Merry Christmas Gift – From Turn to the Stars

To All My Subscribers, Clients, Students and Friends,
May all my friends, clients, students and subscribers who need a miracle be blessed. Mat whoever is junwell and weak be given strength. May all of those who have heavy burdens have their load lightened. May your Christmas be one filled with happiness and joy.
Lots of love to you all,
Andrea Klim
Subscribe for regular Astrology & Spiritual Insights
Andrea Klim is a 22 yr experienced and educated Intuitive Astrologer and Practitioner of Shamanism as well as a published Author of “Trapped Souls A Story of Healing”. She is a native New Englander who currently resides in central Florida.

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Save 25% on any of the Readings, Ghost Clearings, Past Life Readings, Relocation Readings, and Subscriptions saving 52%. Coupon expires Dec. 31, 2020. Contact Andrea to personalize a gift certicate for someone on your Christmas list or for a special gift for you during this incredible time of awakening of a new consciousness on Earth..
Thank you for all your continued support and always Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there … lots of love to you all!
Take good care everyone and please be safe,
Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars
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Mercury Opposite Uranus

Click Here to Listen or View Mercury Opposite UranusThe 12th Amendment

In 1800 John Adams ran against Thomas Jefferson and the House of Representatives voted to break the tie. In 1824 John Quincy Adams defeated Andrew Jackson and this was called a watershed, a change in history.

Again the house of representatives voted to break the tie.

Reported by By Nicholas Fando of The New York Times
Nov. 17, 2020

Progressives and moderates are already warning over how to use the dynamic to tip the party in their respective directions. For centrist Democrats, that will mean resisting the entreaties of Mr. Biden and other party leaders to push through more liberal policies. A link to my show on Thomas Jefferson with Jeffrey Sayer Close.

Click Here to listen or watch Thomas Jefferson

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Mercury Opposite Uranus – A Break in The Status Quote – History Repeats

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Sat. Dec. 3 with 2 week holiday break from 11 am – 1 pm

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Take good care everyone and be safe,

Andrea Klim
Turn to the Stars

Trapped Souls

A True Ghost Story

Click here to listen to or watch A True Ghost Story

We all have a story to tell and my life work has been helping souls who’ve often died tragically to find their way home. This video is just one of at least 40 or more ghost clearings I’ve had the ability to help go home to our creator. Love to you all …..

Purchase Trapped Souls A Story of Healing

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Remember Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there!

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Republican & Democratic History of Differences

Click Here to Watch or listen to the Republican & Democratic History of Differences

Join us to discuss the history and foundations behind the Republican and Democratic Parties and their differences, the 11 11 portal today and its meaning, Venus square Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn and the Neptune square Neptune.

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Remember Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there!

Schedule a Reading with Andrea

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Learn Astrology – 8 week class starting on Zoom Sat. Nov. 14, 2020 11 am – 1 pm.
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Venus Goddess of Love – Week of Nov. 9-16


This is my overall forecast for this week and into the weekend. This week is super crazy, but this is the new norm for now …

Join me for the forecast and thank you so much for all your support! Take care you stay well and safe!

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Remember Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there!

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Learn Astrology – 8 week class starting on Zoom Sat. Nov. 14, 2020 11 am – 1 pm. For more information go to:…

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Saturn and Jupiter Move into Aquarius

December 2020 – The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The 2 largest planets in our solar system move into Aquarius (a sign of equality, new technology and invention) in December. Saturn moves into Aquarius on December 17th and then Jupiter moves into Aquarius on December 19th. They will both be in Aquarius for 2021 Aquarius is the sign that is associated with groups. It’s going to be a new world where our social contract is with technology and revolution. The ancient astrologers said Saturn rules Aquarius because Saturn is the planet of social systems and government.

Now I’m going to explain the meaning of Aquarius because it influences a very mysterious expression of Saturn, and so many planets are going to be in this sign for 2021.

