Photo source Please tune into Turn to the Stars weekly Astrology interactive Webinar. This is a free service that anyone can tune into on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. Please join us tomorrow evening. The link is below to join. Click here to view last Tuesdays recording Last weeks topic was the Northnode and Southnode of the Moon primarily. Also discussed was Venuses retrograde. So, the Northnode identifies a path we’re more unfamiliar with and the Southnode identifies where we’ve come from and are familiar with and are mean’t to resolve and move away from. The Northnode energy encourages us to look forward and to take a new path and it points toward the direction we’re mean’t to go toward. To understand this direction personally you’d want to take a look at your birthchart and identify where 29 degrees of Gemini is as this will be the area of your life that your mean’t to stay focused on developing. The Southnode shows where your mean’t to work through and move away from. The Northnode is a direction we’re usually more unaccustomed to taking. So we’re experiencing a change in the direction of our focus. For the last year and a half which is 2018 until May 2020 the Nodes have been in Cancer (Northnode) and Capricorn (Southnode). Capricorn is the sign of structures, systems and top-down government, big business hierarchies. Capricorn rules politics and large organizations. This was the old paradigm. Cancer is our comfort zone, our home, and our family. Cancer’s role is to help us connect with our true nature and build a strong inner foundation. Here’s an example. The Southnode shows where the problems are. With the southnode in Capricorn: power-driven politics, systems and structures. “Work, work, work, work, work” – the needs of the system are more important than the needs of the individual and tells of a corrupted patriarchal approach. The northnode offers the solution. The NorthnNode in Cancer makes sure each individual is safe, and cared for. Nurturing and nourishing, the individual, the family, and Earth. Spending more time at home. Taking care of children and the elderly. Cancer is the nurturing mother. So the outcome is Southnode in Capricorn wants better systems that take into account one’s safety and nurture. It wants politics and organizations that work to serve the needs of the individual with a uncorrupted patriarchal approach. Capricorn is the archetype of the father who takes responsibility and looks after his people. So we’re shifting our focus from nurturance and security of our families to focusing on communication, gathering information and learning how to socialize in different ways. There will be a time of adjusting to this new direction. The Northnode is the unknown direction, the unfamiliar, the risk zone. Yet, the Northnode is exactly what you need to embrace and learn how to master. This direction encourages us to be more free spirited, adaptable and to discern the duality of news and information you receive. It also points us toward taking short trips by car rather then taking flight on far journeys. Reading and writing is encouraged as it’s a way of expanding our minds. The news is something that can quickly change. Humanity is being asked to take a different direction. We’re mean’t to discover new methods for communicating and being encouraged to talk about new methods for learning. Gemini is an energy that’s always moving as it’s ruled by the planet Mercury so we’re advised to keep moving. It also rules neighbors and so communication is encouraged. Gemini also rules over contracts and agreements and so it’s advisable we look closely at old legal documents, study them and rewrite. It’s also a childlike sign and approaches things with a curious mind. Focusing on the things mentioned above will be the most beneficial. When you focus on the Northnode, everything flows in perfect alignment with the universe. To understand this even further Gemini is what we see when we open our eyes, Sagittarius is what we see when we close our eyes. Gemini is our concrete mind, Sagittarius is our abstract mind. The Northnode in Gemini means that in the next 18 months, we want to learn how to “be like a Gemini” while we want to let our inner Sagittarius take a back seat. The Southnode in Sagittarius brings up what we’ve done easily in the past and it tells us where our problems are. The Southnode is the “familiar” comfort zone, what you instinctively “know” from the past, what you are designed to keep doing because it feels safe and natural. The Southnode direction becomes a problem when we get stuck in it and refuse to change. When we do the same things over and over again. Instead of being comfortable it becomes rotten and toxic. It keeps us stuck in the past. The Northnode is where we are headed. The Southnode is what we need to distance ourselves from. The solution to a Southnode problem is always the Northnode. Sagittarius Southnode will bring up topics such as traveling by air to be looked at. In the upcoming year and a half, we can expect profound transformations in the way we travel. With the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius, rules will be re-written. Long-distance travel can become less accessible. But trips to the nearby park, forest or village will increase. 90% of people love traveling to faraway places. Old ways of receiving higher education should be looked back at and studied. Old belief systems, religion, laws, justice, spiritual laws and the truth. During the next 18 months some of your past and current beliefs may crumble, and they have to crumble when the Southnode is in Sagittarius so that they can open our consciousness for more relevant beliefs that are better in your new reality. So it will be Facts (Gemini) vs Knowledge (Sagittarius). Gemini is the scientist who only believes in what can be proven through what they can see in front of them while Sagittarius is the mystic who knows that life is more than what we can see and understand with our senses. Gemini will ask us to open our minds to a more scientific, fact-based approach. Buddha said – “doubt everything and find your own light”. Basically don’t embrace a belief just because everyone else does. This is not a time to make sense of things from a theory based outlook , but by actually getting your hands dirty and to finally notice the details we missed because our minds were too caught up wandering (Sagittarius), perhaps trying to escape a reality that is right in front of us but we have never truly could make sense of. We learn best from experience. To find out how the North Node in Gemini will influence you, reflect on what happened in your life when you had this transit in the past. This is when the North Node was in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius: October 2001 April 2003 March 1983 September 1984 August 1964 February 1966 December 1945 August 1947 These Gemini-Sagittarius connected themes will be realized when we have the Solar and Lunar Eclipses in June and July. Because the Nodes bring eclipses. If your birthday is in June or July or if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or angles to your (Ascendant, Descendant, MC, IC) around the degrees of the eclipse, you will be especially influenced by the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Capricorn in 2020-2022. You will also want to pay attention to what happens in your life around the time of the eclipses, because these events will have an important role in your life going forward. The time is here to embrace the Gemini-like qualities, and let go of those Sagittarius qualities because they will no longer serve you. Please stay well! If I can be of service to you with more personal astrology insight I am available with a 50% off coupon for people who are out of work and are looking for future understanding on what’s ahead for them and are feeling the financial constraints of the current economic crisis. I’m available to help anyone looking for personal Astrology Insight. To tune into the live weekly webinar, copy and paste the link below into your browser to join. |