Mercury Goes Direct

Turn To The Stars News
Mercury Goes Direct
Week of Aug. 12-18
Hello Friends of Turn To The Stars,
The most important planetary news to end this week comes on Saturday August 18th at about 9:41 p.m. We feel some relief as Mercury the planet that influences our ability to make good decisions turns direct. Mercury’s been retrograde in Leo and it will be the first of 6 planets to go direct. It’s been retrograde since July 26. This means there’s been so many things we’ve been forced to re do and it has been for the better good. I think it’s very important that we identify what those areas are because none of this was by accident.
In our solar system each of the planets has a different vibration and a different affect on us. Mercury’s realm is communication, logic, reason and decision making. It affects mechanical items that we use for communication, mechanical things like our cars, travel and misunderstandings. So many of these areas have held us back. There’s been more delays then usual it seems and that’s because Mercury is just one of 6 that have been retrograde. That’s alot of inner activity for us all to experience at once. There’s 5 other planets still in retrograde. Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. I guess we could say that Mercury is leading the way to get us moving forward. Good news! So I say let’s say 3 cheers in preparation for getting our minds back on track!
We are still feeling the effects of the changes promised by the 3 eclipses we just had. Our awareness of where and what these changes are is beginning to feel more realistic. I see the incredible affects everywhere and with everyone in some way. This Saturday is also the end of the first quarter Moon since the partial solar eclipse last Saturday. A partial solar eclipse is like a major new moon so it promises major changes which usually affect our identity in some way. It’s life changes which are dramatic! And the first quarter moon encourages us to grow in understanding. Day by day as the light of the moon increases at night, so does the emotion around the experiences we’re having. By Sunday August 26th we’ll have a full moon which will be at 3 degrees of Pisces. I’ll be recording a broadcast about that very soon. Much more to come on that. Just remember that growing energy can easily allow the victim mentality to surface, so play some happy music. Do something to lift your spirits if you’re finding you’ve got alot on your plate.
When I look at the aspects from Mercury as it turns direct, that is the way it is conecting with other planets I see a passing trine to the moon in Sagittarius which inspires positivity in the early evening on Saturday. I also see a growing square from Mercury in Leo to Jupiter in Scorpio. It could feel overwhelming to mentally accept or completely grasp all that is changing. It’s going to be very important to realize the need to accept the things we cannot change. Which makes me think about the serenity prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
People who are fixed signs such as Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio or have planets in their birth charts in these signs may find the added need to realize what they can change and what they cannot. As these are the ones that find it hardest to accept change. With this square it can be mentally overwhelming to hear, understand and digest the degree of change, loss and suffering that we are hearing. Meditation, journey time or prayer will bring enlightenment. As Mercury is in Leo heartfelt words of inspiration will be easier to be expressed outwardly. We may find ourselves more concentrated on exercising the creative sides of our minds. This can be a difficult time to remain positive. Overall, a great remedy between now and August 28th is to recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed and to start listing all that you’re grateful for.
This is just a short article to explain some of the most present planetary influences which are universal. This means these are things affecting us all in some manner.
For a more personal reading I am available tomorrow at Every Nook & Cranny in Mount Dora from 12-5 and on Saturday from 10-2 p.m. at Massimo Art Gallery in Orlando. Please see below for the addresses of these locations.
Sending you all lots of smiles and inspiration,
Andrea Kim

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