New Moon Aries 3/24/20

Dear Friends,
During this time of global change and widespread anxiety, people are searching for insight and spiritual methodsto remain centered and to support each other collectively as we navigate great change. As Saturn moves into Aquarius on Saturday March 21, 2020 it inspires a collective influence to support each other and this becomes our main focus. You’re invited to a free 2 hr Zoom on-line, weekly webinar beginning Tuesday March 24, 2020 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. EDT, 6 -8 CDT, 5 – 6 MDT, 4 – 5 PDT. Mark your calendar to join in. I will be providing supportive Astrological & Spiritual Insight along with a guided Shamanic Journey that can connect us all with an intention for global healing.Meeting ID: 581-210-4631

During this time of global change and to support you in staying healthy spirit, soul, mind & body …I’m offering a 30% off coupon on any of the services I offer on line via Zoom. Your Reading is recorded both by video & audio and e mailed to you. This is a savings of $42

Click here to schedule a reading via Zoom Saving 30%

New Moon Aries
Actions you can take now during the Corona Virus Pandemic
Posted March 20, 2020
Click here to join me – Andrea Klim and Marc Brown as we discuss the planetary influences present right now and moving forward. During this show we offer answers to the two questions that keep being asked by everyone. Number one, why is this energy so intense? The other question that keeps being asked is when is this going to slow down. During this show we discuss actions you can take to care of yourself on all levels.
On Tuesday March 24th @ 4:41 a.m. EDT there is a new theme unfolding with a new moon in Aries at four degrees. The sun and the moon are at four degrees in Aries with the asteroid Chiron (the wounded healer) beside it. So this is a wounded new moon. Chiron in Aries represents the wounded warrior, wounded ego, wounded masculine or a wound of being able to take action and to be progressive. This new moon is forming a square to the northnode of the moon (the future) and the southnode of the moon (the past). So we should all be very cautious about our movement and think carefully before proceeding. This is what is called a cardinal T-square. I call this aspect a divine message to stay still. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars (the god of war) and because Mars is right beside Pluto (pandemics, death, change, devastation, transformation and then renewal) we need to take the serious message of this new moon and pay attention. A cardinal square to the northnode and the southnode indicates serious challenges are ahead and there’s things from the past we cannot change. As we all move into survival mode we must be aware of avoiding conflict as this is another primal influence of Aries.

On March 21st @ 11:56 p.m. EDT Saturn (responsibility, rules, work, discipline) moves into Aquarius and this a great help and plants a seed for growth for the collective, for our communities and friends to work together to strategize what’s best for us all using our intellect, technology and intuitive abilities. Saturn in Aquarius supports us to look to science, astrology and technology because these Aquarian ruled things offer tools for understanding and for mapping out the future. Saturn’s energy is serious and protective and Aquarius energy brings brilliant ideas and inventions. So it’s important to know the universe is sending us help as a collective.

Here’s a cognitive exercise that helps overcome some of the feelings associated with Chiron beside this new moon in Aries. Write down on a list areas of your life where you feel you are valuable. Write down how that value helps you and helps others. For each item on the above list write down how that value supports you to take action in healthy and assertive ways.

Meditation that relieves anxiety and fear

I look forward to being in touch.

Take care you be well spirit, soul, mind and body.
NEW – I am now offering Annual and quarterly subscriptions.With this subscription you’ll receive 6 hours of Readings, Shamanic Healing/Guided Journeys or any of the services I offer with appointments scheduled throughout the year and you’ll save 44% off the normal cost of individual appointments. Another benefit is you have many opportunities to absorb your Readings without feeling overwhelmed by a lot of information all at once. I look forward to staying in touch! 😀
Click here to learn more about subscriptions
TESTIMONIALDear Andrea –  I am so grateful you make the recording and even MORE GRATEFUL to work with you. You create such beautiful journeys and images! THANKS SO MUCH! Love, light, blessings and safety! Anonymous
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Turn to the Stars | 603-490-6253 | |

Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there

The emotional weight is about to be lifted

Thank you for visiting Spiral Circle yesterday!
It was so nice to see you all! Thank you to all who came by.
Spiral Circle is a metaphysical bookstore that also offers many types of Readings as well as a community of like minded, spiritual people.
I’ll be there again on April 4, 2020 from 3 – 7 p.m. If you’d like to see me in person, you can click here to schedule your appointment .
I’m also available for consultations in office or by Zoom by appointment.
For all my clients who’ve been getting Readings with me over the last 22 years, I’m offering a 20% off coupon to experience your Reading on line via Zoom.
Your Reading is recorded both by video & audio and e mailed to you.
Subscribers click here to try your reading via Zoom Saving 20%

Full Moon Virgo
Posted March 9, 2020

The peak of the full Moon influences will be today Monday March 9, 2020 @ 1:29 pm EDT/11:03 am PDT at 19 degrees of Virgo. As the influences of this full Moon have been approaching our jobs, daily routines and health have been a topic of focus. Virgo is a Mercury ruled sign so your mindset, the way you think about your life and put all the pieces together also comes into focus. It brings up how we strategize and plan to get things done from day to day. A focus on your physical health, your body and mental health is important now. Full Moons bring things to completion and fruition. The areas in your chart this full Moon in Virgo is in will be where your awareness and completion will come. It could be a job your doing is completing or you’re ending an old daily routine. Perhaps what you’re realizing is those old routines were not healthy or those old ways of thinking were not healthy. It’s possible old thinking patterns from the past are realized and you realize they need to end. This full Moon in Virgo is here to break those old, unhealthy thought processes, break those old routines that have kept you stuck and have prevented you from growing and taking steps forward in your life. This can be a time we realize the negative thinking patterns that have caused health issues. Thinking negatively about your life can come out in your body in weird ways. Perhaps you just haven’t made time to eat properly. This full Moon is here to help break these patterns and bring an end to what’s not healthy.

This full Moon is opposite Neptune, which is beside the Sun in Pisces. Neptunes influence brings resolve and awareness to areas that we maybe suffering. This opposition and connecting line of energy can show you how to improve the health of your body with a spiritual practice. So this energy supports a combining of the body with the spirit, the body and soul, the practical existence of daily life with a higher connection to a universal, unconditional love and creator source. This full Moon in Virgo is saying we have to find this balance so that daily life will be healthier. This means reconnecting with your spirit and soul in order to move forward in a healthier way.

The past Saturn and Pluto conjoining in Capricorn has brought up areas and old patterns of responsibility and limitation that need to change. This full moon in Virgo is saying no more! The south node in Capricorn is showing us patterns where fear has been driving us and what we’ve been doing to survive and these are the things that have to change.

Virgo is an Earth sign which means that material items are something we are more inclined to think about and to utilize to become healthier. These things can all help. However the connection between Neptune beside the Sun in Pisces and this full Moon brings clarity that the light of spirit and a spiritual practice is ultimately the way to resolve what’s the matter! 😀

Click here to listen to a meditation that melts away stress soothing and encouraging healing energy to travel through your body. This is a relaxing and healing guided meditation.

Mercury retrograde completes it’s long 2 1/2 wk journey today @ 8:57 pm EDT/11:57 PDT. Your awareness of past emotional patterns, dreams, areas you’ve suffered and boundaries were brought out during the retrograde. As frustrating as Mercury retrograde is, it has a divine function and that is to reveal information we didn’t recognize previously. From now until the end of March we have the opportunity to apply this knowledge and wisdom to the areas in your life that were highlighted during the retrograde. It provided you with a realization of ways to reach your goals and ideas of how to proceed.

Take care you be well spirit, soul, mind and body.

NEW – I am now offering Annual and quarterly subscriptions.
With this subscription you’ll receive 6 hours of Readings, Shamanic Healing/Guided Journeys or any of the services I offer with appointments scheduled throughout the year and you’ll save 44% off the normal cost of individual appointments. Another benefit is you have many opportunities to absorb your Readings without feeling overwhelmed by a lot of information all at once. I look forward to staying in touch! 😀

Click here to learn more about subscriptions

Dear Andrea – I just listened to the recording of my Reading and wanted to thank you again. So much has already happened since I spoke to you. I feel as though your reading helped me ground what has been happening. I am very excited about closing these old chapters. I now have a much clearer idea of what I want. This is a direct result of
your work. Thank you. I appreciate so much the work you do.

