Taurus Full Moon – The Beauty of Diversity Click here for video version Tomorrow Tuesday November 12, 2019 at 9:39 a.m. EST (the time of the full moon varies on your location), there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Taurus. Traditionally this full Moon has been called “The Mourning Moon“. because it is the last full moon before the Winter Solstice. In many cultures November’s full moon is intimately and symbolically connected with death and loss. Symbolizing the letting go of what was. First Nations people called this full moon the “Beaver Moon” because Beavers are very active, working hard on dam construction, and so this was a good time to start harvesting their fur to provide warmth and food for the upcoming months of less sunlight and warmth. An awareness was present of the need to use the earth’s abundance. Examining this full moon chart I felt the diversity of the beauty attached to this full moon. There’s a great sense of earth, earthly desires and beauty attached to this full moon as Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus. This full moon is opposite the Sun in Scorpio and beside Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and so the Suns light (Spirit) illuminates Mercury (our minds) and there is a realization of knowledge being illuminated which is the gift of Mercury retrograde. When Mercury moves to stand beside the Sun we are able to see a little clearer the topics and themes that we’ve been reviewing. Mercury continues to be retrograde until November 20 and it’s after shadow will lessen each day until December 7. The knowledge you realize during the retrograde will provide you with the means to a brighter future. Scorpio unveils secrets revealing truth that was buried. On this full moon and as Mercury stands beside the Sun you will realize the beauty attached to diverse opinions and choices. You’ll realize the value of letting go of old, stagnant patterns. This full moon is fixed. So it sheds light on things we’ve tightly held onto because of not knowing another way or due to fear of change. The beauty in the diversity of this full moon is that you now realize the patterns of behavior that you’ve held onto for unhealthy reasons whether it was from guilt or just due to learned behavior. As the full moons energy reaches its peak of fullness in the early hours of Tuesday morning, it will form a beautiful trine to the Southnode of the moon in Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn and finally to Pluto in Capricorn. The trine aspect makes it easy to receive clarity to old karmic, behavioral patterns that maybe comfortable but not best for your growth and evolvement. This is a great time to examine your past identifying painful patterns and hand them over to your higher power. Pluto in Capricorn provides a powerful, supportive force for you to surrender those old patterns and then this it can empower you to step forward with new, healthy patterns which you will need to work with daily. It takes at least 21 days to learn new behavioral patterns! Pluto in Capricorn symbolizes a powerful need to let go and let die old stories and old paradigm of control. As we move into 2020, the alignment of Southnode, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will continue to show us what no longer serves us. To look at your past soul’s story and your current lifes story of experience with a plan for releasing old patterns and learning new, healthy patterns … I am available to work with you on Healing Your Souls Story. Give yourself a gift that keeps on giving. Discounted healing packages and gift certificates are available. |
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