2 Day Development Class – Perfect for Parents & Young Responsible Adults (16+) Taught by Astrologer/Shamanic Practitioner Andrea Klim
CLASS LENGTH: 8 hrs Sat. & Sun. with an hr for lunch each day
COST: $550.00 for 2 day Intensive. Early bird rate before Nov. 2 is $495.00
You need a bed roll or reclining beach chair, blanket and pillow for your journey time, notebook and if desired eye mask.
Learn how to access a different state of consciousness where you gain “wisdom and guidance that can answer questions you have about your life.” Traditionally Shamanism is practiced for help and healing others. A practitioner often journeys for self-healing and development. In this sense we are healing ourselves as one of the whole and once healed, we can share that knowledge and healing.
- learn the history of core shamanic practices
- learn the different worlds that the shamanic practitioner can travel
- discuss the shamanic journey and methods
- view videography of shamanic practices
- learn through guided journeys how you will personally access these worlds creating your own pathways in and out of these worlds
- meet your animal guides and spirit teachers whom you will develop ongoing relationships with
- learn how to track spirits
- meet and communicate with the spirits of your ancestors
- be guided through a journey that will open doors to past lives for understanding and healing of your present life
- learn how you can help others and yourself through the practice of core shamanism
The practice of Shamanic Journeying is different then Mediumship and Psychic or Spirit Channeling in that the practitioners soul takes flight to bring back information and/or help.
I was surprised at the beginning by the fact that all this light was coming to me like I feel when I pray to God and it is like God and his light is filling me. I can still see how it moved through me. I can’t say I have ever been well behaved and as such the light was racing off ahead to other parts of my body. I was trying to pull it back, but it was like an excited child that could not be contained.
The light had a happiness to it. Even during times of forgiveness and the most intense healing, the light rained down tears of joy and happiness. There was a strong sense of relief.
Every place we went filled me with gladness.
There became a huge number of people coming to me, but not just them, but animals of every kind. Though I always tried to do the right thing, sometimes I failed to love animals like I should have. During the healing I was bitterly sorry to them and begged them for forgiveness as well.
The bear was significant because of Grizzly bears in my life. I have seen them and been near them many times. And once in fact I came in physical contact with one. In every case, they never hurt me; in fact, they were kind and I was very glad for that and have always been confused as to how they could be that way with me when so many time they have been terrible, brutal, and deadly. They have a tendency more than most other bears to be short tempered and aggressive, but not with me.
The most significant animal in our travels was a Grizzly who I hugged and loved.
Everyone and everything, people, animals, even plants, were sorry to see me go. Especially the plants we saw at the beginning and ending – I traveled through a famous (name?) meadow in Yosemite and I stayed on a well-traveled bath, admired, and truly loved all the plants.
I have come to know why I’m here and now more than ever I am compelled to shine brilliant light and love throughout.
As days went by, I tolerated a sure sign that I was making dramatic changes: I become forgetful, clumsy, and it takes me a long time to even type a single word and get it right as I fumble for the keys. My mind is busy somewhere else with the “important things.”
Gradually things would calm and then after a slight pause, I would become flooded with things I wanted to be forgiven for … I sat quietly and meditated and sought forgiveness and cleansing. Again, I would start driving somewhere and forget where I was going, …. Eventually, things settled.
I most enjoy the meditation with the Hawaiian name.
Meditation has gone from “a lot of things happening” to “calm, quiet, everything is at peace.”
I look forward to our next meeting.