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Turn to the Stars | 603-490-6253 | |

Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there

Full Moon Virgo

Sat. March 7, 2020
3 – 7 p.m.
750 N Thornton Ave
Orlando, Florida 32803
Save $28.00 on a 1 hour Reading

Full Moon Virgo
Where attention goes, energy flows and results show
T. Harv Eker
Posted March 2, 2020

Photo taken @ Oceanside Beach, California
There will be a full Moon Monday March 9, 2020 @ 1:29 pm EDT/11:03 am PDT at 19 degrees of Virgo. If your birthday is within a couple days before or after the 9th of any month, you will feel the influences of this full Moon. If you’re a Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius, this full Moon brings a healthy awareness to the importance of staying mindful and present. There will be an emphasized awareness around your daily work, health and the days approaching will provide valuable & important details. This is a great time for discerning what’s healthy and what is not! Like the subtitle of this article states “Where attention goes, energy flows and results show” by T. Harv Eker.

This full Moon is having a great conversation with Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn and this emphasizes ease in achieving success in activities focused on business development with positive growth and transformations. This full Moon is supportive of doors opening in your career world. Go with the flow, listen to your intuition, pay close attention to the details and stay focused. Spend extra time caring for your business relationships as this is where the fruits of your labor will be recognized.

Mercury retrograde completes it’s long 2 1/2 wk journey on this day @ 8:57 pm EDT/11:57 PDT. Our awareness of past emotional patterns, dreams, areas we’ve suffered and boundaries were brought out during the retrograde. As frustrating as Mercury retrograde is, it has a divine function and that is to reveal information we didn’t recognize previously. From now until the end of March we have the opportunity to apply this knowledge to the areas in our lives that were highlighted during the retrograde. It provided us with a realization of ways to reach our goals and ideas of how to proceed!

The full Moon is highlighted with yellow in the chart below and Mercury is highlighted in blue.

As I watched the surfer in the photo above I thought “what an inspiration”. Surfing takes a lot of strength, focus, balance, skill and a will to stay upright! I thought “this time we’re all living in is certainly carrying us forward beyond the known and it’s not about how or where we fall but how we reorganize to get back up gathering the courage to ride a different wave with more wisdom from the experience”.

NEW – I am now offering Annual and quarterly subscriptions. With this subscription you’ll receive 6 hours of Readings, Shamanic Healing/Guided Journeys or any of the services I offer with appointments scheduled throughout the year and you’ll save 44% off the normal cost. I look forward to staying in touch! 😀

Click here to learn more about subscriptions

12/20/19 – Andrea did a reading for me in March of 2017. At the time I was not happy with many of the things she told me and I thought she was wrong. She was extremely accurate, so much so that I had another reading done. If there is something you want to know, Andrea will tell you. She is not just poking in the dark. She is the real deal and will give you advice as well. When you need to know, Turn to the Stars.” Joyce Pearsall

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Turn to the Stars | 603-490-6253 | |

Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there

New Moon Pisces – A month for reviewing past emotional patterns, Neptunes realm

New Moon Sunday February 23, 2020 @ 9:52 am EST
As our Astrological calendar changes from Aquarius to a New Moon in Pisces the potential for a review of past memories of deep emotional patterns may surface.
Every zodiac sign holds an energy influence that comes from its ruling planet(s). Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune influences areas of deep sensitivity to be revealed and Jupiters influence expands this sensitivity, widens your perception revealing the truth.
During this show I discuss what this means and the potential experiences to unfold from this New Moon on February 23 til March 24 (Aries New Moon). With this strong influence of Pisces/Neptune, it’s important to know where to look in your birthchart for understanding.
Pisces/Neptune can bring experiences of chaos when we get confused and overwhelmed and we can’t figure out what our light of guidance wants us to do.
Within that chaos there’s an unconscious, that’s deep. That which we don’t see or can’t grasp with our logical, rational third dimensional egoic mind.
Join me to hear about this month ahead. Why? Because we’re all connected by one consciousness and just as you change your calendar to see the new month ahead, the new Moon each month changes the calendar of outside experiences and this new Astrological calendar delivers new experiences which affects us all …. Join me on Youtube to view or just listen
NEW – I am now offering Annual and quarterly subscriptions. With this subscription you’ll receive 6 hours of Readings, Shamanic Healing/Guided Journeys or any of the services I offer with appointments scheduled throughout the year and you’ll save 44% off the normal cost. Because you find value in checking in with me throughout the year for your Astrology updates, this is something to consider.
Click here to learn more about subscriptions
TESTIMONIAL12/20/19 – Andrea did a reading for me in March of 2017. At the time I was not happy with many of the things she told me and I thought she was wrong. She was extremely accurate, so much so that I had another reading done. If there is something you want to know, Andrea will tell you. She is not just poking in the dark. She is the real deal and will give you advice as well. When you need to know, Turn to the Stars.” Joyce Pearsall
Subscribe to Turn to the Stars Youtube Channel

