritual practice, but for those who haven’t up until now you may be experiencing alot of frustration and/or depression. So this is an opportunity that does not normally come our way because of the extraordinary circumstances that we find ourselves. If you can see this in this light, this is a time of alchemy.

On the 20th of June at 5:46 p.m. EDT the sun moves into Cancer and in the northern hemisphere this is the summer solstice. This is a powerful day because the magnetic field of Earth drops at this time and ancient people somehow knew this and this is why ceremonies were held. They were aware and sensed they could get high levels of information easier at these times. These were very powerful days. Within a few hours of the solstice we have the solar eclipse at 0 degrees and 21 minutes of Cancer and this is one of the strongest eclipses we’re going to have this year. It’s very powerful and it’s an annular eclipse and annular means ring. So, because the moon is very far away from the Earth, the disk of the moon doesn’t fully cover the sun so the rays of the sun start to appear around the outside of the moon’s disk and it looks like a ring of fire. It’s very powerful because it is within a few hours from the solstice and the closer we are to a solstice with an eclipse, the stronger it will be. Secondly, it is 1 degree away from the transiting nodal axis.The closer the nodal axis, or north node and south node of the moon, the more powerful the eclipse. Thirdly, it’s on the world axis. The world axis is 0 degrees of the cardinal signs. That would be 0 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This is also square the super galactic center which is Libra and this is another form of the great attractor. A great attractor is this massive vortex of electromagnetic energy. The super galactic center is also creator energy. So, this can act as a creator for new things for ourselves and the world. In addition to that another reason it’s powerful is it’s at the midpoint of the Saturn, Pluto conjunction from the beginning of the year that occurred on the 12th of January and the Jupiter, Saturn conjunction that’s going to be happening in December in Aquarius. So, this is a very important pivot midpoint because the Saturn, Pluto conjunction sets up the tone for the whole year. As I’ve written and spoken about this many times, this is about our containment, control, power and abuse of power. Whichever sign Pluto is moving through, it deconstructs what that sign is about. It’s deconstructing Capricorn and this is the power structure in society, government social structures, big corporations and other organizations. We can see that happening in the world as governments aren’t functioning very well right now. So, this deconstruction has to happen.

We’re in this powerful incubation period of creation and then as we move right to the end of the year, we’re moving into something different.This Jupiter, Saturn conjunction in December is a 20 year cycle and Astrologers see this as almost generational. This has to do with the new world view that begins every 20 years. For the last 600 years, except for a short time in Libra this hasn’t happened in air signs for 600 years. It’s in Aquarius, which is an air sign. This is the beginning of a 20 year cycle but actually the beginning of a 200 year cycle because the conjunction isn’t going to repeat in air signs for another 200 years. It’s a very important new beginning. We’ve got the collapse of the old and the beginning of a new world. We’re creating new at this point.

Eclipses are like wildcards. They are very powerful because individually they push us forward on our soul’s path of growth. It’s a time for very big events in the world especially because it’s on the world’s axis and something is likely to happen on the public stage. The last time we had a solar eclipse at this degree was in June of 2001. This was the last eclipse before 9/11, and we also had a hard Saturn, Pluto opposition at that time. This doesn’t mean to say that this kind of thing will happen again. Astrology provides us with a pattern, and it is our level of consciousness individually and collectively that determines the manifestation. If we are filled with anger, hate and fear we will have a very dramatic manifestation. If we are filled with love and compassion this will give us a very different manifestation. It’s a mirror of our frequency that we’re putting out. This is where our work is at this time.

Now if you have any planets between 25 degrees of the mutable signs, and that’s Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces or 5 degrees of the cardinal signs which are Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you are going to be feeling this personally. Eclipses are always intense, and with this one, we may feel that we’re being squeezed through the eye of a needle. But this is potentially a big new beginning for us all. Look at where 0 degrees of Cancer falls in your birth chart, as this is like a super, big new moon and sets a new intention for yourself in the area of your life that this eclipse is occur. If you need help with identifying this, I’m available for personal Readings, or please inquire about my new, refined Language of Astrology Classes through which you will learn how to identify the area of your life where events like this will influence you in the future. I plan to make these classes available via recording on my website very soon. It’s very important to see what this means for you so you can set a new intention in this area of your life. Also don’t forget to set a new intention for the world, as it’s very important.