In order to understand the deeper meaning of any sign in astrology, we can look to its opposite sign in the Zodiac because this axis represents a continuum rather than a duality. This concept is similar to the notion of the unity of opposites, which has been assimilated into modern interpretation of the uniting of opposites. Opposites defines the existence of something is depending on the presence of two conditions which oppose each other yet are dependent on one another within a field of tension. As an astrologer I can’t think of a better way of describing an opposition aspect.

So, the sign opposite Aquarius is Leo which is ruled by the Sun. Both the Sun and Saturn are the Alpha and Omega of our visible universe. The sun is the center of our solar system, and Saturn is the last planet, you can see with the naked eye.

Now, these two signs have contrasting meanings in the same way that all opposition’s do. Leo is about individualism and represents a king or some other singular authority. Aquarius is more democratic since it’s about following the authority of the collective instead of one ruler. Aquarius is about stepping out of the spotlight as an individual in favor of finding your identity within a group.

There’s another important thing to understand about the esoteric meaning of Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign that tells us that we need to give up some of our individual freedoms in order to gain greater social freedom.

For example, we all have to pay taxes. However if we didn’t pay taxes, there would be no government funding for the military, and that would mean that our country couldn’t defend itself. and then we’d always live under the threat of invasion. I’ll give you another example, following the rules when you drive is really annoying especially when there’s lots of traffic and you just want to drive in the shoulder lane or park on the sidewalk. If everyone did that then there’d be so much chaos on the roads and no one would be able to get anywhere and that would impact greater systems of trade and distribution. My point is that even if laws, taxes and limitations imposed on us by the government and society can be very difficult sometimes. if we lived in a world without these things then there would be much social disorder and weak infrastructure and it would be impossible to open a business or even leave your home safely. Sometimes giving up a few little freedoms can lead to greater social stability. This could give us more freedom in the long run. And this is the higher meaning of Aquarius, its freedom with stability and structure.

With all the emphasis on Aquarius in 2021, we can expect to see more divisive and tribalistic politics with more protests and calls for social reform and greater legislative changes because both Saturn and Jupiter rule law in sort of different capacities.

Technology may also expand and retract at the same time, perhaps becoming a more integrated part of our lives while also being more regulated and possibly even broken as Saturn will square Uranus and will be exact in February, June and December of 2021. The last time this aspect happened was in 1999 and in early 2000. 

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Venus Opposite Mars

Venus is in an applying opposition to Mars in Aries retrograde so this energy of connecting through love and kind deeds is strong and on the other hand the energy of recognizing differences in how we relate to each other is equally strong! Join me for the rest of the astrology insight ….

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Remember Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there!

This class is reduced more then 50% of the normal rate and is offered at $115.00 per student for eight 2 hour long classes. Here is a testimonial from one of my students.  This is a group class and is interactive.  To register click on the Paypal button below and I will contact you for your birth information. 

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Post Election Astrology News Prediction

I hope the astrology and intuitive insight contained in this recording gives you some sense of relief. I share my personal prediction about the outcome along with some historical facts and future predictions for the United States of America’s future.

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Remember Turn to the Stars and you’ll find your answers there!

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Learn Astrology – 8 week class starting on Zoom Sat. Nov. 14, 2020 11 am – 1 pm.

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Mercury Square Saturn During The 2020 Election

We have such an extraordinary energy system right now and I wanted to touch on it. This is quite a month, not only does it end with a lunar eclipse, which starts eclipse season. There will be a lunar eclipse in Gemini which is Donald Trumps sign. We also have the 3rd and final Jupiter, Pluto conjunction. We had the 1st back on April 1st and the 2nd was on June 29th. The 3rd will be on November 12th. These dates all correlate with the Corona Virus.
On election day, November 3rd, we have Merrcury square Saturn … this equates this equates to delayed decisions!
Click Here to Join me for the rest of the article and video/audio recording …
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Learn Astrology – 8 week class starting on Zoom Sat. Nov. 14, 2020 11 am – 1 pm.

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Astrology Presidential Prediction Content

Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn are all opposing Bidens the planet ruling his birth chart at this time and Trump has Neptune squaring his Uranus, North node and Sun. These are major transits and the influences are long coming and long leaving.

Join me for information that’s out of this world.

There is an Astrology prediction reference in this video.

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