Turn to the Stars | 603-490-6253 | |

Turn to the Stars & you’ll find your answers there

Age of Aquarius A Golden Age An Age of Open Hearts Posted 02/10/20

Aquarius on the Horizon
Age of Aquarius, A Golden Age, An Age of Open Hearts.
We are approaching an age where the earth will reset. This is a time for
healing deep emotional patterns of trauma. Many channelers are bringing through information that is promising the more we heal old emotional patterns, the easier this transformation will be. It is up to us to open our minds and most of all our hearts.
Join me on Youtube to view
Mercury Retrograde
Click on the link below to learn more about the energy influences of the 1st Mercury Retrograde of 2020. Retrograde begins Feb. 16, 2020 8:20 p.m. east coast. We’re currently in the before shadow. 
Join me on Youtube to view
Sample Reading of a Monthly Forecast
Join me to hear a sample Reading of what changes are in store for Prince Harry (the Duke of Sussex) over the next 6 months. This is a new service offered that provides detailed insight into your month ahead. Delivered one month ahead to your e-mail. A video/audio recording. An
 Annual Subscription can save you up to 44% on your yearly Readings & other services.
12/20/19 – Andrea did a reading for me in March of 2017. At the time I was not happy with many of the things she told me and I thought she was wrong. She was extremely accurate, so much so that I had another reading done. If there is something you want to know, Andrea will tell you. She is not just poking in the dark. She is the real deal and will give you advice as well. When you need to know, Turn to the Stars.” Joyce Pearsall
2020 Astrology & Psychic Development Classes
Subscribe to Turn to the Stars Youtube Channel

Turn to the Stars | 603-490-6253 | |

Mercury Retrograde

The First of 2020

From Pisces to Aquarius – Dreams & Strategies

Click on the link below to learn more about the energy influences of the 1st Mercury Retrograde of 2020. We’re already in the before shadow.  
Join me on Youtube to view

Sample Reading of a Monthly Forecast
Join me to hear a sample Reading of what changes are in store for Prince Harry (the Duke of Sussex) over the next 6 months. This is a new service offered that provides detailed insight into your month ahead. Delivered one month ahead to your e-mail. A video/audio recording. An Annual Subscription can save you up to 44% on your yearly Readings & other services.


Thanks so much for the thorough, detailed reading! It really put the challenges ahead in a positive, constructive framework! Thanks also for all the additional information! Anonymous

2020 Astrology & Psychic Development Classes

Subscribe to Turn to the Stars Youtube Channel


Turn to the Stars | 603-490-6253 | |

New Moon Aquarius

January 24, 2020

Create a new you!

Dear Friends of Turn to the Stars,
It’s been awhile since I wrote to you … My daughter got married at the beginning of January and so it has been an exciting, emotional and time of great joy!

I am so happy to be back and focused on future trends and new adventures! I hope this New Year and this season of eclipses is inspiring and opening your minds and hearts to new experiences!

I just recorded a video that discusses the cosmic influences of this New Moon as it follows a portal /a month of eclipses and extreme changes in the world surrounding us and in our lives. There’s been new directions and big changes realized that will further unfold through experience over the next 6 months.

Tomorrow, Friday January 24, 2020 @ 6:33 p.m. EST the Sun and Moon conjoin in Aquarius ushering in a high energy and currents of new energy for new ideas and new thought patterns. This is a great time to open your mind and heart to new thought and new dimensions. This is about seeing others from a new point of view. It’s about creating a new reality and consciousness together! It’s about inventing new patterns of experience and response. Awareness is the first step! It is now possible to create a new you!


