Unexpected Results are Expected
Void-of-course motion
Void-of-course motion is when the Moon reaches near the end degrees of the zodiac sign that it has been traveling through. From the time it makes its last aspect or energy connection with another planet is when the void-of-course motion begins. This period of time today is when you may feel confused or not sure of what direction to go. This void-of-course period can create unexpected results. You may experience delays and frustrations. During this period of time it is best to avoid making decisions. It will be much easier to just go with the flow of what is around you. If you can avoid shopping, signing contracts or making important decisions during this time, you will avoid difficulties later on. You will save yourself wasted time, money and effort by paying attention to the do’s and don’ts of this period of time. Try looking at the list below and experiment for yourself. You will discover that this time period is best for subjective, non-materialistic avenues of involvement and you may feel much more at ease after having this time to ponder and reflect on important decisions that you may need to make.
Recommended Moon Void-Of- Course Do’s
1. read
2. meditate
3. exercise
4. organize, file & clean (don’t throw anything away, as that would involve a decision)
5. watch a movie
6. take a nap
7. routine chores and duties
Recommended Moon Void-Of- Course Don’ts (stay away from starting anything that you want to get a result from such as )
1. medical/health appointments
2. making a large purchase
3. a sales meeting or a job interview
4. a first date or getting married
5. repairs to automobiles or appliances
6. signing a contract
6. traveling, if you have to..it might help to have the mind set that there is the possibility of lost luggage, detours, delays in schedules
The actual meaning of “Void- Of- Course” is “nothing will come of it.” It really is a “time- out” period. Try it!
A very good way to describe the Moon void of course is that the Moon is on a “break”. As the Moon does rule daily routine, if you pay close attention to this period of time you may notice how the flow of the energy shifts and changes as the Moon moves from one zodiac sign to another. People have described the shift from one zodiac sign to another as feeling like an actual shifting of gears. Much like a car, there is a period of time when the gears must move through neutral in the transition. This is very similar to what the Moon does. She has a “special time” in which she takes a nap or a lunch break before she moves on to her next job. You could also say that this is her time of nourishment or revitalizing.
Here is something you might find interesting: “If you have to date someone and don’t really want anything to come of it, start the date while the Moon is void of course. And if you break up from a personal relationship on a void of course Moon, you will probably get back together very soon. So, if you want something that you are doing to have a solid and stable outcome do not start it when the Moon is void of course. If you want to meditate or expand your mind or want to play, rest or relax, well then the void Moon is the best time for this.
There is the tendency to get “lost” during a void of course Moon. The energy is not as grounded and centered. If you are a person who is normally not as grounded and spacey, you may easily loose track of time and space.
If you pay close attention to Moon void of course times, you can be much more effective in your life. But remember, the things that you want to matter should be done when the Moon is NOT void of course. Relaxation and fun can be maximized when the Moon is void of course. Just remember these rules for planning and you may be able to avoid difficult outcomes.