The sign of Cancer has to do with the home, family matters, emotional security, your roots. It can bring a sense of nationhood and mean the country can also our home. It is very sensitive and has to do with nurturing. It can bring feelings that you need nurturing and also knowing what other people feel and need to feel nurtured. Cancer has great empathy, sensitivity and compassion for others, and will be very strong at this time. Compassion is a very high vibration so we’re going to be feeling that for other people. This is also potentially due to the sensitivity and can be an over reactive solar eclipse. With the lunar eclipse we had on the 5th of June we had Mars exactly squaring the sun and moon. We still have Mars squaring the sun and moon. It is an out of sign square because Mars is at 25 degrees of Pisces, and the sun and moon are at 0 degrees of Cancer. Really, Mars would need to be in Aries to make it a tighter square, but it’s still operating. This can trigger us to react, due to the sensitivity of Cancer. We’re seeing so much of this, not only in the world but also in social media. A word is misinterpreted and someone reacts with anger. This doesn’t help any of us, because our task right now is to join together as we’re moving toward Aquarius energy, and this is the power of the people. This is collaboration and operating with one mind and it’s also operating with one heart. One of the important themes in Aquarius is equality. We’re all equal. It doesn’t matter what color, race or nationality. We are equal humans and it is that sense that everyone is a divine spark in this collaboration for the new world for us. Be careful and try to not react when you are triggered.

Mars is conjunct Neptune at this solar eclipse and this is excellent for any spiritual action whether it’s volunteering or just being active in spiritual ways, like yoga, chi gong or meditation to keep your energy high. Neptune is very strong at this time because it’s at 20 degrees of Pisces and is about to go retrograde on June 23rd. Neptune at it’s highest level is about idealism and dreams. Your dreams may become more active and louder. Tune into your dreams and tune into your meditations in a more connected way. This is also about compassion and unconditional love. There’s a very fine connection here with people and you can sense how they’re feeling. There’s a spiritual connectedness that’s very evident. Neptune at a lower level can be deception and can reveal what’s true and what’s not. It can be scandals, leaks, feelings of being overwhelmed or confusion with all that’s going on. The more we can use it at the highest level of expression, the less energy it has to manifest at the lower vibrational level. One of the many great things about Astrology is that it gives you the map. In understanding the energy, you can change things and say “oh that’s my strong Neptune happening”. Then you can choose to live it at the higher level and you can consciously choose that to operate more fully in your life.

What’s very interesting is this deconstruction with Pluto and Jupiter together. It’s like a tree falling in the woods. It has to rot before a new tree can form. It’s the chaos theory. In physics, chaos occurs in liquid or gas. The molecules become very disorderly and stay in this chaotic, disorderly state until they finally form a new pattern, and then a new connection forms. So, we’re moving from chaos and disorder into connectivity. This is a theory in physics that’s interesting to read about. Pluto represents chaos. It will be better to be detached from externals. Keep your focus and your center. That’s where it’s best to go to find truth. Jupiter conjunct Pluto increases the power and control of big governments and hidden governments. This can be creating a change in your beliefs. Also, in a very positive sense, Jupiter can give us great resourcefulness. It’s about creating a whole new, big picture for ourselves. This big, new beginning comes with the solar eclipse and also for the world. Don’t forget your social responsibility for creating.

In my research I discovered that this solar eclipse falls at exactly 0 degrees Cancer which is exactly on the Mars of India and Pakistan and Mars is their assertion. This eclipse also is on the Mars of the Chinese leader. We should pay close attention to these things. The path of the eclipse will show which countries will be likely to manifest big changes from the eclipse in the coming months. It goes over Africa, Saudi Arabia, much of Asia, China, Hong Kong, India and Pakistan. The changes may not manifest right now, but possibly in the next 6 months.

The last few days of June will be very dynamic. On the 26th and 27th Mars squares the north node and the south node of the moon. These could be days of action in the world. On the 28th and 29th it enters the warrior sign of Aries. It will be on the world axis and reaspecting the solar eclipse degree of 0 degrees of Cancer. Mars will stay in the warrior sign of Aries for 6 months until January. Normally it stays in a sign for 6 weeks. Because it will be retrograde on September 9th, when it’s closer to the Earth, it will spend more time in Aries. Therefore, it will not only be squaring the current positions of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, but also the January positions of this big bunch of planets we had in Capricorn. This is also activating the chart of America. I’ll be looking at that closer in my July article. As todays article has been quite lengthy.

This eclipse gives us an opportunity to look inward. I really hope this article helps you. If you’d like more information about personal Readings, Subscriptions or about Astrology Classes, feel free to contact me at 603-490-6253. On another note, below is a link to a new Youtube channel I’ve created with a long time friend, Julianne Santini from Profound Life Wellness. The channel is called Conscious Living Through Astrology and Shamanism. The show is a collaboration that delivers Astrology Insight along with helpful guidance using Shamanic Practices for positively managing your energy during the current world changes. Please join us. Thank you for your continued support.

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,

Andrea Klim

Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there.

New Moon Gemini May 22, 2020

Photo source

Please tune into Turn to the Stars weekly Astrology interactive Webinar. This is a free service that anyone can tune into on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. I normally offer a link for the webinar recording. However it appears that the recording didn’t take for last Tuesday evening. I think Zoom is experiencing some issues. But please join us tomorrow evening. The link is the same each week. You can join by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting this zoom address to your browser.