Thank you to all of you for your trust and for allowing me to provide Astrology & Spiritual Insight into your New Year. This is a time of great awakening, change, transformation and new vision for a new Earth! I’m so happy to be experiencing this with all of you!
Aquarius is the zodiac sign that inspires friendship, community, togetherness, awakening, new thought, new ideas, new strategies and so together we extend a hand to others so that we all proceed together. We all know there is strength in numbers. There’s a story about 2 Monks who were traveling together. They came upon a woman who was all by herself and crying because she didn’t know how she’d cross the quick moving river ahead of her alone and she begged for help. The young Monk realized his vows as they were forbid to touch a woman and so he ignored her but the older Monk went to her, picked her up and carried her across the river safely. The young Monk questioned him and reminded him of their vows. The older Monk said “I let her go as soon as we crossed the river … why are you still carrying her“?

This month is the time to move forward. Recognize what we’ve carried and has brought us to our knees. The new way is understanding that it’s okay to put down the past and move freely forward!
Here’s a link to a guided meditation that will assist you to put down that heavy backpack of old beliefs that no longer serve you.

Register here to register for 44% savings on Readings & Spiritual Insight in 2020
Take care you be well Spirit, Soul, Mind & Body
Turn to the Stars
Mount Dora, FL 603-490-6253


Kindest Regards,
Andrea Klim

Solar Eclipse Dec. 26, 2019

Hi Folks, During this video I discuss the Annual Solar Eclipse in Capricorn that is happening on Dec. 26, 2019 @ 12:17 a.m. EST. The time will differ depending on your location. This is a big eclipse for a few reasons. First of all we have the Sun and Moon beside each other at 4 degrees along with Jupiter and the South Node of the Moon. A huge sign of conclusions of an old cycle and releasing old patterns that affect our vitality.

Watch Solar Eclipse Dec. 25, 2019


Annual Subscriptions Available
1 – 90 minute reading (1st month) (Future Predictions-Overview of Year Ahead) value $200
3 – 30 minute readings (4th, 8th & 12th months) value $225
8 – 15 minute readings (2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th & 11th months) value $280
1 – Personal Birth Chart (1st month). Printed with detailed timelines. Value $65
1 – Printed interpretation of Personal Birth Chart (1st month) Value $25
12 – Each session will be recorded as an audio and video file available for download Value $120
1 – 60 minute session from Bonus section. Value $125
TOTAL VALUE = $1,040
Paid up front in full = $595 (~44% savings) paid annually
Quarterly payments = $695 (~33% savings) (1st payment of $250, 3 payments of $148),
Monthly payments = $895 (~15% savings) (1st payment of $250, 11 payments of ~$60)
• Quarterly and Monthly payments require automatic withdrawals / credit card on file and
agreement for 11 recurring payments via Paypal.

Quarterly Subscriptions:
1 – 90 minute reading (1st month) (Future Predictions-Overview of Year Ahead) Value $200
3 – 30 minute readings (4th, 8th & 12th months) Value $225
1 – Personal Birth Chart (1st month). Printed with detailed timelines. Value $65
1 – Printed interpretation of Personal Birth Chart (1st month) Value $25
4 – Each session will be recorded as an audio and video file available for download. Value $40
1 – 30 minute session from Bonus section
Paid up front in full = $495 (~22% savings)
Quarterly payments = $525(~17% savings) ($250 down, 3 payments of $92)

Choose one of the following (Value $125)
Relationship/Compatibility Charts (Composite), Guided Shamanic Journey, Soul Retrieval,
Extraction, Past Life Regression, House & Land Clearing (can be done remotely),
Past Lives Reading, Full Interpretation: Birth Chart/Souls Map Reading,
Language of Astrology – Introductory Astrology Class, Solar Return (snapshot of the year ahead),
Horary Reading – Yes/No answers to important life questions or finding lost items.

