Pluto & Jupiter Come Together Again – Power & Truth

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Astrology News update for the week of June 28, 2020. This week is going to be a week packed with astrological events. We’re in the midst of eclipse season that is getting closer to concluding, but not quite yet.

Early next week we will have the final of three eclipses taking place. This will be a lunar eclipse happening in the sign of Capricorn. I’ll talk more about this in another article. I do think that this week in many ways sets the stage. As the Moon grows in reflective light, so does our instincts and intuition. This is the week the universe lets us know either where our work is or where our truth is that ultimately will give clues to more changes which are right around the corner. If you’re sensitive to the influences of the planets, you may start feeling the lunar eclipse before the week is even over. The lunar eclipse occurs on Sunday July 5th at 12:24 a.m. EDT at 13 degrees of Capricorn. This full moon/lunar eclipse will reveal an emotional theme in relationships. We’re being asked to look at emotions connected with business relationships and/or areas where change is coming with how to relate to what you do out in the world. This will bring a reality check into how to feel about your work, your career, your family and the things you’re responsible for. This can bring about emotional realizations of where change is taking place within the world in the business sectors.

Eclipses tend to bring whole new perspectives, quick changes, but also a sense of alignment with a higher vision for our life. Now, as we are in the middle of eclipses, we’re being invited to look to the root to understand where meaningful change can take place from the inside out. This is where revelations can show, where there’s work to be done.

A big part of this is because of Jupiter and Pluto. These two planets will join together, side by side, 3 times this year. They will be side by side this week on Monday June 29th at 11:16 p.m. EDT. The time may vary depending where you are on the planet. These planets will have their second of two exact meetings. The first took place back in April. The final will take place in November, before these planets move on. They won’t meet again until the middle of the following decade. Then, these two planets will be in different signs. They’ll be in the sign of Aquarius. But for right now, they are in Capricorn. These two planets connecting this week for the second of three meetings brings about a heightened awareness of the power of transformation and of powerful dynamics as they play out.

Whenever the planet Jupiter joins up with another planet, it tends to magnify its energy, as is the case now. Both Pluto and Jupiter are magnifying each other right now. Jupiter adds focus and emotional intensity. It brings the energy of a planet it meets up with to a heightened point. Jupiter expands and it grows whatever it is that it touches. Jupiters energy is high with the hope of changing social structures. This is what Capricorn represents, change within corporations, which is part of Pluto meeting Jupiter. There is an awareness of these larger power dynamics and the way in which they can seem all encompassing, and all powerful, taking place.

Capricorn is also an energy that is considered rather traditional. So, we’re going to have another phenomenon that is going to fit in with this. On Wednesday July 1st, Saturn will retrograde out of the sign of Aquarius, and back into the sign of Capricorn. Saturn will be traveling backwards through Capricorn for a few months. In December, Saturn will leave Capricorn once again. It won’t return to Capricorn for about two and a half decades. So, it’ll be about 28/29 years before Saturn is back in Capricorn. But for now, this represents a buildup of Capricorn energy.

This could play out a couple of different ways. If you think about it, it was when Saturn moved into the sign of Aquarius that social restrictions started to be put into place, especially on a worldwide level. Saturns has a restrictive energy. So, when Saturn leaves the sign of Aquarius and moves back into Capricorn, it could feel as if we are able to, in a very earthly way, as Capricorn is an earth sign, connect with each other in more practical ways. As Saturn retrogrades back into the sign of Capricorn, it could help to take some of the revolutionary energy around social movements and move that energy towards changing social structures.

There will be a little bit of a respit around the end of the year, as Saturn is going to move back into Aquarius. Then, next year in 2021, there will be a series of squares between Saturn and Uranus. This energy suggests that there is a desire to go out and engage the world to want change. Social movements, who are wanting change, are going to become especially strong. But for now, the focus may start to shift starting this week towards understanding the things that hold societies and the skeleton of the world together.

As we begin to understand the strength of the structure and what’s always been there, traditions that are long lasting, we can think about the skeletons as being what’s been hidden. This may be a catalyst to look exactly at that, at the dynamics under the surface and to bring them forward. But we are going to notice that our collective focus starts to shift as the Capricorn energy grows for us all.

But there is a brightly, lighted response from all this very serious energy of Capricorn. This is due to a beautiful alignment that the sun and our retrograde mercury are going to be making to Uranus. I am very encouraged by this. As Mercury Retrograde meets the Sun on June 30th, both of these planets will be forming an opportunistic and harmonious connection with Uranus. Astrologers call this a sextile, and it ultimately suggests freedom, change, joy and there will be a sense of things changing and moving in a more fortunate direction. This will motivate us to take action. We could feel as if we are moving into a more promising future.