Due to popular request I’ll be starting a 2nd group of “Language of Astrology” Classes. It will start on Sat. June 6, 2020 from 11-1 on Zoom. This is a great time for developing your knowledge of the world surrounding you and to learn basic skills for interpreting birthcharts. Whether you want to learn to interpret birth charts professionally or just for your own personal development … these classes are designed to give you a firm foundation to build on. This New Moon in Gemini naturally inspires all to continue to learn! There are many hands on exercises which are interactive and of course I’ll be guiding you every step of the way. In the first group of 4 classes, we will start with the planets, explaining where they are physically, the cycles they follow and how they influence us. Class 2 will cover the Zodiac signs and Class 3 will be focused on the Houses. Each of these will be 2 hours long. Class 4 will complete Segment 1 with a 1-hour review. Upon completion of these classes you will have a greater understanding of the Astrological influences in your own chart and a foundation for more in-depth interpretations. This 7 hours of Astrology Education is discounted 50%! $95 for this first segment. If you’ve always been interested in learning Astrology, this is a great opportunity to begin from the comfort of your home and I’d love to have you in class. Please contact Andrea to register @ 603-490-6253.


We all experienced a new theme that is currently unfolding and we are all receiving a renewal of energy This New Moon is at 2 degrees in Gemini. Gemini is a mutable sign and loves to communicate always gathering information and dispersing information. This month is all about finding your place in the world. It’s a great energy for marketing and sales. It’s a very curious, versatile, adaptable, changeable energy that doesn’t necessarily focus that strongly but is very creative . It’s a positive sign that helps us all to adjust to change. It inspires short trips and attention to contracts and agreements. This New Moon is squaring Mars in Pisces . Mars is typically quite assertive but in Pisces it can cause uncertainty. Gemini is a nonconformist so it may cause us to look for alternative ways to express thoughts and words. This square can cause protests and angry upsets. It can also bring the removal of what we thought would happen. There’ll be alot of energy throughout June to sort things out and adapt to a new norm. The mutable square can cause nonrealistic responses and it’s important to ponder what is real, what is not and what are healthy boundaries. The Sun and Moon are also trining Saturn in Aquarius. The trine can bring some sense of guidance through a mature or wise friend. This indicates we’re building something together for the long term. This will help to stabilize and bring some focus to the steps you’ll need to take in order to achieve goals your focused on.Venus and Mercury are both in Gemini and right beside each other on this New Moon.

Venus is still retrograde and in square to Neptune in Pisces. This can bring a clash between the head and the heart. Gemini wants to get clear on the facts and with this strong square to Neptune it makes things so unclear. It can cause waves of truth and a time of shifts of what we believe. We’ll get a glimpse on this New Moon of what may come when Neptune squares the north and south node in September. When Neptune is squaring another planet it causes confusion, deception, fogginess, escapism and ultimately looks to dissolve and resolve. When it squares the nodes our past and future will be an area we need to focus on. The current square to Venus and Mercury will bring lots of confusing information and challenge us to stay present as we look for answers. It’ll bring up big questions about the news we hear and we won’t know who to trust. Be careful, think carefully about your money. We’re all going to be seeking clarity but there will be many roadblocks. In medical Astrology Neptune rules the immune system and this square indicates instability throughout June and July.

Mars will be right beside Neptune in Pisces from June 9-13. This will inspire people to look deeper into the unknown.Venus is currently retrograding in the 7th house of the U.S. chart and will be til the end of June. The 7th house represents relationships and so we’ll be researching national disputes, international disputes and will be dealing with others business. Venus is transitting over the U.S. Mars in Gemini so it could bring up an escalation in activity where the ego and rage gets involved with foreign countries. On more of a personal level topics of marriage and divorce will be visited. Any type of monetary agreements are likely to be reviewed. While Venus is retrograde it is wise to stick with what’s familiar and do diligent research into what requires fixing as perception will be a little off as we revisit important areas that require a 2nd look.

Neptune is currently transitting the 3rd house of the U.S. chart and it brings confusion around medicine, health, isolation and themes around surrender are highlighted. It also brings hope, faith and causes people to look toward spiritual avenues for guidance. There’s also an interplay around awareness and compassion that we’re no different then other countries. We also need to be aware of self doubt and pity and that it would be very easy now to fall into this. This can cause a circular type of influence where problems arise and then solution, problem, solution. This will affect local companies to rise up and face the needs that aren’t being met. With Mars also transitting the U.S. 3rd house there can be increased emotion along with increased physical activity around media and all types of communication. So you want to be careful around all types of communication as there will be all types of theories. Neptune naturally rules the 12th house of isolation, hospitals, places of confinement, secret information, public welfare, retirement homes, volunteers and so it is stirring up a need for decisions of how to best act in these areas.