Please join me and watch the show …. Happy Holidays to you and yours, Andrea Klim

1 Week Sale on Home & Land Clearings


Dear Friends of Turn to the Stars,
I hope this e-mail finds you well as we prepare for the Christmas Holiday! From today until next Thursday I’m offering $50.00 an hour off a Home & Land Clearing or a personal, guided journey to clear your physical body from negative attachments. This type of work can be done in person or remotely via Zoom. What’s most important is the intention. Click on the brown tab above or below to register, schedule and save. Normally 1 hour of this type of work is $125. It will be best to enter into the New Year free of negative influences and old attachments. Expires 12/12/19


Material items, buildings, homes and land have a memory just like we
do. Just as you would clean your home and care for your yard it’s very important to clean the spiritual presence and energy as well! If you do not energy and spirits can stay attached and then the environment can become uncomfortable to live in. I have a client who recently hired me because she had a rental property that she wanted to sell. Since her tenants moved out she had completely cleaned, repainted and restored the house physically to newness. She told me everytime she went into the house she felt sick. She also said she could not get one showing and she felt something energetically was very wrong. So I went there and cleared the home and the land from the leftover negativity. Immediately following she started getting showings and just closed a sale on the property. Clearing the home and the land was the TLC that it needed. So, as you can see it’s very important that we keep our homes and land spiritually cared for as well.

Open your heart and mind while listening quietly to this meditation and create a whole new abundant and prosperity reality in your life

WHEN: This Saturday Dec. 7 from 3 – 7 p.m.
WHERE: Spiral Circle Books, Botanicals & Bounty, 750 N Thornton Ave.,Orlando, Florida
$10 off 15 min. Readings
$15 off 30 min. Readings
$25 off an hour Reading


Affordable Group Classes forming now for 2020Learn from the comfort
of your home via Zoom
Learn the Language of Astrology (5 week interactive class) 
* You will receive a copy of your birthchart/soul map and a printed analysis
* Learn keywords that describe the energy influence of each planet, 
   zodiac sign, house (area of your life), aspects (how and what the
planetary connections in your chart say about you)
* Formulas for interpretation of your chart
* The age of your soul and exact time of lives lived before
* How you can grow and overcome challenging patterns of experience
* The best path toward self mastery and fulfillment
* Exercises for healing pain, where your talents and gifts reside
* The exact age of unfolding of important life experiences 

   Understanding how to interpret an Astrology Birth Chart will
become an incredibly positive asset or life tool for living a more fulfilling & happy life

 Psychic Development (5 week interactive class)
* Learn what psychic powers and how to use them in your daily life
* Learn the effects of these energies to your Spirit, Soul, Mind & Body
* Practice sensing & seeing energy (i.e. the aura)
* Learn how to overcome fears and doubts
* Learn how to eliminate negative psychic energy and protect yourself
* Learn Psychic awareness techniques and exercises
* Meet your own spiritual guidance team
* Learn how to do casework and practice developing it 

 Click here to contact me for further information on cost and class datesTurn to the Stars & You’ll Find Answers There

Growing Together Spirit, Soul, Mind & Body
Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars
[603-490-6253]  []  
Follow Us On Facebook


Dear Friends of Turn to the Stars,
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was one of the best ever for me … so much to be thankful for. Click on the Black Friday link above and to save $50.00 off a ONE HOUR appointment and apply it toward any of the services offered below. A 1 hour appointment is normally $125.
2 days ago I had a conversation about this … the statement was quite brilliant and this is what it was: “Cars, computers, appliances, etc. all come with a handbook but so few of us take the time to read these things. Mostly we refer to them only when we run into a problem”. I replied “yes as humans we’re born into a body and Astrology is our divinely written handbook that gives us the gift of knowing what we carry inside into this life but without the universal god/goddess spirit it will not live”.

Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Interpretation
Future Predictions/Connect with your loved ones who’ve passed
Birth/Soul Chart/Life Chart ConsultationHeal
Your Soul – A Spiritual Guide For Healthy Living (packages available for deep/soul healing)
Past Life ReadingsHorary Readings (yes & no answers to important life questions)
Solar Return Chart (snap shot of your year ahead)
Best Time For Surgery
Gift Certificates Personalized (Printed copy or E-Gift Certificate)
This Reading is normally $165. With the coupon above you’ll save $50.00 on an in depth Relationship Reading. This is an in depth comparison of 2 charts. You’ll receive answers to these questions: Is this Person my Soul Mate?  What will the Areas of Difficulty be in this Relationship? Why are we together? What does this person bring to me in a relationship? Are we soul mates or soul twins? Were we together in prior lifetimes? Is this relationship one that I want to continue to pursue?