As I looked at the Universal astrology chart today .. the energy of the northnode in Leo opposite the southnode in Aquarius is urging us to express our hearts in the most creative ways even though it’s most comfortable to go along with the crowd … this is an important balancing act … express leadership yet consider your neighbor, friends, community, be brave and be recognized yet be humble and humane … express your individuality yet consider what’s best for everyone. With Mars in Aquarius just beside the south node we’re apt to see some unique methods of strategy at work amongs’t many groups. Another meaning that Mars in Aquarius brings up is themes of trauma from the past resurfacing, unexpected and shocking trauma that we may have buried and this transit of Mars could be bringing it up for you to see so that you might find a remedy. Trauma overwhelms our nervous system and dealing with it can bring up anxiety. Using Mindfulness techniques is helpful. But more importantly facing the trauma and finding the root of it will be the most helpful. Astrology paints the picture of what is above us and how it may or may not be influencing us below.