This month also brings us into eclipse season, so we’ll become much more aware of these themes of change as we approach the first lunar eclipse on June 5th. Eclipse season is the best time to have a Reading and check in on your Astrology so that you can better understand what these themes of change will be, the area of your life that will be affected and dates of importance in the months to come. I’ll be talking more about this from a universal standpoint tomorrow evening on the webinar. Please join us. To join copy and paste this Zoom link into your browser

For a private Reading contact Andrea @ 603-490-6253

Please stay well! If I can be of service to you with more personal astrology insight I am available with a 50% off coupon for people who are out of work and are looking for future understanding on what’s ahead for them and are feeling the financial constraints of the current economic crisis. I’m available to help anyone looking for personal Astrology Insight. This is only for people who are out of work.

Retrograde Planets of 2020

Photo source

Please tune into Turn to the Stars weekly Astrology interactive Webinar. This is a free service that anyone can tune into on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. The link below is to last weeks webinar … I hope the information is helpful!

Click here to view last Tuesdays recording

Due to popular request I’ll be starting a 2nd “Language of Astrology” Class. I’m starting up a new Astrology 101 Class on Sat. June 6, 2020 11-1 on Zoom. The Language of Astrology classes are designed to set the foundation to guide you to understand the basic knowledge for Astrological interpretation. In the first group of 4 classes, we will start with the planets, explaining where they are physically, the cycles they follow and how they influence us. Class 2 will cover the Zodiac signs and Class 3 will be focused on the Houses. Each of these will be 2 hours long. Class 4 will complete Segment 1 with a 1-hour review. Upon completion of these classes you will have a greater understanding of the Astrological influences in your own chart and a foundation for more in-depth interpretations. This 7 hours of Astrology Education is discounted 50%! $95 for this first segment. Contact Andrea to register. 603-490-6253

We don’t often see 3 planets turning retrograde within 4 days. It’s a rare synchronicity! Retrograde periods are ideal for contemplation and planning while direct periods are best for forward action. It’s time to revisit areas where these retrogrades are happening and identify what needs revisiting and fixing. Saturn turned retrograde on May 11th, Venus on May 12th and Jupiter on September 13th. Pluto turned retrograde on April 26th and remains retrograde til October 4th. Below are the date ranges for each retrograde.

Pluto in Capricorn April 26-Oct. 4
Saturn in Aquarius back to Capricorn May 11-Sept. 29
Venus in Gemini May 12-June 25
Jupiter in Capricorn May 14-Sept. 13

Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn takes us backward to look at the huge transformations that have occurred in government, with business and the devastating losses of peoples careers and work. The retrograde is a time that we look at how we can begin again having let go of the old structures which are broken and are in need of fixing.

Saturns retrograde in Aquarius back to Capricorn offers some inner reflections that once realized can be worked with. Here are some questions you can reflect on during this retrograde.

* Would you like to be more mature and responsible?
* Do you want to excel at planning to make the best use of your time?
* Do you want to manage things better and become wiser?

On July 1 Saturn moves back into Capricorn so we’re just receiving a glimpse of the Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and you could be seeing different benefits of how you can put your intuitive ideas into structural action between May 11-June 30th. Then from July 1-Sept. 29th we’ll return to review the core meanings of Saturn. It’ll be a review of how you’re doing in the areas of maturity, responsibility, time management, planning, limitations and in using your wisdom.

Venus’s retrograde lasts 6 weeks. This retrograde period is best for reflection on relationships, money, security and things we value that require added mental focus and review. The retrograde takes place completely in Gemini so this retrograde will bring ideas and opportunities to realize what is in need of review and repair.

Jupiters retrograde through Capricorn will bring up revisiting areas of higher education, foreign countries, far travel and religious and spiritual areas. One of Jupiters biggest stories is hope, so take a look at the stories of limitations surrounding your career and areas where fear are present. Use this retrograde to identify your biggest challenges because that’s where you’ll receive the biggest breakthroughs. Jupiter is all about beliefs and so this is a great time to reflect on your beliefs and to discover life tools that will be beneficial for your future. Perhaps it’s time to spend sometime on researching a new career path.

For a private Reading contact Andrea @ 603-490-6253

Tune in weekly to our live webinar. Copy and paste this link to your browser. Stay informed about the current and upcoming Astrology influences.

Please stay well! If I can be of service to you with more personal astrology insight I am available with a 50% off coupon for people who are out of work and are looking for future understanding on what’s ahead for them and are feeling the financial constraints of the current economic crisis. I’m available to help anyone looking for personal Astrology Insight.

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,
Andrea Klim

Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there