Mercury and the sun are moving through the sign of Cancer. Cancer has to do with home and family in a more personal sense, and there’s a great sensitivity. This also brings an understanding of where we are from. It brings an understanding of what it means to be a loyal citizen. Every country has things that are held as part of its identity. Things that they are fiercely proud of and hold on to. These are things that define them as a nation. It is Uranus’s energy flowing here toward freedom that ultimately brings an equalizing principle. It encourages us to recognize the spark that is within all of us. So, with Uranus making a harmonious aspect to Mercury retrograde, it encourages us to look again to reconsider and re-evaluate.

Uranus’s energy encourages us to do it in new ways. This process is lit up by the energy of the sun. This adds much more power and purpose to what is being reflected on and is taking place now.

From a more individual level, we may find that opportunities that were there in the early part of June, which may have been only a suggestion will come back around. These opportunities may start to materialize or become more clear. Then we can embrace these opportunities to move our lives in a more fortunate direction.Plutos energy invites us to go to the underworld, to dig deeply to look at what otherwise would be hidden. It influences us to examine, more fully, the underlying motivations of our own actions and to figure out what’s really going on under the surface.

Now, lets examine the energy of Jupiter. Jupiters energy is about going out into the world. It’s about believing. Jupiter is pure optimism, expansion and opportunity. It invites us get out into the world in order to welcome those opportunities. On the surface, they may seem to be contradictory energies but they’re really not.In Greek mythology Jupiter and Pluto, were siblings, they were brothers. They came from the same place. And so, even though we may think that being out in the world doesn’t necessarily mean reflection, it is only through reflection that we’re able to make sense of what it is that we consider worthy of engaging in. It’s only by understanding our deepest reasons that we’re able to secure what we are pursuing from a more authentic place.

It is going to be a period in time like this, and a celestial environment like this, that encourages us individually to get to the truth of what we really want, and why we want it. We’ll have an opportunity through Saturns retrograde, while it moves back to be beside Pluto. We are also encouraged to take responsibility for our actions, to understand our responsibilities and to move towards the happiness that we desire. Saturn encourages the change that we desire to become clear as to what is worth sacrificing for, and maybe what it is that has served its purpose. If we’re being honest with ourselves, there will be meaningful transformation which allows growth and brings closure. A more optimistic future needs to happen as part of understanding reality with a work ethic that integrates together to move us forward. This conjoining of powerful planets in the sign of Capricorn is going to help us to do just that.

I made an interesting observation. Venus is not going to be making any major, important planetary alignments for about a month. Venus will connect with the asteroid Chiron in Aries. Venus went direct last week on June 25th. She’s moving over the same path as she did back in the middle of April for the 3rd time. So, what is happening now, may reflect what was happening back in April. It was much more personal, much more of a private reflection, and much more of an opportunity for us to find personal clarity as to where we are in love and why and how we feel about it, because of the current alignment between Venus in Gemini and Chiron in Aries. We can also bring a level of healing to ourselves. The Venus retrograde season was best used to heal and integrate matters of love from the past. Now it’s time to embrace a more optimistic and loving future.

What I love most about this week is the harmonious energy of Uranus sextile to mercury and the sun. Mercury retrograde is making its second of three sextiles to Uranus. The energy is amplified due to the added sun shining its light on this sextile. Even though Mercury is retrograde and we are forced to review experiences and ideas we’ve already had and we experience upsets in the forward flow of things, there are times when mercury retrograde can work to our advantage. This could bring us back to see clearly opportunities we thought were lost. This helps us to take another look at where opportunity might have appeared as being lost. This could bring a fortunate turn of events that does transpire. This could allow us to follow up on an idea. This could allow us to understand what we could do in our own time, in our own space to move toward practical changes, personal happiness and personal satisfaction. This is a week that can be a beacon for even more profound changes coming next week with the lunar eclipse. It’s the practical rewards that we are aligning with now.

P.S. I have a wonderful group who I’ve been teaching The Language of Astrology to for the last 2 months every Thursday evening via Zoom. They’re entering their 3rd month of the beginning education of birthchart interpretation. I want to congratulate each of them for their hard work and desire to understand the language of astrology.

Just a reminder it will be in December, that Saturn will move back into the sign of Aquarius for a nice long stay right until March 2023. So, there’s lots of time to further explore how that is going to affect us all.
P.S. Here is a link to a a video I’m recording once a month with my dear friend Julianne Santini from Profound Life Wellness. Conscious Healing through Astrology & Shamanism. Click on the link below to listen or view.

Solar Eclipse June 20/21, 2020

I hope that this has given you some reassurance and clarity, as you look at your own path. As always, I greatly appreciate your support and hope at least some part of this information has helped and resonates for you. If you’ve found it helpful, please share with others in your social networks. As always you can find out more about the Readings and yearly subscriptions I offer. Personal Readings offer much more insight. I look forward to staying in touch.

Take care you are well spirit, soul, mind & body,
Andrea Klim

Turn to the Stars and You’ll find your answers there

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