In examining the chart of this full moon the indication is that our values, our sense of security and money systems are a powerful topic of examination, discussion and there are differences. The mutable T-square between Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius and Sun in Gemini shows a level of confusion and fog and will highlight the truth surrounding relationships both personal and in business. This is a time for realization and insights into who is honest and truly connected to the spark of creation and who is is suffering from pains of abuse and or loss. Questions and answers will come through this illuminating full Moon. Meditative exercises and forgiveness meditations will bring soul healing and help as the peak of the full Moon energy unfolds. Also meditations of gratitude will connect you to our abundant universe and bring peace and true unconditional relief. This full Moon has the capacity to open your eyes and connect you with avenues that can lead you to further education and or studies that bring higher knowledge and truth.
Mindfulness exercises will be helpful with all the mutable energy, i.e. shifting and stressful situations. These exercises help with ADHD, depression and PTSD. Chane your mind, change your life. Learn how to redirect your thoughts, observe and walk through periods that are uncomfortable or painful.
To explore the influences of change coming from the solar eclipse occurring on July 2nd 10 degrees Cancer (home, family) and lunar eclipse July 16th 24 degrees Capricorn (business, responsibilies, career), click here to register for your 1 hr or more Astrology Consultation saving 20%.
Offer expires July 16th.
Consultations are remotely available via Facetime, Facebook messenger and Skype.
Examine your souls journey and the root causes behind repetitive life patterns. Also available a day to day formula, monthly formula for walking through and healing old patterns.